All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2013: This is called professional

"Several teachers are experiencing life, and they will start shooting immediately." Shen Long replied that the actors at this time were not the kind of scripts that were directly played before the meeting, and all roles must be prepared carefully.

"What kind of support is needed on the stage, despite the opening; by the way, can you also make a few more songs in this drama? Will we buy another wave of audio tapes at that time?" Leaders are a little addicted to making money, and there is no way. The equipment needs to be replaced in Taiwan, and new programs need to be planned. This will cost money, and the annual funds in Taiwan will be so small. Now that there is a way to make money, can we immediately seize it?

"I Love My Family" does have a lot of episodes, but most of these songs are not as classic as "Journey to the West", so the popularity is not high. If all the original songs are used, the sales of the tape may not be good, but there is a heavy Long Zai, there is no problem in finding a few popular songs.

"I'll try to find as many teachers as possible! But the leader, I want people to come up with good tunes, and I have to give them some rewards. Now that I have reformed and opened up, I still have to say a few good words just like before. No way. "Shen Long took the opportunity to raise royalties again.

He did n’t want to copy the song anymore, he just recalled the authors of several classic songs, and then asked to ask them to ask for the song. If he found the best version of the singer to sing, it would definitely make this album a hit. record.

For example, let Jia Zhiguo recall Li Chunbo ’s singing experience when he jumped in line, and then let peace jealous and Jia Zhiguo make trouble for a while; for example, find Teacher Gu Jianfen and ask her to write "Mother in Candlelight" Come out, and then let Jia Yuanyuan and peacefully make an episode, and finally feel the mother's difficulty, and hug her mother in the song.

啧啧, such a trick, these tunes will not work if you want to! Looking back, I would like to think about any suitable songs, modify the outline, and let those assistant screenwriters incorporate these songs into the episode; oh, yes, "no gifts for the holiday this year, only platinum for the gift" is definitely not possible need.

"Hey, it ’s not anymore than before. Many people told me that someone on our stage was going out and scrambled, causing the crew to panic. Now the big guys are paying more and more attention to the money. It makes sense, but there are also difficulties in the stage. I will try my best to coordinate it. I can make some more. "The hot sale of the" Journey to the West "tape made the leader see the prospect of this business. He is not a short-sighted person. Divide out some benefits.

"That's good, you will give me a standard when the time comes, so I can find someone to ask for a song!" In this way, Shen Long can find someone to ask for a song, so he can't just talk about it!

Before the shooting started, Shen Long called the crew members to a meeting, and the place was placed in the prepared studio. The old man Fu Ming ’s home has been set up, and some modifications have been made compared to the original, so that this house is more in line with the current situation. Standard for retired cadres

Compared with when I first entered the group, there have been no small changes in the leading roles. Forty-year-old teacher Wen Xingyu walked on his back, although his movements were slow, but his waist bar was still as straight as possible. What about the 72-year-old retired veteran.

Mr. Wen had previously gone to the veteran cadre's retreat center, and spent time with those veteran cadres who had participated in the revolution before liberation, chatting with them, and imitating their speech and manners.

Mr. Yang Lixin studied for a period of time in the administrative department of the TV station to understand the daily work of the administrative department; Teacher Song went to the Quyi Troupe, followed a Jingyun drummer to learn basic skills, and listened to her tell the story of the older artists.

These three are all drama actors, and their Chinese teacher will later become the dean of the National Experimental Drama Theatre and a national first-level actor. Teacher Song is also a first-level drama actor. To talk about acting skills, the drama actor absolutely hangs the movie of the same level. Actors, not to mention actors in TV series.

Although Liang Tian was born halfway, others are willing to work hard to study. After reading Jia Zhixin's character analysis, he ran directly to the street and stalled. During the period, he was also caught by the police, but Shen Long took it out; he Originally a very stable person, the result is now sitting on the sofa crookedly, revealing a hint of gas in the stream.

Right now, Teacher Yang is sitting there wearing glasses, and he looks like a small leader in the unit; Teacher Song is consciously gestured, and he seems to be knocking on the Beijing rhythm drum; the expression of Zhang Fenggu is a little restrained, like a little boy who has just entered the city. Babysitter.

The only estimate that might be easier is Cao Ying. She plays an elementary school student about the same age as hers. Basically, you can just perform in person. You do n’t have to worry too much. Of course, you need to be more lively in character.

"Teachers have worked hard this time, and seeing what you are doing now, you do n’t need to ask me to know that this drama is done!" This relief is the image that Shen Long saw in the TV drama, oh, Jia Yuanyuan Xiaopenyou is only a little thinner than the original one; since it is ~ ~ then it is still necessary to ask them questions, the acting workers of this period are still very reassuring.

"Feng Dao, you are fully prepared to play such a good story, and I will be willing to work hard; to be honest, I was a little bit unhappy when I first asked me to sit in a sitcom. The more you think about it, the more interesting you are. This little comrade is very powerful! "In the last sentence, Teacher Wen also used the tone of old Fu Ming.

"Director, when will we start shooting?" After a chat, Liang Tian asked the topic.

"Originally, I plan to start again in two days, but now that I look at your status, I think it can be officially filmed tomorrow. Let's talk about the drama of the day today. By the way, by the way, this time the filming and General TV dramas are still a little different. At that time, the staff of our TV station will act as audiences. You should not be affected. "Some sitcoms have live audiences and some do n’t.

This scene was prepared by Shen Long, but without calling outsiders, the staff on the stage was called to help. They were easier to manage and would not affect the shooting.

Early the next morning, Shen Long arrived at the shooting site, arranged the work of photography, lighting, recording and other personnel, and then sat behind the monitor. The drama officially started shooting.

After dinner, Yuanyuan wants to watch cartoons, Jia Zhiguo wants to watch TV dramas, Jia Zhixin dislikes Xiao Zhang's dishes, salty, Jia Xiaofan vomits Jia Zhixin, and the short fireworks from his parents come.

Hey, this is called professional!

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