All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2004: Psychologist

"The ancient Chinese literati basically understood qinqi, calligraphy, painting and calligraphy, not only to appreciate it, but also to practice it. Not to mention the children of a large family such as King Jia Shixue, not to mention the maidservant at home. Some; so ah, if you want to play this drama well, you have to understand this aspect of knowledge. "Well, I will do all of these, and I will teach you all at once.

"First of all, let ’s talk about the piano. In the Dream of the Red Chamber, both Daiyu and Baochai have shots of the piano. The piano is also the highest-ranking musical instrument in ancient China. Ancient books record Fuxi playing the piano, and Shennong making the piano, Huangdi making the piano, Tang Yao making the piano, etc. Legend: Shun set the piano to five strings, Wen Wang added a string, and Wu Wang cut another string to a seven string; it can be seen that the Chinese Guqin culture has a long history and broad and profound ... "Without Shen Long's words, Xicheng held an Guqin to help Shen Longfang it is good.

After finishing the background knowledge, Shen Long began to demonstrate, "It is not possible to learn to play the Guqin in a short period of time, but the basic knowledge still needs to be understood. The first is how to put the piano, the piano is not lying flat on the table ... There are postures and fingerings for playing the piano, you just need to learn to model, so as not to expose the stuff when shooting the distant scenery ... "

As for the actual operation, it is sufficient to let a professional luthier act as a stand-in. Many costume plays in later generations like to play the Guqin costume, but they are often full of loopholes. The pianos are placed in reverse, and the actors are playing deeply and devotedly. People can't talk.

Shen Long played a piece of "Mountain Flowing Water" and then started to talk about Go. "Like playing the piano, you don't have to learn how to play chess. Go is easy to learn and difficult to learn. Getting started is easy. If you want to play well, it will be difficult; and There are many differences between ancient Go and modern Go. For example, ancient Go is generally white and then black, and modern Go is generally black and then white. The ancient system used a seat system, that is, four stars on the corner of the board in the game. There are 4 pieces in the position, two in black and white, and a similar diagonal star layout. In addition, there is no suitable rule for ancient Go ..... "

This is also a place where many ancient dramas are easy to wear. If you are an ancient film and television drama, the protagonist and people play chess, and you can start playing without putting the seat. This is definitely unreasonable.

"So what I want to teach you now is the etiquette of ancient literati playing chess, how to sit, how to take the chess piece, how to put the chess piece, this is all said ..." Shen Long stretched out **** and twisted the chess piece and put it gently On the chessboard, the movements are elegant and rhythmic, making these students feel the beauty of the manners inherent in classical literati.

"Is that Mr. Feng's girlfriend next to me? I really envy her. Can I have such a boyfriend! Hey, if I can find a boyfriend who has a third of Mr. Feng's good friends in the future, thank God." The little girl bit her girlfriend's ear.

"Then we will learn calligraphy again, and that classmate has practiced writing? Come up and cover up for us?" Shen Long knows that there is really good calligraphy in the crew of "Dream of Red Mansions".

Zhang Lin, who played Xue Baochai, hesitated a little and raised her hand. She used to practice calligraphy when she was a soldier, and she was well-known in the cultural troupe. Most of the characters in the TV series Xue Baochai were written by her hand, and It was appreciated by the calligraphy consultant of the crew.

Shen Long asked her to cover it up. Zhang Lin thought about it and wrote Li Qingzhao's song "Relying on the door, but sniffing the green plums" in a hairpin flower script. Shen Long watched and applauded and praised, "Student Zhang's calligraphy has a certain foundation. The movement of holding the pen is very standard, and the written characters are also very good. If you are interested in developing in this direction, you may become a calligrapher in the future. "

"I'll write another one for everyone. How to hold the pen and how to use it. There is a certain standard in calligraphy, but it is slightly different in terms of individuals ..." Shen Long wrote Jia Baoyu The "Crab Poetry" made in the Crab Banquet: holding cheats prefers Gui Gui to be cool, pouring vinegar to beat Jiang is ecstatic. The gluttonous king Sun should have wine, but the rampant son has no intestines. The cold between the umbilical cords is forgotten, and the fingertips are stained with scent. Originally the world's beautiful appetite, Po Xian once laughed busy all his life.

"Jia Baoyu is a son's nobleman. He has a certain foundation in calligraphy, but he hasn't worked hard, so he can see some spirituality in his characters, but there are some shortcomings in details ..." Shen Long took this opportunity again I have spread the knowledge of the character and calligraphy characteristics of everyone. I still wrote a variety of calligraphy with different styles as before.

Zhang Lin nodded secretly, just said that Mr. Feng's words seemed to be mediocre. It turned out that people imitated Jia Baoyu's handwriting. Looking at these later, one can skillfully write a variety of calligraphy with completely different styles, which shows His calligraphy has reached a very high level.

"Finally, let ’s look at painting and calligraphy again. Ancient literati like paintings and calligraphy works are not the same as ordinary people. They like literati paintings, also known as" scholar paintings by scholars and scholars ". It looks similar, emphasizing the charm, and attaches importance to the cultivation of calligraphy, literature and the expression of the artistic conception in the painting. It must have both character, knowledge, talent and thought ... Most of the paintings in the Grand View Garden are this kind of painting ~ ~ Specific to individuals, there are differences. Daiyu and Baochai, the girls who have created their own works, often belong to boudoir paintings. They are mainly based on themes such as idle flowers and quiet grass, bugs and butterflies, and landscape ladies. Beautiful, calm and peaceful, with a sense of idleness and richness ... "

"Of course, this is in a better mood. With the development of the story, the character's mood is also changing. In the later period, Dai Yu did not feel so leisurely when painting the plum blossoms. On the contrary, it showed a lot of misery. This The style of painting will naturally change ... "

After speaking for a whole day, it was considered that they had a temporary understanding of the basic knowledge of qinqi, calligraphy and painting, and then Shen Long did not have to go out personally. Naturally, there were professional consultants to teach them how to hold a pen and how to move their fingers ... The actors who play piano in the TV series personally will also give key training.

Before preparing to go home for the Spring Festival, Shen Long found Wang Dao again and mentioned another thing with him, "Wang Dao, I figured out that our crew still lacks a consultant! Let the big guy start with" The identity of the characters in "Dream of Red Mansions" is self-proclaimed and calls each other, which really helps them understand the plot and perform better. "

"However, it is easy to have problems since then, that is, it is not easy to get out of the drama. Most of these are small young, little girls, not more experienced old actors, especially the cold-cold actor such as Lin Daiyu ... The most It ’s good to ask a psychologist to prevent an accident. ”Hey, Shen Long did not want Xiao Chen to fall ill.

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