All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1995: Admission

"Now wait for the official broadcast in October, I guess there is a lot of hope to pass, and then it is officially shot, but then you should have been in class at school? It's a bit reluctant to think about it." On the train back, Yang Dao said to Shen Long that with his help, the crew did a lot smoother.

"Isn't there still winter and summer vacations, wouldn't you give up when I come again?" As for the homework at the school, you should not spend much energy, "And usually, if you have a place that is useful to me, post With the letter of assistance in the past, it is estimated that the school can let me out, as long as you do n’t delay the exam. Anyway, what do we have to do to learn director?

I mixed my faces in the crew of "Journey to the West" first, and then I started preparations for "Dream of Red Mansions" next year. I also went in and mixed it up; when the projects of "Three Kingdoms" and "Water Margin" were established, I must have mixed It came out, and then the adaptations of the four great works were all named, which is an unprecedented achievement!

"Your head is so smart, and the foundation is good. The school curriculum really can't stop you, but it's still not the same as making a TV series and making a movie. It doesn't matter much if you start learning with the crew, but if you want to make a movie, in the future There is more to run to a few movie studios. "Yang Daoyu said with a heart, she was really for Shen Long.

"I still mainly want to make TV series, documentaries, TV shows, and movies. It's not a good time." The movie industry in the 1980s was too pursuing art, ignoring the audience's feelings, causing the Chinese film to crash until it was new. After the economic development of the century, it gradually improved.

Shen Long is not interested in making movies like the sixth-generation directors. It is better to concentrate on making TV shows for a few years. When the policy is released in the future, you can make movies when you set up a film company yourself.

"You are young, think about the problem but think about it a lot." This topic is a little sensitive, and Yang Dao doesn't want to talk to him more, but just persuaded him, "Some things just think about it, there is no need to talk to people everywhere, you If you are willing to come, I am always welcome here. If you want to get in touch with some shooting styles, I will also introduce it to you. "

"Hey, then thank you!" Shen Long agreed and Yang Dao took the crew to Beijing, Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi, Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hunan, Jiangxi in order to film "Journey to the West" , Fujian, Sichuan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, Jilin, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, 19 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, and even went to Thailand to get the location, Shen Long really has no way to follow through.

At most, he will choose some episodes that are more interesting to him to shoot with, such as "Daughter Country" or "Pansi Cave". It is said that there are still some large-scale shots when shooting ... cough, I ’m not rushing I just think that these episodes have a relatively high level of art, so I should study and study hard.

The train babbled for more than a day, and finally arrived in the capital. The big guys were relatively scarce. After so long away from home, they just dispersed at the train station. They should go to the TV station. They should go home. Shen Long helped Yang. Guide them to send the props, film, and equipment back to the TV station before returning home.

After more than a month of work, Feng Dayou has already completed the procedures and has begun to build a factory building, preparing to introduce equipment and recruit workers for production. Feng Shengli, because he offended the leader, can only stay at home, himself After finding a job for half a day, I didn't find anything suitable, so I could only ask Shen Long, "Otherwise, I'll go to your uncle's factory to see the door?"

"Hey, what door do you see, you can go directly to be the director of the factory! Let Aunt Xu quit her job too, but Aunt Xu is much more involved than you will be. Responsible. "Shen Long gave Feng Shengli a position as factory director with a big wave of his hand.

Feng Dayou often runs around the country and abroad, Shen Long wants to go to school, to shoot "Journey to the West," and the factory must be managed. Although Feng Shengli has never been a leader, he has worked in the factory for a long time. You have a lot of knowledge about crooked gates and evil ways, as long as you are staring at these and not letting the factory go wrong.

"But it's the same. You can't be drunk in the factory, and you can't drink when talking to people. Every time you get drunk, something will happen." Shen Long urged, "If you're embarrassed to say bad things, I will ask the uncle to come to the deputy factory manager of Yibao Island or Xiangjiang, and you can give the offense to him to do the offense. "

Feng Shengli was a little worried at the beginning, but after all he couldn't resist the temptation to be a factory manager. In addition, Xu Yin helped him. When he thought about it, he agreed. Shen Long bought him a suit and Feng Shengli was very happy. Happily went to work in a suit.

Shen Long transferred Xiao Hongjun and Qi Zige to the past. The scale of the Gome repair shop is still too small, and the development space is limited. Besides, to manage a factory, there must be several trusted middle-level cadres. Leave it to him.

As for Xicheng and Heizi, Shen Long also asked them to stay in the store ~ ​​ ~ As for their future, Shen Long had other arrangements. When Shen Long arrived at the store that day, he saw an acquaintance who was very tall Master Lu is sitting inside and talking to Heizi.

"Brother Zang, why are you free today?" Shen Long asked happily.

"Did you not read the start date written on the notice? This is about to start, can I not come in early? Let's sign up together!" Master Lu got up and patted him on the shoulder, "Awesome , The top scorer. When I was at home, I said I knew you. As a result, the seven aunts and eight aunts came to my house. I had to ask you to get some stationery and books you used, but tossed me bad. Now. "

"Haha, it's a good thing to say, you can have as many as you want after the start of school." Shen Long ha ha smiled, people never found themselves because of this matter, from which they can see his character, "Hou Tiancai At the beginning of school, you have lived with me for two days. You eat hot pot in the yard at night and have a good drink. "

"Holly." Master Lu is not polite. In the evening, he settled several kilos of lamb alone, brought up a whole beer, and drank Heizi directly on the ground.

Waiting for the start of the school day, when seeing the luggage that Shen Long was carrying, Master Lu directly came over and said, "I have great strength and I got it!"

Hey, if you want to talk about strength, you and I are far behind, but Shen Long did not say anything, and followed Master Lu on the bus.

Arrived at the gate of the Beijing Film Academy, Shen Long fixed his eyes, oh, there are so many beautiful women, this place is right!

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