All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2010: Trailer play

Which work is China's first sitcom has always been controversial. Some say "The Story of the Editorial Department" aired in 1992, and some are more inclined to "I Love My Family". Shen Long chose it "I love my family" instead of the story of the editorial department, the main consideration is the issue of scale. "The story of the editorial department" is a bit large. There have been many controversial topics, and some are still disputed until now, so I still shoot I love my family ".

"Regarding this TV series, I think about it this way." The leader watched while Shen Long was explaining. "The first is the role setting. Old Man Fu Ming is a retired veteran, and he has an older generation of revolutionary work on him. The glory of the person. "In fact, the original name was Jia Jingxian. Fu Ming was a pseudonym when he was engaged in underground work. After that, he simply used it.

His children inherited the surname of Jia, "The eldest son Jia Zhiguo was a deputy cadre and a representative of the intellectuals during the reform period, and he also had some common citizens' style of care; his wife Heping was a literary and art worker, although some were small Something wrong, but still a good wife and mother. "

"Second son Jia Zhixin is currently out of work. Sometimes he has some small business. Although his mouth is slick, he is kind-hearted; his youngest daughter Jia Xiaofan is a college student who has thought and opinion."

"Jia Zhiguo and Heping ’s daughter Jia Yuanyuan are representatives of elementary school students in the new era." Yes, the TV drama was taken out in advance, and Jia Yuanyuan changed from after 80 to after 70, and Guan Ling, the player of Jia Yuanyuan, is now Only three years old, you can only choose a small actor again, or learn from Teacher Xu, find Cao Ying to play Jia Yuanyuan? She should be eleven this year? It seems appropriate.

"The simple and hardworking foreign babysitter Zhang Fenggu, who can reflect some things in the countryside through her, plus Zheng Yanhong, who is close to Jia Zhixin, and the supporting roles in the play, so that all the characters in the society can have a representative through them. Out of the current social life ... At the same time, it plays the role of guiding public opinion and establishing the correct social ethics. "Shen Long knew that when he was a leader, he would pay attention to this content, so he purposely ordered it, which is like engaging in literary creation in the future. We must pay attention to the promotion of positive energy.

"Well, it is very thoughtful. TV dramas are not only used to entertain the audience, guide the social atmosphere, and help the audience establish a correct outlook on life, worldview, and values." Leaders are very satisfied with Shen Long's explanation.

After reading the character set, the script outline and the script content of the previous episodes, the leader said, "It ’s a good idea. Except for individual details that need to be modified, there is not much problem. You will come when we meet next week. Let ’s join together. Let ’s talk about it! But I can say that in the front, if someone wants equipment, or even a shooting venue, the stage can help solve it, but there will definitely be a shortage of funds. Since you think of the method of placing ads, then Think of ways to win some social funds. "

"However, you can't receive any advertisements. You must seriously investigate the specific situation of the company. Can you let fake and inferior products appear on our TV screens!"

"This is for sure. I will also communicate with the comrades of the relevant departments and let them help us check it out." Shen Long thought the same way and couldn't smash his own signboard.

After several rounds of meetings, "I Love My Family" officially received the support and approval of the project and gave him a place to let him arrange the three-generation residence of the old Fu Ming family according to his own ideas.

Senior Fu Ming is a retired cadre at the bureau level. His house is of a standard. Shen Long took reference to the original TV series and the living conditions of similar families today and came up with a plan of the family house. This is a set of four rooms and two halls. house.

Most of the scenes of the TV series happen in the living room, so the living room is slightly larger. The living room is next to the dining room and the kitchen. Elder Fu Ming and Heping Zhiguo each have a bedroom, and Jia Yuanyuan and Zhang Fenggu live in a room; Jia Zhixin also has his own 'S bedroom, but if Jia Xiaofan comes back, he has to go to the sofa.

While discussing with the props how to arrange the shooting scene, Shen Long also cooperated with Yang Dao in the post-production of "Journey to the West", which is one of the reasons why he chose to shoot "I Love My Family". If he took other films, he had to bring The crew was on location, even if it was not convenient in Beijing.

It ’s much better now, but it ’s just a few steps upstairs and downstairs. You can cope with it. Go to Yang Dao every day at work, make a list of the work you want to do today, and then go downstairs to the crew and big guys When a meeting is held, the two lines can work in an orderly manner.

The script Shen Long wrote the first few episodes, the specific content was modified according to the characteristics of the times and the current social hotspots, and then the outline was handed over to the screenwriter team to let them go to work.

The problem of casting is easy to solve. Mr. Wen Xingyu, who plays Fu Ming ’s old man, is actually forty-five years old this year, but he has 20 years of experience in theatrical performance. It is absolutely not a problem to perform superbly playing a retired veteran; When he filmed "I Love My Family" in real history ~ ~ was only fifty-two, but anyone who watched the TV series thought he was more than seventy.

There are quite a lot of actors in the later generations, and they all obviously fold up and play high school students and beautiful girls, which makes people uncomfortable when they look at them; while they can still dress like this in old age, Shen Long has never seen it. several.

In fact, there is more than one teacher who pretends to be old in this play. Song Dandan was only thirty-two in that year, but he can play the peace of his forties.

Jia Zhiguo and Jia Zhixin don't need to change. They still let Yang Lixin and Liang Tian play. I don't know if Yang Lixin's role as a cadre in the era dramas in the future will come from this drama. As for Liang Tian, ​​those little eyes will give you a look Impressed; Jia Yuanyuan and Shen Long found Cao Ying, and now only Zhang Fenggu is left. Shen Long simply pulled a girl with a similar temperament from the Film Academy and let her play.

Shen Long put together the main actors, let them study the script first, understand the character, speaking style, etc. of the characters they want to play, and then continue to help Yang Dao in post-production. By the way, he also cut a trailer. Played on the stage and told the audience that their long-awaited Journey to the West is finally coming.

So, soon the audience all over the country listened to the music of "Wait, wait, wait, wait, dong, dong, dong", watching Sun Wukong flipping and heading up to the sky.

They thought that "Journey to the West" was about to be broadcast, and they were very excited. As a result, when they watched the trailer, they were depressed, and it was not officially broadcast yet!

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