All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2005: Warm up in advance

When you say that, I remember it too. Compared with when I first joined the group, this girl really became more and more like Lin Daiyu. At first, I still thought it was a good thing, but I also feel a little owed when you remind me Proper; this drama is going to be filmed for several years, when the little girl can't come out, it's really a bad thing. "Director Wang is familiar with every actor and immediately remembered," I have to find such a person to enlighten them. "

"By the way, there is one more thing here that I want you to help." After finalizing this matter, Wang Dao raised another problem. "Originally, I wanted Wang Xizhong to be the makeup designer of our crew. Teacher, but Teacher Wang is now running around with the crew of Journey to the West, saying there is no time to come, can you see if I can help coordinate? "

"It's not easy to do. If our two crews are not far away, then let Teacher Wang run on both sides, but" Journey to the West "will be filmed all over the country. Teacher Wang is in Turpan today, and maybe he will run Changbai Mountain in a few days. Going, this can not be ignored, can only stay in one crew. "Shen Long shook his head.

"But you don't have to worry, Teacher Wang is really skilled, but China is so big, it is not impossible to find a makeup designer with the same level as Teacher Wang; by the way, have you ever seen the" Dunhuang Art Theater " "Silk Flower Rain"? I think the makeup design in this dance drama is full of Chinese classical beauty, or should we try to invite this designer to talk? "Shen Long recommended the makeup designer Yang Shuping of the original" Dream of Red Mansions " .

This uncompromising big winner has won many industry awards: he won the 7th "Flying Award" for best costume in the form of ancient Chinese characters represented by Jinling Twelve Hairpins in "Dream of Red Mansions"; six years later The fancy dress design for the TV series "Tang Minghuang" won the 13th "Flying Award" Best Fancy Dress Award.

In 1993, he made the makeup design for the movie "Yang Guifei" and won the "Hundred Flowers Award"; in the same year, he served as the makeup style of the Tang Dynasty dance feature film "Tang Fengliuyun", and won the makeup "Starlight Award"; in 2006, he performed 82 episodes of TV series "Zhenguan Changge" fancy dress design won the seventh "China Film and Television Fancy Dress Award".

"I have seen his thesis in the school library before, and I will look it up for you later. If you are satisfied, I will send a letter to ask him to try it!" Now that the winter vacation has taken place, the school library must be It was closed, but Shen Long wanted to go over some information and the school would still give this face.

Therefore, he found all the characters in the Silk Road Flower Rain and the paper published by Yang Shuping the next day. Wang Dao hesitated for a while, but still sent Yang Shuping an official letter and invited him to come to Beijing to talk.

As a result, Yang Shuping happened to be the iron powder of "Dream of Red Mansions", regardless of the Spring Festival, and the train went straight to the capital on the day of receipt of the official letter. After arriving, Wang Dao asked him a question and made Yang Shuyun separate 13 With Jia Baoyu's makeup, Yang Shuping did not hesitate at all, and accomplished this task very well.

This time, Wang Dao doubtlessly invited Yang Shuping as the makeup designer of "The Dream of Red Mansions" to take charge of the styling design of all important actors. Yang Shuping immediately began work.

Shen Long found a way to get him a batch of supplies. In the original history, the crew was severely deficient in supplies, not even eyeshadows and mascara. Sometimes I used the free samples that Mr. Yang brought back to France. Make up with flour.

The most famous is the scenes of Xia Jingui, Bao Chan, Xue Pan and Xiang Ling. Just before the shooting started, Xiang Ling ’s rouge note props were lost. They are going to be put on the current crew. That little supporting role has such a chaos. Makeup design must not scold her to death?

Teacher Yang didn't do this. He immediately ran to the nearby ticket office in the park and asked if there was any place to eat. But after a lap, he only found leftover dried noodles, but Yang Shuyun was able to play with dried noodles. When the flowers come out, the noodles are moistened, and then rubbed into a ball, and then coated with vermilion red, it is made into rouge.

However, you should know that if this thing dries out, it will crack, and this "rouge" is scrapped. In this way, Yang Shuyun made one rouge after another until the filming of the scene was finished.

With this amazing makeup technology, Yang Shuping left a name in the industry-"the first comb in the world", and once became the head figure in the costume modeling world.

After busy with this matter, I went back to the filming team of "Journey to the West" for a period of time, and then it was the Spring Festival holiday. The New Year's New Year's Day was particularly lively. The grandmother is still tough. Feng Shengli and Feng Dayou these two brothers also became families , Plus the two juniors Shen Long and Feng Qing, the family is reunited.

Xicheng and her mother also came and had a group dinner with the Feng family. They had already obtained the approval of each other ’s parents and could only marry after Shen Long graduated.

Several other households in the alley are also more affluent than before ~ ​​ ~ Heizi followed Shen Longqian and made much stronger than Wu, and now the home is full of imported electrical appliances. As for the Xiao family, Xiao Zhan is still in school, but Xiao Hongjun has already become the deputy director of Feng Dayou ’s electronics factory, and he has issued a large sum of light year-end awards. He used this money to buy a house for himself and Zizige, but also gave Xiao Congjia support. Little, the Ruby TV set of the Xiao family was also replaced with imported large color TV sets.

Although Wu Jianqiang did not make much money, his status in television stations was getting higher and higher. During the Spring Festival party, he also got a few internal tickets to let Shen Long take his family to the scene to take a good look. Chen Xiaoer and Zhu The handsome guy's "Eating Noodles" is really a bunker. Teacher Ma Ji's cosmic brand cigarettes made Shen Long laugh out of his teeth. This classic wouldn't be tired even if I watched it a hundred times.

In addition, Mr. You Benchang's pantomime sketch "Shower" also left a deep impression on Shen Long. He began to think about it. After the filming of "Journey to the West" and "Dream of Red Mansions" was finished, he or she had to consult Teacher You to discuss "Jigong" Move out early?

After the second day of the second day, Shen Long took Xicheng to celebrate New Year. Relatives at home, teachers in the school, leaders in the stage, and of course, Yang Dao, Yang Dao was very happy to see Shen Long, and even sent him and Xicheng Two red envelopes, "Hold it, as long as you two are not married, there are children in front of me."

Shen Long and Xicheng accepted it happily, accompanied Yang Dao for a while, and the topic naturally turned to the shooting. "This year we strive to pull the progress to 80%, so that we can leave more time for post-production next year. "

"According to the current speed, there is definitely no problem, but, Yang Dao, have you considered promoting the preheating in advance?" Shen Long asked.

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