All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2009: "I love my home"

"TV series?" Teacher Zhang is a little tangled. We are a film academy. You made a TV series as a graduation project. Why doesn't it sound awkward to listen to? Maybe the TV series on the court station made her reluctant to persuade Shen Long to change her plan. Nowadays, the school does not have much money to provide senior graduates, and most of their graduation designs are just short films.

There is no possibility for these short films to be released. Only the teacher can look at them, give them a score, and then throw them in the warehouse, and they will be grayed out. If Shen Long ’s graduation project can really be broadcast on the court platform, it will be good for the school.

"What kind of TV series are you directing? How many episodes are you going to shoot? Where are you looking for funds? How can you guarantee that it can be broadcast on the court station?" Teacher Zhang asked a series of questions. These must be made clear first!

"It must be my directing, the theme is urban comedy, plus some ironic elements, the specific episode number has not yet been determined, first write a script of three or forty episodes! Try to apply for funds to Taili, as long as they are willing to It ’s definitely possible to broadcast it. They ca n’t possibly make a loss-making business? ”Of course, Shen Long can also take the money to shoot, but now there is no such thing as production and broadcast separation. If you spend the money, you do n’t necessarily have the copyright. Shen Long ca n’t. Bai doing good is not.

And most importantly, it violates the laws of industry development, such as "Journey to the West" and "Dream of Red Mansions", it is not enough to supplement some of the funds with advertisements, but it is not appropriate to completely pay your own money.

"You see if this works, I will first make a plan and report it to the stage. If the stage can pass and allow me to shoot, then I will take this as a graduation project. If the stage is not, I will change it. One project, go back to school and make a good movie out, you can see it! "

"Since you have said so, then go give it a try, and I will say to other teachers in the school." Teacher Zhang agreed, and then he was busy, of course, he did not forget to remind me before leaving. "By the way, when you start a new TV series, consider more of the students in our school!"

"No problem, almost all of the leading roles in this TV series have been decided, but there are so many supporting actors that they can definitely take care of them!" Shen Long patted on his chest.

Came out of the office and pulled Zang Jinsheng. They took another drink, and by the way revealed a little bit about their plans to plan a TV series, promised to give them a chance.

The next day I found Wu Jing and told her about it. She was 100 willing, and immediately went to the court platform with Shen Long. Once the audition was done, Shen Long stayed in the recording studio one by one. All the tunes were recorded for the first time and submitted to Yang Dao for review. Yang Dao was also very satisfied and even made a joke, "It's good, oh, I don't dare to cooperate with you in the next drama anymore. It's handled properly, and I'll be lazy in this way. "

"You're kidding, but if you shoot the next drama, I really can't make you an associate director!" Shen Long took the opportunity to say his idea of ​​making a TV series, "I have studied with you for so long, I I also want to try making a film myself. "

"This is a good thing. With your abilities, you are indeed qualified to make a film yourself! Do you have an idea? Do you want me to help you find the leader in the stage?" Yang Dao now looks at Shen Long as if he were watching himself Like his proud disciples, he wished he could start his career as soon as possible, and he became more and more prosperous.

"I already have an idea. I have written the outline of the story, the character settings and the scripts of the first few episodes. You can help me check it." Shen Long took out a thick stack of documents and handed it to Yang Dao.

Yang Dao watched it carefully for a long time in the past, "This model is quite novel, but it does fit the situation in Taili, and the story is also good. It reflects some of the current problems. It is a good work after laughter. ! "

With Yang Dao ’s approval, Shen Long felt relieved and took the plan to find the leader in the stage and said that he wanted to make a film. The leader was hesitant, “Xiao Feng, it stands to reason, we ’re sure of your ability It ’s trustworthy, but you also know that the funds in the stage are tight. You will shoot forty episodes as soon as you come up, and I ca n’t find so much money! ”

"Leader, my play is not the same as" Journey to the West "and" Dream of Red Mansions "." Journey to the West "needs to be filmed all over the country." Dream of Red Mansions "needs to produce so many beautiful costumes and props. Naturally, it costs more."

"My drama is a sitcom. Most of the filming is in a fixed scene without travel expenses; and it's still an urban drama. The actors' costumes don't matter, just let them bring it ..." from the cost of shooting From a perspective, sitcoms should be the lowest-cost TV series.

In addition to the film remuneration and filming costs of the actors, the rest of the costs are almost negligible, and now the actors in our country do not get film remuneration from time to time, they all get a fixed salary, so the cost is lower, there is no need to worry about like " As in "Friends", there is a situation where the pay for the starring movie is too high and the investors cannot bear it.

Chao Ting Tai made a lot of sitcoms in the early 1990s ~ ~ Among them, there are reasons for the low cost of shooting. The big movies such as "Journey to the West" and "Dream of Red Mansions" are good, but they are too expensive. .

"Isn't that just a drama? The audience loves to watch it?" The leader has not been exposed to this art form.

"In fact, it's still not the same. This model is very popular in the United States. The performance of dramas is staged, and sitcoms are more lifelike ..." Shen Long Barabala talked about the concept of sitcoms, which gave leaders A simple understanding, and then analyze from a business perspective.

"This kind of drama has less investment and will not add too much financial pressure to Taiwan; and because it is a modern urban comedy close to our lives, you can also use advertising to attract social funds and reduce expenditure in Taiwan. It may even be possible to recoup the cost before the shooting begins. "

"Implanted ads? Xiao Feng, you are one of these fresh nouns, tell me, what is this all about?" As soon as I heard that it was also popular in the United States, leaders became interested.

"For example, I have an electric fan in the first episode of this drama, which is a very important prop. The audience will definitely be impressed when I watch it. At this time, I can talk to the manufacturer of the electric fan. You give me For how much money, I will replace the electric fan of the TV series with yours, so that after the TV series is broadcast, your electric fan will be visible to the national audience! If so, someone will definitely pay for it! "

"Interesting, interesting, come, let me see the script!" The leader took the script from Shen Long and saw four words written on the cover-"I Love My Family".

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