All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1993: Start of trial episode

"Oh, you are Feng Du. Now the school has spread all over. It is said that our school has overwhelmed Tsinghua University this time, and the top champions of the country have come. You will come to me when there is anything else in the crew." Wang Yue has already started to think of himself as a brother; yes, if you want to rush you now, if there is any chance in the future, I will definitely remember you and strive not to let you be stunned.

Ma Dehua and Yan Huaili are older and need to be more stable, but they still express their appreciation and curiosity about Shen Long. After all, no matter when, the top candidates in the college entrance examination are rare.

The atmosphere of the crew is okay. Without the messy things of the later generation crew, Shen Long is young and can talk, and he became familiar with the big guy within a few days.

It is now more than July. According to the requirements of the court station, the crew must make a pilot episode before October and get it to be broadcast on TV. If the national audience approves, they will start shooting the entire episode. If the audience does not like it, That's all.

Yang Dao asked Shen Long to ask, "Feng Du, we will go to Yangzhou to shoot" Eliminate Wicked Chicken Country "in two days. Go back and ask your family to see if you are allowed to go to other places. I can say yes in advance. , But it ’s hard to be in the field. "

Yangzhou? Shen Long ’s thoughts were a little trance, and he wandered to another place. He woke up and hurriedly answered, “No problem, my dad will agree, or I ’ll let Uncle Wu come over and talk to you tomorrow.” This must be done by parents. Talk about it, so as not to complain, "Oh, do I still have to buy a train ticket? I also asked Uncle Wu to bring the money to help, and I took the money to eat in the car and eat in the restaurant. I am not a regular member of the crew, It ’s not easy to take advantage of Taiwan. "

"Your child, I think the problem is better than many adults." After hearing this, Yang Dao was quite comfortable. She was very caring and took care of Shen Long, so she asked, "You said why do we want to shoot" Demon "in our pilot episode. "Wu Jiguo", not "Troublemaker", "Three dozen bones" or something? "

"Well, I think so!" Shen Long thought for a while and said, "When you mention" Journey to the West ", the first thing the big guy thinks of is the four masters and apprentices of Sun Wukong. Since it is a pilot episode, it must be played by four people. , Otherwise it ’s not easy to judge whether the four styling audiences like it or not. "

"Also," Three Beats "has been filmed in TV series before, and many other plots have also been performed in various operas. If the film is made, the audience will definitely compare; our crew has just got together, and the filming time is tight, If it is compared, maybe the leader will not let me shoot. "

"Well said, is there any other reason?" Yang Daowen's eyes lit up, and Shen Long said exactly what she thought. Does this world really have genius?

"Uh, there are ... and ..." Shen Long scratched his head, pretending to think for a while, "There are not many special effects in this episode, it is relatively simple to shoot, you have to change to" Fire Mountain " The plot, monsters and monsters, and all kinds of magic weapons are revealed, it will be much more laborious, and it will cost a lot of money. A pilot episode will cost so much money, the leader will definitely be unhappy. "

"Hahaha, Jingcheng Film and Film Academy really picked up the big bargain this time, and recruited you! You do n’t have to let your home travel expenses anymore, I ’ll tell you in a while, you ’ll be my assistant temporarily. , Help me run errands or something. "Previously, Yang Dao only planned to let Shen Long take a long look at the crew, but now she has plans to train well.

So the matter was settled. Two days later, all the members of the crew gathered at the train station and were ready to go to Yangzhou for shooting. Director Yang selected Daming Temple in Yangzhou as the location.

The crew members carried large and small bags. In addition to their personal belongings, they also carried a large amount of equipment, clothing, props, etc. necessary for shooting. Shen Long helped them handle the luggage and then took out a camera to aim at the crew. Start shooting, this is the tool he asked Feng Dayou to buy him from Baodao.

"What kind of stuff is this? It's much smaller than my camera?" Yang Dao's husband, Wang Chongqiu, the photographer of this drama, approached curiously.

"The home camera of Japan's Jasper Corporation." In fact, it is JVC Corporation. "My uncle is a Taiwan compatriot. I heard that I took the director's department and gave me one. I thought about taking all of our filming, saying It may be useful in the future. "If this thing is put out after decades, it will definitely become a hot spot of the bib, and the barrage of the small broken station will explode directly.

"Oh, I don't see that your family is quite enough, can you give me a try?" Wang Chongqiu used to play with big cameras, so I have seen such a small thing.

"You must have taken better pictures than me! Should you take pictures of us waiting for the car and getting on the car?" Just when I could be lazy, Shen Long passed the camera immediately, so Wang Chongqiu took it happily. In the past, I patted this for a while, and patted that for a while, and the six young children took photos from the camera when they saw it ~ ~ and grinned happily, which was also a novel experience for them.

The train rattled for more than a day, and they finally arrived in Yangzhou. After they got off the bus, they went to the guest house to rest for one night. They arrived at Daming Temple the next day; the history of Daming Temple in Yangzhou can be traced back to the Sui Dynasty. He once served as the abbot of Daming Temple.

Perhaps it was because the story about the senior monks of Buddhism was filmed, so Daming Temple is very supportive. Master Nengqin took the monks to welcome them into the temple. When the official shooting started, there were some problems with the monk ’s clothing. The master also lent his own robe to Wang Yue.

When filming the scene of the Tang monk entering the monastery, Master Nengqin personally led more than 20 monks in Daming Temple and Yangzhou City. He wore a vest and folded his hands. Wandering sets.

At this time, the Daming Temple above the temple was also replaced by the plaque of the Baolin Temple, so the Daming Temple in Yangzhou became the Baolin Temple of the Wuji Kingdom; um, this plaque was written by Shen Long, and the original artist planned to find himself familiar Yangzhou calligraphy master came to inscribe, but after Shen Long went to try it, he said nothing, and made a plaque according to Shen Long's handwriting.

Yang Dao shoots over there, Shen Long takes a camera and shoots at her and the actors in the scene. The first day of shooting is a little stumbling, and Yang Dao has frowned.

Another lens shooting ended, Yang Dao called Shen Long, "Feng Du, what do you think are the problems with our shooting?" She has already seen some of them, but she still wants to hear Shen Long's opinion.

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