All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2000: Another deputy director

The country's economy is still very tight. Why should we invest huge sums of money to shoot the four famous works under such circumstances? This matter also begins with the teacher Wang Fulin, director of "Dream of Red Mansions".

In 1979, the British Broadcasting Corporation invited the Chinese radio and television delegation to visit the United Kingdom, where Wang Dao saw the advanced British TV station. The staff of the British TV station told Wang Dao that they had or were moving 37 Shakespeare scripts. On the screen, the works of other writers such as world famous books such as Dickens and Tolstoy are put on the screen and distributed around the world with good results.

Director Wang came up with the idea that we should adopt the art form of TV series. Isn't the radio station having a long storytelling program? This form of TV series is the best way to win the audience; and the British can make their masterpieces into TV series, why can't we? We should also photograph the cultural treasures of the Chinese nation such as "Dream of Red Mansions", "Journey to the West", "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and "Water Margin".

After returning to China, he expressed his thoughts to the superiors, and the superiors also expressed their support. So the plan to shoot four famous works began to be formulated. Taking into account the difficulty of shooting and personal abilities, Yang Dao chose "Journey to the West", Wang Dao I chose "Dream of Red Mansions", as for "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and "Water Margin", because there are too many big scenes, I have not been able to expand for the time being.

But now "Journey to the West" has officially started shooting, but "Dream of Red Mansions" still has no movement, and many problems are bothering Wang Dao. First of all, it is difficult to write the script for the adaptation of the work. There is one thing to say, considering from an artistic point of view, "Dream of Red Mansions" The artistic achievements of "" are undoubtedly much higher than "Journey to the West" and are the pinnacle of Chinese classical literature.

"Red School" has even become a prominent scholar. Many senior seniors in the cultural field are studying this doctrine. Any slight change in the script will cause dissatisfaction among these scholars, making Wang Fulin and screenwriter Zhou Lei and others like to be thin and late. Don't dare to write.

The other is the issue of actors. Let ’s use "Journey to the West" to make an analogy. There are only four core actors in the Journey to the West. As long as they are selected by the group of four, the rest are not a problem; but "Dream of Red Mansions" is a group portrait. It is an ordinary little maidservant in the Grand View Garden, who has a shiny side in Cao Xueqin's pen. How can I find so many high-quality actors?

In the end, the issue of funds is also inseparable. There are few special effects shots in "Dream of Red Mansions", but if you want to show the flowers of the Grand View Garden, show the aristocratic style of Jia Baoyu, Lin Daiyu, Xue Baochai and other people, on clothing, makeup, props You have to work hard, plus framing, etc., this cost is not a decimal.

Wang Fulin took a team to study "Dream of Red Mansions" for a year, and he didn't find a suitable solution. He heard that someone had made money for the crew of "Journey to the West", so he asked Shen Long for help, "You are so busy now, I ’m still bothering. I ’m really embarrassed, but I ca n’t help it! ”

"Mr. Wang, your words made me feel a bit uncomfortable. You are a senior. It is so polite to find me a junior!" I am only eighteen, and everybody has more than fifty, in order to make a good TV show. , Can take the initiative to put down his body to seek help, this sincerity really moved Shen Long.

So he did not hide and tweak, and helped Wang Dao to analyze one by one, "First of all, the problem of the script," Dream of Red Mansions "is indeed too thick, any changes will cause great controversy, but shooting TV dramas and novels are two different things after all, ca n’t Filmed exactly according to the novel; so I think that famous red experts and literary masters can be invited as consultants, such as Cao Lao, Shen Lao, Zhou Lao and Wu Lao. "

"The big guys sat together and talked openly, letting them understand the difference between filming TV dramas and novels, letting them understand that some changes are necessary, and that the British will not shoot Shakespeare exactly according to the original film, will they? Speaking, the pressure can be reduced a lot, and they can also provide a lot of valuable advice for the creation of the script and post-production. "

The 87th edition of "Dream of Red Mansions" is a classic in the minds of ordinary audiences. However, the evaluation by many red scholars and people in the literary world is not high. Wang Dao has been criticized in the future.

"In terms of actors, I think there are two main problems, one is the image and the other is the temperament; it is not easy to find actors who are similar in appearance and description in the book. This can be solved through the national sea election. , China is so big, you can definitely find actors with the right image. "

"The characters in" Dream of Red Mansions "all have a temperament of classical beauty, and it is difficult to find this temperament in modern people; this can be solved by concentrated training, calling these actors together for closed training, please ask historians, Classic etiquette scholars, ancient poetry poets, etc. come to train them. "

"Find some experts in clothing, makeup, props, etc. to design clothes, accessories, and makeup that match the original style ~ ~ Let them start playing in their daily lives, and the temperament will come out after a long time. Now. "

"As for the funding problem, the biggest expenditure of the whole drama should be the construction of Rongguo and Ningguo? It is definitely not possible to find an existing building that matches the original work. The money spent on it will go to the sea!"

"However, this money does not need to be paid by ourselves. I believe that after the TV series is broadcast, it will definitely become a popular tourist attraction and bring huge income to the local government. In this case, there will be long-term local leaders willing to help us. Construction. "This business Shen Long does not intend to intervene.

"If there is still a gap in funds, I can also ask my uncle to invest a little, still those two conditions, help with a little advertising, and overseas copyright agents!" Xiangjiang and Baodao also filmed "The Dream of Red Mansions", but they did. The effect cannot be compared with the masterpiece of the Imperial Court.

"Oh, old and old, without your young people's active thinking, these are good ways, how come I didn't expect it!" Wang Dao felt that his trip was very rewarding, and many problems that troubled him for a long time were solved like this. Too.

"You are too tired during this time, so you just drilled the tip of the horn, even if I don't say it, you will definitely be able to solve it after a while!" Shen Long said these methods, most of them were figured out by the crew himself. The second time was thicker.

"I heard that Taiwan Director Yang arranged for such a young deputy director of production. I am a bit guilty. Now it seems that Xiao Feng is more than enough to be the deputy director. How about, let's come to our crew as a deputy director. Right! "

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