All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1990: intern

Xiaodu, your uncle, I am already fifty-seven this year. I have never been married and have no children in my life. In the future, my family will be yours sooner or later; but this is still not the same as starting a company and a small shop. If you really have this thought, the uncle also supports. You first learn slowly with me. After a few years, you have learned almost, and you want to start a company. Uncle will definitely support you! "This is Feng Dayou's first meeting with Shen Long. Give red envelopes and send anything. But if you want to do business in partnership, he still has to weigh.

"Your uncle is right, it's a big deal to start a company in partnership." Xu Yinsheng was afraid of Feng Da's anger and quickly went to the round.

What's so easy to learn? I am the richest man in the world, and there are only a few of you there, Shen Long muttered, but said something different, "Uncle, you misunderstood, the partnership I said is not for your money. I have also saved a lot over the past year, and it is definitely enough to start. I want to use your identity. Now Taiwan compatriots can start a company in China, which is much more convenient than my own. "

If this comes a few years later, if you turn to me for a partnership, I still have to figure out whether I ’m happy or not, “So, let ’s eat and drink today, not to mention this. I ’ll take you to the store tomorrow, and then Get another plan book and wait for you to see my storefront and plan book. Let ’s talk about the next thing. "

"Do you still know the plan book?" Feng Dayou was even more surprised. How could you do anything? If you do n’t have to pay your own money and just remember the name, you ca n’t think about it.

"Come, drink and drink, our brother and I have to drink well today!" Feng Shengli took Feng Dayou and drank it until they were both drunk.

The next day, Shen Long and Feng Dayou took a look at their store. Feng Dayou found that the store was small, but the management was quite standard, and the technical level was not bad at all. The components have better performance than Treasure Island.

Then I went to look at Shen Long ’s funds. The money they earned in just over a year was almost in time with his family. Feng Dayou ’s old face suddenly turned red, and he thought they were in love with his money. Now it seems that this is not the case at all.

Lastly I saw a plan written by Shen Long overnight. Shen Long intends to start with these components, use cheap mainland labor to produce these high-performance components, and then sell them to Xiangjiang and Baodao through Feng Dayou's channels.

The content of the plan is very detailed, what is the total investment required, and how many shares does Feng Dayou's channel resources have. What advantages does this component have compared with the mainstream products of Xiangjiang and Baodao, how to go through the procedures and how to obtain the support of the local government , Build factories there, find skilled workers from there ... everything is written.

As long as you have the skills and money, you can start to act immediately with this plan. Feng Dayou shook his head after reading it, "Hey, my business for so many years has been done in vain! Xiaodu, my shares are all right. , It ’s not all yours in the future! The rest will be done according to what you said, I will go in contact with the leaders tomorrow, as long as you can really produce your components, my business partners will definitely rush to ask for . "

"Business matters still follow the rules of the business field. If you don't have your channels, I can't sell these things! So these are what you won. As for whether you give me or leave it to my cousin in the future, that is all In the future, if you are less than sixty, you might be able to add a cousin to me if you meet the right one that day. "Shen Long smiled.

"Hey, you are a little bunny, can you say this to your uncle?" Feng Da, who said this, was more comfortable in his heart. Who wouldn't want to have a biological child?

In the next few days, the reporter kept coming to interview Shen Long, and Shen Long was very troubled. He simply went along with Feng Dayou. The leader responsible for visiting relatives of Taiwan compatriots was originally responsible for attracting them to invest in the mainland. They said that Feng Dayou was going to open a company and build a factory in the mainland, and they were immediately happy and broken.

Nowadays, the visiting relatives of Taiwan compatriots have just opened. They still have concerns about the mainland and dare not easily invest. Feng Dayou is the first Taiwan compatriot to express this meaning, and they produce high-quality components that can give the mainland In exchange for extremely scarce foreign exchange, no matter what considerations are taken, naturally everything is a green light.

Feng Dayou took Shen Long with him at each meeting, and then smiled all the way. He would give his opinions and opinions after discussing with Shen Long, and finally got the land and policies he wanted.

"This piece of land has convenient transportation and complete facilities, and we can also help you to contact the skilled workers in the nearby electronics factory ..." The government staff pointed to the large piece of land in front of him and introduced it to Feng Dayou.

These words did not listen to Shen Long at all. He now has only one thing in his mind. This is the land of Sanhuan, and he will give hundreds of acres at a time. How much money can he earn by selling land in the future?

Has been busy for more than half a month ~ ~ The general direction of Shen Long has been booked, and the remaining registered companies, signing the contract, let Feng Da have the job, so that he will not have a car accident when he returns to Baodao.

Then Shen Long returned to the alley, and now the reporter has nothing, but when he returned to his bedroom, he was suddenly ignorant. His middle school textbooks, the papers he had done, and the pens he used were all gone. Just ask I realized that these were taken by relatives and friends, and said that he was stained with the morale of his champion, so that his own children can also open their minds. Shen Long said that he was speechless.

At dinner time, Wu Jianqiang came over again and thanked Shen Long as soon as he saw it, "Oh, hey, the idea you gave me is absolutely awesome. I found the leader in Taiwan that day to mention this matter, he immediately Let me be responsible for contacting those Quyi people, and I am now in the eyes of the leaders. "

Wu Jianqiang went to work on the court platform. On that day, he mentioned that the court platform planned to hold the Spring Festival Evening Party. From now on, the preparations began. Shen Long immediately remembered that this year was eighty-two years, and the first Spring Festival Evening was started in 1983.

So he gave Wu Jianqiang an idea, let him use his work in the troupe for many years, familiar with the advantages of Quyi people to participate in this matter, Wu Jianqiang tried it suspiciously, and then got on his thighs.

"Hey, I am now officially a member of the program group!" The members of the program group of the first Spring Festival Gala, this is definitely a hard and hard qualification.

"Uncle Wu, do you think it is more than a month away from the start of school? I'm idle at home and idle. Would you like to take me to TV station as an intern?"

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