All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2008: Own film

Shen Long also organized a banquet in a restaurant. The big guy drank some wine. I remembered the hard work of the past three years. I felt some emotions. Some people looked for someone to drink, and some secretly wiped tears. Shen Long was holding a wine glass. Going to the master, "Brother Zhang, what are the elders crying! Come, let's touch one more!"

"Come and drink." Brother Master directly sighed, and then pulled Shen Long to speak, "Feng Dao, thanks to your care for the past three years, if you remind me that I don't know that I have so many problems."

"You used your thoughts in the monkey drama before, and the old man protected you too well, and naturally you know less about human relations; but in the future, it will be different. When the" Journey to the West "is broadcast, you will definitely be red. Da Zi, it ’s so hot that you ca n’t even imagine it. At that time, people who paid to invite you to perform in the past will have to queue up to visit you. ”

"The more you should be more cautious at this time, think about it before you speak, lest you offend people you do n’t know yet; in addition, do n’t limit yourself to the image of Sun Wukong, you are still talented in acting, if you have It ’s better to enroll in a training class to study systematically, and then you can perform other roles in the future. ”For example, in" Lian Cheng Jue ", it ’s a good job to perform well. If I do n’t see the list of actors, I ca n’t believe it. you.

"If I make another TV series or movie in the future, I might ask you to come and help. We will have the opportunity to deal with each other in the future." Shen Long said, patting his shoulder.

"Okay, as long as you say a word, I will act in the past! Come, let's drink one more!" The master also felt Shen Long's concern for himself, so he picked up the glass again.

After drinking it with my brother, Shen Long found several others, "Master, Brother Sha, let's drink one too ... Lin Lin, I will also invite you to be a martial arts teacher in the filming ...... Teacher Liu, I still want to Please take a picture. "

Of course, Yang Dao is indispensable, "Mr. Yang and Ms. Wang, I respect two cups. I have done whatever you want. Thank you for teaching me so much."

"Xiao Feng, if it weren't for you, this film must have not been finished so quickly, and it was so good." The other two toasted the two of them in most sense, but when they came to Shen Long, they were glasses to drink.

This day, the big guy was almost drunk. He went back to the room and slept. He did n’t get up until the next afternoon. After eating a meal, he hurriedly got on the bus and returned to Beijing. After the summary meeting in Beijing, everyone Shen Long and Yang Dao started post-production work.

The teacher Xu Jingqing who had contacted before wrote the tune for the TV series. The classic tracks such as "Cloud Palace Xunyin", "Dare to Ask Where the Way Is", "Daughter Love", "Tianzhu Maiden" and other classics made Yang Dao and Shen Long praise.

As for the authors of these tunes, it is even more powerful. Teacher Yan Su from the Air Administration Cultural Corps is the only civilian general in our history. He gave "Dare to Ask Where the Way Is", "Tianzhu Maiden", " Songs such as "Big Saint", "Five Hundred Years of Vicissitudes", and "Why Xitian Wanliyao" are accompanied by lyrics.

In addition, teacher Dai Yinglu wrote the lyrics of "Return from the Classic", Wang Liping wrote "Hundreds of Turns and Thousands of Return to Sincerity", Fu Lin and Xiaoling wrote "Birthless Names and No Surnames", and Yang Tao wrote the classics in person. "Daughter Love", people are really talented, it's just a shot, it's a classic.

The lyrics and music scores are available, so the next thing to consider is the singers of these songs. Shen Long and Yang Dao discussed together, "" Dare to ask where is the road ", it is best to produce two versions of male and female voices. For male voices, I think Jiang Dawei 'S voice is quite appropriate; female voice, do you remember the song "Gulangyu Wave" in the Spring Festival Evening of 83? I can't see it, so please ask teacher Zhang Baomo to sing it. "

"It's quite appropriate to let Teacher Jiang sing in" Return of the Classics ", and let" Yu Jianjian "come in" The Five Hundred Years of the Sea ", and" Clear the Moon and the Moon "let Chi Zhongrui sing well. He loves to sing two sentences in the crew What? So many songs can be sung by one or two crews, and it ’s a good story to pass on. "

"" Tianzhu Maiden "is a dance music with a Tianzhu wind, it is best to find a dance that can sing and dance. Last time I saw the Asian-African Song and Dance Party of the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe, there was a little girl who danced Tianzhu dance very well, and the voice was also Yes, I asked her to come back and try. "Shen Longyu's voice" Saliwa, Saliwa "sounded in Shen Long's mind.

"For" Daughter Love ", some time ago, the Youth Film Studio shot a" Youth Festival ". The theme song of the movie was" Green and Wild Grapes ". After I heard it, I felt that Wu Jing's voice sang" Daughter Love " "It's a match made in heaven." Wu Jing was originally a worker in a printing house. He had just stepped into the singing world this year. Shen Long finally found someone. If it was a year and a half earlier, he could only ask one printing house.

Yang Dao passed the voices of these people in his mind with the scores and scores, and finally nodded his approval, "You have chosen very good, and I will leave it to you to do it. I will listen to it when it is recorded. Just ~ ~ Yang Dao is more and more at ease with Shen Long.

"Hello, no problem, I will make you satisfied!" Recording songs is more professional for me than making movies. I have done this in both worlds.

Shen Long immediately began to rush people. Jiang Dawei, Zhang Momo, Yu Junjian, Li Lingyu, who had become famous for a long time, or the up-and-coming singers had better say something, just call their units to invite, only Wu Jing Not easy to find. She is still in the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe. Shen Long asked Li Lingyu when she called Li Lingyu. She did not know this person.

But it does n’t matter, Shen Long knew who could find Wu Jing ’s residence, so Shen Long went back to school. The director of "Youth Festival" was Zhang Nuanxin, and Zhang Dao was the 58-year-old sister of the director department. After graduation After staying at school to teach, he went to Modu to work as an assistant to Xie Jin for some time, and then returned to the school.

From Zhang Dao, Shen Long found Wu Jing's contact information, and also asked her the status of "Youth Festival" male number two. The impression of An Jiahe who played Shen Long was so deep. When you make your own film, you must find him to cooperate.

After talking about Feng Yuanzheng's situation, Zhang Dao talked about another thing, "Xiao Feng, look at the senior year immediately, and should you consider your graduation project? You ran with the crew for three years to save With so much experience, can't you just take a short video out and fool the school! "

"Mr. Zhang, in fact, I was thinking about making a work of my own. Can you watch the TV show? Can it be shown on the court platform?"

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