All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2011: Thousands of people

The trailer began to play on the court station, which tickled the national audience, but soon their attention was attracted by the "Spring Festival Gala". It is definitely a common show for most families to eat the Spring Festival dinner. Even if you do n’t have a TV at home, you will often gather with relatives with TV to enjoy it.

It ’s not like it is now. When eating a New Year ’s dinner, you ’re either in a restaurant outside. Who can watch TV; even if you ’re at home, you are holding your mobile phone one by one. Station, there is also a starting point to watch the "Zhutian Wanjie Shenlong System", which is not updated during the New Year. Well, this author is not bad. It is updated in the New Year's Eve. Give him a reward for the new year.

Many people in the later generations said that the Spring Festival Gala was getting worse and worse. There was no such taste as when I was a kid. This is not true. As a child, there were few entertainment projects and the quality of the Spring Festival Gala program was relatively excellent, so it left a deep impression on many people. Memory; and now, it is the era of entertainment explosion, domestic and foreign, a variety of entertainment programs raise everyone's appetite, the audience of entertainment programs is becoming more and more refined, and then watching the Spring Festival Gala will feel ordinary There is no such stunning feeling as a child.

Moreover, the Spring Festival Gala is a national party and needs to take care of audience groups in different regions and different ages, so some programs are not so interesting to young audiences, and the Spring Festival Gala at Station B is specifically for young people. Almost every program can scratch the itch of the young audience.

The young audience is also the main body of the online voice, so the Spring Festival Gala of Station B naturally overwhelms the Spring Festival Gala of the Chao Tingtai. What the **** is this?

Ordinary viewers stay at home to watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV, and Shen Long takes his family to watch the scene. Well, this is not the first time he has come. Shen Long estimates that he will wait for a decade or two, maybe he will It was dug up by the audience who was so anxious and counted how many times he had participated in the Spring Festival Gala.

May even give him the name of the most popular audience for the Spring Festival Gala; of course, Shen Long is a man of good manners, and he can't do anything that even rapes him.

"This place is much better than last year. The mainland has developed rapidly in recent years." Feng Dayou looked at the environment in the studio. "I came back right to invest in this move."

"In the future, it will only get better and better. Uncle, if you work harder, you may still be able to leave a name on the Treasure Island Rich List." Unless you are TSMC, it is definitely better to stay on the mainland than to stay on Xiaobao Island. On the much stronger.

"Xiaodu, who is participating in this year's performance? Can you tell me in advance? I'm cute to see Chen Xiaoer's sketch!" Xu Yin also asked.

"Chen Xiaoer must have, but it is almost waiting until the end." Well, this year's sketch is "Lamb Skewers", and this content will definitely not be able to board the Spring Festival Gala stage in the future.

Soon, the program officially began. The host of this session was "Spring is here, and it is the mating season." There are also adults and so on. The first program came with a bombing. Many members of the national team and Other artists came to a major chorus of songs, including Jiang Dawei and Yu Junjian who sang the theme song for Journey to the West.

Jiang Dawei sang the song "The Place Where the Peach Blossoms Bloom" and "New Year Song" that made him famous at once, and Yu Junjian sang "The Girl of Alishan", this song was also sung for a while.

Looking ahead, Shen Long felt that the quality of some programs was relatively average. Perhaps later generations would recall the early Spring Festival Gala. The first thing I remembered was Chen Xiaoer's sketches, Jiang Dawei's singing and other Wang Bo programs. Ignoring these relatively ordinary or relatively unloved works by young audiences, I feel that the Spring Festival Gala of this period is perfect enough.

Until nearly twelve o'clock, Chen Xiaoer finally appeared, and Zhu Shimao brought countless cheers and laughter to everyone. Xu Yin and Feng Shengli both had stomachaches when they laughed. Feng Qing slapped his palms red.

The big guy watched the TV rebroadcast at home the next day, and then began to walk relatives. After the aftermath of the Spring Festival Gala gradually dispersed, "Journey to the West" once again aroused everyone's yearning.

This time the TV station did not let them wait long. On the seventh day of the Chinese New Year, they broadcast the first episode of "Journey to the West", "The Monkey King Begins", telling that Sun Wukong popped out of the stone and entered Shuilian Cave to become the beautiful monkey king. Go out to the sea to find the law of longevity and worship the story of Bodhisattva.

The master acted the monkey lively, which attracted the audience. The next day, "Guanfeng Bi Ma Wen" was broadcast. Sun Wukong learned seventy-two and returned to Huaguo Mountain. After entering the sea, he got a full set of equipment from the dragon king. Wearing such an epic gear, all the audience shined, oh, this beautiful monkey king is handsome!

When Taibai Venus came down and flicked Sun Wukong to heaven as a horse, the audience felt aggrieved for a while, and at the end of this episode, Sun Wukong returned to Huaguo Mountain ~ ~ When I was holy in the flag, the big guy suddenly felt happy, yes, this is what the monkey brother should be like!

The third episode of "The Great Sheng Nao Tian Gong" directly pushes the audience's mood to the climax. If it is put in the net article, it is definitely a golden three chapter that can't be more powerful. The first three episodes captured the audience. Deadly.

After the third episode was broadcast, the newspaper directly used four words to describe the popular situation of "Journey to the West"-ten thousand people alley.

Speaking of this idiom, the earliest came from the fourth of "Five Songs of Wanghai Revisited on August 17th": "Lai Youming sees the tide, people are all fighting for new makeup"; the earliest refers to people crowding from the house to the house Coming out, leaving the passage, and rushing to a certain place is an idiom that very vividly describes the dynamic situation.

The "Xinhua Dictionary" is interpreted as "People have come out from the house to describe the grand occasion of celebration and welcome"; "Cihai" explains that all the people are empty, "Many people gather together, so that the streets are empty."

But like many other idioms, the meaning has gradually changed in the process of use. Some experts have also approved the use of describing the streets and streets as empty and empty.

Therefore, it was the correct way to describe the big guys who used to go to the movie theater to watch "The Burning Red Lotus Temple". Now it is the correct way to describe the big guys who stay at home and watch "Journey to the West".

Soon, the results of the investigation of the Imperial Court came out, and the ratings of Journey to the West surpassed 90%, but this still did not break the audience record of the Imperial Court.

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