All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2002: 12 hairpin

"Now the progress is quite fast. If we go on like this, maybe we can finish the filming ahead of time!" Yang Dao smiled, because he walked across the river and the sun, and Yang Dao's skin was a lot darker, but Her smile was so brilliant.

It turned out that "Journey to the West" only took 11 episodes from 1982 to 1985. After the post-production ended, it was broadcast during the Spring Festival in 1986, then nine episodes were taken in 1986, and five episodes were taken in 1987. The first twenty-five episodes were finally finished; the filming started earlier than "Dream of Red Mansions", but was completed later than "Dream of Red Mansions".

As for the reason, on the one hand, it was the reason for the funds. During the period, the filming was stopped for a period of time because of lack of funds. On the other hand, the location of the filming of "Journey to the West" was much more. Find the most suitable location, so it takes a lot of time.

Because of running too many places, some people reported that Yang Dao said that she took the crew to travel around the mountains under the pretence of filming. Later, the leader sent someone to run with the crew for a month before they realized what they were suffering.

There is another reason. The crew has only one camera, so many shots need to be shot repeatedly, and there is no way to group the shots. This leads to the long work of the TV series.

Now with the help of Shen Long, it is naturally different. First of all, the camera has excess, and many shootings can be divided into two groups, which greatly saves time; secondly, with the sponsorship provided by Shen Long under the name of Feng Dayou, There is no gap in the funding situation of the crew. You don't need to let the crew dry, you can always shoot.

In addition, Shen Long is also very suitable for the route planning of shooting locations in various places. A more reasonable shooting route has been worked out for reasons such as seasons, so that everyone can finish shooting in one place and continue shooting at the next location. There is no need to go back, so the efficiency is much higher and everyone can save more energy.

Otherwise, I just finished shooting in Turpan today, and I will take the train to Beidaihe tomorrow. At the speed of the green leather train, it will take a few days to get there. If you take the train for so long, who will have the strength immediately after getting off the train? Start shooting? You have to rest for two days. There is also the risk of losing your luggage.

It ’s much better now, Turpan finished shooting in Wushi, Beidaihe finished shooting Sun Wukong, and went back to Jingtai Jietai Temple to catch a car and fight the country late, so that after a night of sleep, he was alive and kicking again; "And" Daughter's Country "are finished, which can save a lot of trouble.

"Yeah, I guess it will be completely finished by the end of 1985!" At that time, it will still be released in the 86th Spring Festival as in history, but this time it is not the broken eleven episodes, but the end The complete 48 episodes are more than the original plus sequel.

This can also avoid another regret for the crew of "Journey to the West", because the eleven episodes were too hot, so the four-person group got a lot of opportunities to get a hole. They delayed a lot of shooting in order to make money, and they produced Yang Dao. The disputes were not small, and they even turned their heads upside down. It wasn't until Yang Dao planned to shoot the sequel in the future that they went out to apologize and return to good.

And now, when the full set of 48 episodes is released, they love to go there and go there, anyway, the TV series has been finished, maybe Shen Long will help them to contact them.

"After shooting, we still have to be busy with post-production. When I talk about this, I have a headache. What should I do with those special effects? I still don't know what to do now!" Yang Dao sighed.

"I found some ways when I read some foreign literature. Then we will slowly discuss it!" In fact, it does not need to be so laborious at all. As long as the original lens is handed to Bai Ze, he can make Biwei The special effects of Tower Studio and Industrial Light and Magic come to ensure the blind eyes of film and television practitioners all over the world.

However, this is too shocking, and it is not intended for the progress of the special effects industry, so Shen Long only asked Bai Ze to prepare some foreign special effects information, and plans to share it with the post-production department at that time, and strive to share the original five-point special effects of Journey to the West. Promoted to two pieces of five, two pieces of five special effects are enough at this time.

"Good, I will study hard at that time, or you can just give me the information first, and I can understand it first after shooting every day." Yang Dao can't wait.

"This can't give you too much. If you're exhausted, I can't explain it to the leaders in Taili!" Hey, Yang Dao has been disregarding his body for the purpose of filming. I have to find an opportunity to give her some tonic .

"By the way, I have to tell you something. After the group shots are taken, I will ask for a half-month leave. Is n’t this going to be the summer vacation soon? I have to go back to the exam! Also, Wang Dao. The preparatory work over there is almost the same, I will help cast a cast! "Shen Long has been running with the crew for half a year.

"Why don't you say ~ ~ I can't think of you as a freshman, yeah, it's a serious matter, you should go back soon after shooting!" Yang Dao smiled and shook his head, during this time she It's almost time to regard Shen Long as a director of his own level.

Shen Long successfully completed the independent filming work, and then took Xicheng back to the capital. He Qing and He Qing, who played Lingji Bodhisattva, also tested the four masters and apprentices in their incarnation in the Four Saints Now that the shooting is over, I am preparing to go back to the audition for "Dream of Red Mansions".

This is also the only actor who has collected four famous works. In addition to "Journey to the West", he has also played Xiao Qiao in "Three Kingdoms", Li Shishi in "Water Margin" and Qin Keqing in "Dream of Red Mansions", but unfortunately she This record is a bit imperfect. The Qin Keqing she plays is not in a TV series, but a movie.

Shen Long took her back this time, intending to make her complete with this achievement, Qin Keqing may not be able to play, but it is no problem to play other small roles.

Back in the capital, I quickly finished the exam, and then immediately went to Wang Dao, where I saw the actors who came to participate in the casting. Ying Ying Yan Yan almost lost Shen Long's eyes, tweeting, this is the legendary Red Mansion Twelve hairpins, how nice it would be if I could all be alone! Sucking, Shen Long almost drooled.

Of course, he can only think about it in his mind. Xicheng can still follow him. Shen Long took the roster after the primary election from Wang Dao, and did not rush to read it, but asked directly. A sentence, "How many candidates are there for Jia Yun? Is there one called Xu Fei? This person can't ask for it!"

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