All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2001: How did a good TV show come out


"I have to discuss this with Yang Dao and other leaders in the stage." This Shen Long is still very willing, but he wants to gather the men of the four famous masterpieces, and it is not a problem for a producer to take care of multiple TV shows at the same time. It ’s a strange thing, is n’t Teacher Qian Yuan carrying the whole TV station alone?

Shen Long ’s future goal is not only to be satisfied with making TV series all the time, but now it is also an exercise for him, which can better prove his ability.

"Journey to the West" is about to start shooting now, and "Dream of Red Mansions" will take some time to prepare, so Yang Dao did not object. As soon as Taili heard that he could still get advertising fees, he would not say anything. Soon, it didn't take long for Shen Long to formally join the cast of "Dream of Red Mansions".

Wang Dao began to invite famous experts as consultants according to the plan, and at the same time published advertisements of sea-selected actors and seeking cooperation in the construction of the Rongguo government, so all kinds of letters poured into the crew like snow flakes.

Wang Dao and the crew of the crew worked day and night, and Shen Long also took the time to participate in each meeting as much as possible, gave his own opinions based on the gains and losses of the 87th edition of "Dream of Red Mansions", and obtained some subsidies for them. So that they have no worries for the time being, they can devote themselves wholeheartedly to the creative work.

If you want to make a good TV show, it is not difficult to say it is simple and not simple. The most important thing is to have money. Money is the foundation of everything. If you have no money, you ca n’t afford even film. What about shooting?

But it ’s not enough to have money. In the future, when the remake of "Dream of Red Mansions" will be more expensive than it is now, why can't the effect of shooting be worse than this edition? Since it is not a matter of money, it can only be a problem of people.

To make a TV series, there must be a group of creators with excellent ability and enthusiasm, whether it is Wang Dao or Yang Dao, including the six young children, Chi Zhongrui, Ma, and Yan who have arrived in the film crew. They are all such creators.

Ability is the foundation. Only with the ability can the bottom line of the work be guaranteed; enthusiasm can make the work to a higher level and achieve better results.

What Shen Long can do is to minimize the difficulties they encounter in the creative process and to facilitate their shooting; for example, wages and subsidies are paid on time, the creator is also a person, and the creator also wants to live, talk about dreams Regardless of treatment, it's a hooligan. Only when they get a salary and can support themselves and their families can they devote themselves to creation.

Allow them to sleep well when they go to the field, without having to endure the bites of mosquitoes, eat enough, clean and hygienic lunch, and preferably a few more pieces of meat, so that everyone can work hard.

Fortunately, the actors in this period did not think so much. After the filming of "Journey to the West", the members of the crew made a comparison between the current situation and the previous situation, and immediately felt the goodness of the crew, and the performance was extraordinarily hard. A better performance than the original one broke out.

"Hey, today's food is really good, there seems to be a lot more meat than yesterday, but what kind of meat is this?" At the dinner, Mr. Yan smiled while holding the boxed lunch.

"Rabbit meat, just when Feng saw a rabbit on the mountain, he asked the prop to borrow a bow and arrow to shoot the rabbit and went to shoot a few rabbits at the moment we filmed, just to give the big guy a meal!" Liu Xiao Ling Tong had just finished shooting earlier, when Shen Long saw the rabbit when he came back.

"This Feng Dao is young and young, but I can't say anything about it. Don't look at our crew now running south and north, but life is much better than before." Teacher Chi also came over, "no matter where you go, get off I can go to bed, wash my feet with hot water, and go back to bubble feet all day, and I will soon be full; I also eat very well, have good meat, and can be full. "

"Lao Chi, you eat less meat, but you finally lose weight, and then you should get fat again, give me your meat!" Lin Zhiqian came to make a joke.

"Oh, for our workload, let alone this bit of meat, you will give us both elbows, and I will not be fat!" Teacher Chi quickly evaded.

Shen Long took the camera and recorded the footage of Mr. Chi wearing meat in a monk robe. Well, next time he specially found him a big elbow, and then filmed it, which was all dazzling tidbits.

"Teacher Ma, have you finished? The next game is missing a few little monsters and you have to re-make your makeup!" The makeup artist came over and said, Teacher Ma put down the lunch box.

Today, there is more than one role played by one person in the crew. As long as he did not shoot the task on the spot, the rest will stand up to help. Seeing Teacher Ma get up, Teacher Chi also said, "I do n’t need to shoot the next game. It ’s the right one for me. "

"Add me too, I have to hone my acting skills too?" Shen Long also joined in the excitement.

Hey, there is no way. It ’s too expensive to find mass actors. In addition, it ’s easy to make mistakes and waste film, so they can only do it themselves. Fortunately, "Journey to the West" is a magic film ~ ~ In the upper corner, the audience can also see that the little monster on the TV screen shouting to eat the meat of Tang Seng is actually the performance of Tang Seng. If you change to "Dream of Red Mansions", it will definitely not work.

The day of shooting was over, and several of the leading actors were not in a hurry to go back to the nanny car to take a break. Now they do n’t have this condition. They all took the initiative to help them, collect the props and clothing, and put them on the car together. It ’s more than a few moves in a row.

But they have no opinion at all, no one thinks that I am the lead actor, I do n’t want to do anything in this job, in addition to their consciousness, Shen Long and Yang Dao also played a good role model, and basically put on the show, Regardless of food and accommodation, all the actors and staff are treated as one.

"Xiao Feng, we are going to shoot separately tomorrow, don't panic, I will let Lao Li be a photographer for you, you can shoot boldly, because he can't check it out!" When it came to group shooting, Director Yang Finally, Shen Long began to direct alone.

"Hey, thank you, Director Yang, I promise to shoot well; by the way, I will tell you another good news. I have contacted the military area. They are willing to send helicopters to us for a few days. Just once! "

During the filming of "Journey to the West", Yang Dao still had a pity that he couldn't get a helicopter to take a down shot. Now Shen Long came out to solve this problem.

"No problem, as long as they are willing to help, even let me perform on stage!" Seeing Yang Dao's heartfelt happiness, Shen Long moved for a while. With such a creator, how could not make a good work!

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