All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1994: Shooting complete

"There is a problem with the shape. Sun Wukong looks a bit dirty. The beautiful monkey king is not suitable for being dirty. It should be beautiful. The current shape is a bit like a wild monkey." Shen Long looked at the picture and In the future TV series made a comparison, first of all, this point.

"Well, I also feel a bit." This coincides with Yang Dao, "I always think that the hair on his face should be a little brighter, and the color of the clothes should also be clean, and the color must be full. Good looking; but now that time is tight, I am afraid it cannot be changed. Do you think there is any problem with Xiao Zhang ’s position? "

"It doesn't matter. Brother Zhang hasn't acted in a TV series before, and hasn't practiced walking. Don't turn it on, just let him walk a few times." The funds are tight. Can't you let go of the filming, or else the film fee Can't bear it.

"You have a good relationship with Xiao Zhang, please tell him!" Yang Dao simply let Shen Long play.

"Well, Mr. Wang, if you do n’t like this, you take my photo. I use video tape storage. After the film is taken, you can take it out and put it. Then let Brother Zhang, Brother Wang, Teacher Ma and Teacher Yan take them. Let ’s look at it together, so we have a goal to adjust it. ”Shen Long handed his camera to Wang Chongqiu.

"If you can see the results just after shooting, then it will be easier to lead the film." Yang Dao felt more and more feel that Shen Long was too convenient. Now that the film has been sent, the film must be sent for washing. In order to know exactly how it was shot.

"Brother Zhang, don't look at the camera when re-shooting in a while." Novices are most likely to make this mistake. They will always subconsciously look at the camera. "I will go again. You should follow the path I walked, otherwise you will come out. The shooting range of the camera. "

After talking for a day, at night, the crew borrowed a video recorder. Shen Long took the video tape from the camera and pointed at the lens to analyze the performance there. There was a problem with the performance there. Although the resolution of the home camera cannot be compared with the professional camera, But probably still understand, the big guy suddenly knew what to do next.

When the shooting resumed the next day, the performance of the six-year-old boy was much better than yesterday. The old actors such as Ma Dehua and Yan Huaili were even better, and the shooting went a lot smoother.

"You said that if each crew can be equipped with such a camera, it would be much more convenient to make a film." Wang Chongqiu said with emotion when he rested, but when he asked Shen Long for the price, he would never say this again. Anyway, this thing is really a bit expensive, and if you still need to use foreign exchange, don't expect to be allocated in the station.

"In fact, there is still a way to earn foreign exchange. After the TV series is filmed, we can sell the film overseas. The influence of" Journey to the West "in Southeast Asia, Xiangjiang and Japan is not small. The local audience will definitely love to watch it!" In the future, this film will also have a great influence in Southeast Asia, indicating that if you find a way, you can definitely find people who are willing to buy, even if the amount is not very high, it is also foreign exchange.

As for Japan, now that they are rich and wealthy, they will definitely contact someone to buy it. Although Journey to the West is not as popular as "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" in Japan, the audience is still large, and many adaptations of anime have become big. Hot works, such as the upcoming "Dragon Ball" series, such as "The Most Traveled Journey" in the future.

"But now there are few people who understand the situation abroad, we don't know who to find even if we want to sell." Wang Chongqiu scratched his head.

"I'll let my uncle go to explore the wind first, if there is hope, then go to the Taili leader to report." "Journey to the West" has been filmed for several years, it is a bit early.

With the addition of Shen Long, Yang Dao's work was a lot easier, and the shooting was much smoother than expected. By mid-August, the content of the main drama had already been filmed, but there was a problem when the filming was started. .

Well, the opening title is in the music sound of "Wait, wait, wait, wait ... Dudu", Sun Wukong jumped out of the stone and turned his head to the sky.

This piece is called "Cloud Palace Xunyin", which is the work of composer Xu Jingqing. It is said that he heard the migrant workers outside the window jingling and knocking on the lunch box while humming the minor key. Then he used the electronic music, The combination of orchestral music and folk music created this piece.

However, this song will not be created until a few years later, but Sun Wukong jumped out of the stone and turned his head to the sky, but the shooting is now completed.

After listening to the idea, Liu Xiaoling scratched his head, "You can let me turn my head in place, I can turn as many as you want, but you can let me go to heaven, this is really impossible!"

"I see Xiangjiang's martial arts movies, and the people inside can fly around. I heard that it seems that it is a hanging rope to make people fly, but we don't know how to hang it!" The action guide is also the Erlang God Yang Jian in the play. The actor Lin Zhiqian also felt a headache. This is a disciple of the nationalist master of the Republic of China Du Xinwu, a disciple of the natural master of the world. ~ ~ In the future, he will also be the head coach of the national armed police equipment fighting, and he is also Niu Deyi Than the characters.

You let him come to the hard bridge and hard horse kung fu, that is absolutely no problem, but let him guide people how to turn their heads and jump into the sky, then they will be blind.

"Xiao Feng, what do you do?" The big guy has now developed a habit. If he encounters any unsolvable problems, he would like to hear Shen Long's opinion.

"I'm wondering, if you want people to fly to the sky, it's nothing more than pulling them from above or pushing them from below. Xiangjiang's overhanging wire is used to pull, but we won't do this for the time being; but push from below. That's a lot of solutions. Can we find a mattress and put more springs under the mattress so that Zhang Ge can jump up if he doesn't step on it? "Shen Long said.

"Hey? It's a way, even if you fall, you don't have to worry about it. There is a mattress underneath, but the spring is not so strong?" Yang Dao thought.

"Xiao Feng said that, but I remembered it." Lin Zhiqian patted his thigh. "When I was training earlier, there was a sports team next door with a trampoline. Those athletes jumped on the trampoline and turned several times. Healing is not a problem! "

"If you have a sports team there, should there be a Jinling sports team? Xiaolin, you and Xiao Feng will go to Jinling!" Yang Dao decided immediately.

After Shen Long and Lin Zhiqian borrowed the trampoline, the six-year-old children quickly learned the trick after going up to practice. The crew completed the filming of the opening film on an open space in Slender West Lake. Since then, the content of the pilot episode has been completely filmed. They can Back to Beijing.

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