All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1991: "Journey to the West"

"Director Huang, this is my nephew, just after the college entrance examination, is it not a month before the university starts, so I want to come to our station as an intern, can you arrange for him?" Wu Jianqiang took Shen Long arrived at the TV station and found his immediate boss to help Shen Long.

"Intern? Oh, are you talking about temporary workers? There are a lot of things on the stage, but most people can't do it." At this time, there was no concept of an intern, but according to the literal meaning, Huang Dao can also imagine, He subconsciously wanted to refuse, and he felt that Wu Jianqiang had done a good job during this time, so he asked a lot more, "How is the exam? Reported to that university?"

"No. 1 in the country, liberal arts full score, reported to the director department of the Beijing Film Academy. The head of the department has already been to the house that day, and he will definitely be admitted. When he went, he also had an argument with the admissions teacher of Peking University." Wu Jianqiang The answer is true. Since Shen Long ’s score was announced, Tsinghua University and Peking University have sent teachers over to try to get him to attend his own school. Shen Long did n’t agree, but pleased the teachers of Beijing Film Academy broken.

"Oh, you are Feng Du? The one with a perfect score in the college entrance examination this year?" Upon hearing this, Director Huang immediately changed his face. "The director is well-organized. I have worked as a director for more than 20 years, but now I also feel that my professional knowledge reserve is not enough. You should study hard when you come to school. "

"Dr. Huang, I have watched your TV show. The violin concerto" Liang Zhu "was awesome. Not only the lens is used well, but the commentary shows the essence of the song. I want to make it in the future. Coming as good as you are. "Shen Long praised sincerely.

Huang Dao was Huang Yihe, one of the first directors of the Spring Festival Gala in 1983. He was born in the thirties, joined the army in the year of liberation, engaged in music creation work in the cultural troupe, and went to the peninsula to perform performances during the war; The court station engaged in choreography and produced many excellent TV programs.

Last year, he directed and wrote "Liu Zhu", which won the award for outstanding TV program, which is his proud work; in the future he will also serve as the general director of the fifth Spring Festival Gala.

Huang Dao is almost fifty years old this year, and his thoughts are not closed at all. Next year, he will create an interactive mode of on-demand telephone programming; the following year he invited Zhang Mingmin and other stars from Hong Kong and Taiwan to participate in the Spring Festival Gala performance. However, it has contributed many unforgettable TV programs and made outstanding contributions to China's TV industry.

"Courage, come, can you tell me how good it is to get a show?" Director Huang patted Shen Long's shoulder. If he is a general high school student, he doesn't expect to waste too much time, but he's the champion, and it's a perfect score. The champion is absolutely different. He also hopes to train more TV talents.

"From the perspective of the use of the lens, you can express the emotions of the tune in different stages through the switch between the distant, middle and near scenes, and perfectly combine the art of light, shadow and music ..." Shen Long Barabala said a lot.

I heard Huang Dao nodding his head again and again, "It's a national champion, not to mention the average high school student of this level of appreciation, even if it's rare in our station! Do you want to come to the station to familiarize yourself with the production of TV programs? The problem is not only the summer vacation. Even if you come to the university in the future, as long as you are free when you are studying, I welcome you here! "

"If you want to come to work in Taiwan after graduation, there is absolutely no problem. As long as you agree, I will ask you President Wang to speak now!" Yes, Shen Long has not yet entered school, and the problem of graduation assignment has been solved.

Huang Dao is not looking at Wu Jianqiang's face, he has not such a big face, mainly cherish talents, and now college students are already very precious, not to mention the champion, or the champion of professional counterparts, if such talents are he If he missed it, he would certainly regret his death. He could not wait to make an appointment with the Film Academy immediately.

"Thank you Huang Dao for your love, I actually want to come to work in Taiwan. I'm afraid you don't want me to be too small." Shen Long made a joke, and he will give this matter to him.

"Hahahaha, you are the champion, I haven't even studied in college, so I dare you to be small! Let's say, which department do you want to study? I want to arrange for you." Hearing Shen Long also willing to come to the TV station, Huang The guide is very happy.

"I'm going to study in the director department in the future, and I definitely want to go to the TV drama department to see it. If there are any TV shows on the stage that can make me study in the group, it would be better." Shen Long asked.

In the future, the department responsible for TV drama production is the TV drama production center, but this department will not be born until next year. The Ministry of Radio and Television will lead the merger of the TV drama department of the TV station, the recording department of the TV Art Committee, and the TV troupe of the China Broadcasting and Culture Corps to form China TV drama production. The center is a bureau-level unit directly under the Ministry of Radio and Television.

And now the TV department is responsible for TV drama production in the court station ~ ~ Huang Dao is not surprised by this. "Well, the director department first went to the TV department to get familiar with it." At the same time, he was still fortunate in his heart. It's not because he went to the Beijing Film Studio, otherwise this talent would definitely be taken away by the film studio.

"You don't need to find the leader above. I'm familiar with the director of the TV department. I'll find someone to take you over; strong, you call Xiao Li out." Huang Dao let Wu Jianqiang call his own The assistant came.

Then instructed, "Xiao Li, this is Feng Du, the national champion of the national college entrance examination this year. If you want to come to Taiwan to study for a while, you take him to the TV department to find Lao Wang, explain the situation and let Lao Wang help take care of it."

So this matter is all right. Shen Long followed Huang Dao ’s assistant to the office floor of the TV department and found the head of the department. The head of the department was naturally praised again. "Oh, I have n’t entered school yet, so I thought about active learning. No wonder I can be the No. 1 champion, even if you are so enthusiastic about learning, even if there is no introduction by Lao Huang, I will definitely help arrange it. "

He thought for a moment, "Recently there is a drama that is about to start shooting, you just go to learn from the beginning."

So Shen Long came out of the office again, and was taken to the door of another office by the department supervisor. He knocked on the door and went straight in. "Sister Yang, I have found a competent officer for you. You can use it well!"

Shen Long looked out from behind, there were two people in the office, a woman in her early fifties, with a kind and kind face, and another one in her early thirties.

Easy, people Xu Fei started to watch TV and entered the Grand View Garden, how can I only play with the monkey?

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