All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1989: Partnership

"Feng Du, have you ever thought that you can get such a high score in the college entrance examination? Are you excited after learning that you have taken the full score?" A TV reporter immediately handed the microphone to Shen Long.

"I'm not surprised. Of course I thought. I usually have points deducted from my exams occasionally. As for the results of the pre-examination, it's a little bit abnormal." Shen Long's face calmed down and asked questions. Can I be more professional? I did n’t take the zero mark before this time. I ’ve been taking the full mark all the time.

The reporters at the scene were speechless. You got a score of 640 points. You deducted eight points and you called a malfunction? How do you play normally? Oh, yes, normal is a perfect score, and others have already taken it.

No, generally speaking, shouldn't the interviewer be humble in this situation? Why are you so direct? I didn't know what to ask next. The reporter froze for a while before continuing to ask, "Feng Du, do you have any tricks to learn? Did you work hard to get the current gain?"

"I'm not studying hard? I just listened to the class, finished the homework after class, and did not spend more time than others. It may be smarter for me to take such a high score!" Shen Long said frankly. I'm the man who inherited Zhuge Liang's wisdom, almost the upper limit of human IQ.

This made the reporter unable to take it again, which was not the same as what I thought. A reporter next to him said dissatisfiedly, "Why are you not humble at all?"

"Then what do you want me to say?" Shen Long spread his hands. "I said that my brain is stupid. I learnt until midnight every day. Is the head hanging beam cone spur stock such a result? Isn't this a lie?"

"Hehehe." The reporters smiled awkwardly. The reporter who just asked the question blushed suddenly, and he refused to admit defeat. "But you are likely to play a bad role model and make those who think they think so. Your smart children will not study hard. "

"That's okay, as long as they can get full marks for every homework, they won't work hard if they don't work hard." If you don't get full marks, it means you are not smart enough. Go home and read.

The reporter was choked to death again and again, and he got full marks for every subject. Even elementary school is not easy to do? At that time, the reporter of the TV station also slowed down and quickly changed the subject. "Then, Feng Du, can you tell us which university you applied for? Peking University or Tsinghua? What major?"

In the eyes of these reporters, for students of his level, the goal must be one of the top two domestic universities. The liberal arts seems to be more likely to be Peking University, but Shen Long once again exceeded their expectations, "Neither is it , I reported to the director department of the Beijing Film Academy. "

"Such a high score for the Beijing Film Academy? Is it too wasteful?" Someone blurted out.

"I want to go to the Beijing Film Academy, and then I was admitted. What a waste of it! Oh, by the way, my art test is the first place no matter whether it is the first test or the retest." This is ideal. Do you understand? What is the point of having to get to Tsinghua Peking University, vulgar, let alone, I have not been to Tsinghua University.

Is it possible to have a good chat, this one is different from the champion we interviewed before! Many reporters burst into tears and could only hold on and ask, "So what do you have to say to the students and students who will take the college entrance examination in the future?"

"Well, in this case, I want to persuade them not to think that I can get a perfect score, but some people think they can do it. Pursuing a full score is actually a very unnecessary thing, as long as you can guarantee that you are admitted to a university you like, It ’s too much to put too much energy into the pursuit of full marks. It ’s better to learn your favorite professional knowledge in advance at this time. ”From now on, it ’s more than thirty years and nearly forty years. I ’ve never seen one. College entrance examination can get full marks.

Oh, Shen Qi actually got a full score of 750, and another 20 points, but this guy is not a good match; as for Lu Zhou, he is pitiful, and the child was already a freshman when he got the plug-in. You can't drop out of school to take the college entrance examination again?

The reporters burst into tears again and listened. Are these all human words? Besides your pervert, who would dare to think that they can get full marks in the college entrance examination? We mortals who have passed the college entrance examination have tried their best.

The passion of the reporters was annihilated by Shen Long's scoop of cold water, and he came over happily, and went back dejectedly. There was still a headache on the way back. How should I write this manuscript? Will he be scolded by readers just as he said? The reporter of the TV station is even more depressed. What can we do if you can edit and delete him? Don't you put his interview video?

Until the meal time, Feng Dayou hadn't recovered from the shock, and kept asking, "Feng Du, you got a perfect score for the college entrance examination this time? Why don't you go to Peking University?" The exam is similar to the college entrance examination, and the name of Peking University was popular even before liberation.

"If you don't believe it, you don't have to read the newspaper tomorrow, it must be on the newspaper! As for Peking University, forget it ~ ~ I prefer to make TV shows and movies." Shen Long said with a chicken leg.

"Feng Qing, it seems that your brother is studying and strives to take the first place at the time." Xu Yin took this opportunity to want to encourage Feng Qing.

"This is not good, I am too stressed to learn." Shen Long touched Feng Qing's head, hey, why give the child an insurmountable mountain as a goal, is it actually not good? "You still like to learn what you like. You can go to college. It's true. I took you abroad to play!"

"Really? Then I must study hard!" As soon as Feng Qing's eyes lit up, Shen Long began to worry about the sunspots. If Feng Qing worked hard every day, could he still be my brother-in-law?

"It's not bad to do the entertainment industry. Xiangjiang's current entertainment industry is very prosperous, and all the people who make movies make a lot of money." From the economic point of view, Feng Dayou does not seem to be a bad thing to go to the film school. Give a gift, Feng Du, what do you want, tell the uncle directly, do n’t be embarrassed! "

But look at the electrical appliances in this house, as well as the words that Feng Shengli said just now, what he wants can be bought by himself. What should I give?

"Gift? Hey, uncle, I don't tell you, I really want to ask you for help." Without my opening, the uncle took the opportunity to come over.

"It's all a family, what do you say help or not help, see more, what kind of grandpa do you want I can not agree to?" Feng Dayou was happy now, he was afraid that he could not give away gifts;

Shen Long said with a smile, "Uncle, shall we open a company together?"

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