All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2014: Pilot

Jia Xiaofan was also replaced. Zhao Mingming was only sixteen this year. He definitely could n’t perform. Shen Long did n’t find any outsiders. He just went back to the Film Academy and took Lin Fangbing away. This girl is twenty-one this year. Just like Jia Xiaofan ’s age, she has n’t graduated from the university. It's no problem to use her best actress in the Hundred Flowers Award for acting in a TV series.

And she has a good appearance, outstanding temperament, and charm is definitely not worse than Zhao Mingming; the only thing that may not be perfect is that she is from Yangzhou. Speaking of Jingcheng dialect, it tastes a bit bad, but she does n’t have much drama, and it ’s enough to study hard. No need to worry about affecting her making movies.

Shen Long will adjust the filming plan and use the time interval of her filming to focus on the lens. Now the annual output of film and television dramas is not high, and the actors are not as busy as later generations.

The first few shots were completed relatively smoothly. The actors continued to perform in accordance with the script. He walked back from the outside after a peaceful meal and talked about Fu Ming ’s recent situation. "Ah hey, what's going on with my dad today? From the unit He slaps when he comes back, and walks downstairs without eating, this cold day ... "

Jia Zhixin crooked on the sofa, "Maybe it's something to worry about, alas, is there a **** who was widowed at noon with the unit today?", And his personality was revealed.

Said to him peacefully that he was still there arguing, "Our mother has been dead for more than two years. Our father talks about the conditions and the body. If he wants to worry about this, shouldn't it be normal or normal?"

Jia Xiaofan rolled his eyes, "Our dad is so old ... not to be ..."

Jia Yuanyuan interjected, "Love is old and young, and there is no one-way street in life." This also shows that she is not a good student.

Was suddenly excited, "Hey, hey, where did this child learn so much mess ..."

Jia Zhiguo complained, "It's not all you recruited! Our dad went to work for a day, tired, and lying down for a while, you don't mean that his old man is worried about finding our stepmother, this is there and there!"

Jia Yuanyuan is very strange, "Aunt, why do you say adults are so willing to work?" This also implies that she does not want to go to school.

Jia Xiaofan glanced at Jia Zhixin, "Ah, not all adults are willing to go to work. For example, your second uncle, he has not been in a hurry for three years at home ..."

Zhixin was very dissatisfied, "Who is idle? I hang two units and also serve as deputy general managers of three companies. I am not busy than anyone!"

Through a simple dialogue, the character's character and identity background are basically clear. This can be said to be the appearance of the main characters of the whole show, so that the big guys can understand it at a glance.

Then the last member of the family, old man Fu Ming, came back and said to Plains where he was, "What's wrong with Grandpa? Grandpa doesn't allow anyone to say anything if he has shortcomings?"

As I said, the afterglow of the corner of my eyes swept to Mr. Fu and immediately changed his mouth. "... No, there are shortcomings. You say, there are no shortcomings. What are you? It ’s not that I criticize you. You should also change the people behind you. ! Either our dad knows people, do n’t go to his heart, or else ... Yo, dad, you get up, sit here! "

"Hahaha!" The audience laughed a lot, and the sound engineer recorded the laughter, which could be added when it was officially broadcast; adding the audience's laughter in the sitcom would make it easier to mobilize the TV. The emotions of the audience allow them to really look in.

Heping immediately expressed his concern, "Ah, Dad, are you tired enough after a day's work? Although the work in the bureau is inseparable from you, you must also pay attention to your body!"

Speaking of this old Fu, he got angry and began to vomit, "Can't do without me? Can't do without me, how can I put my desk to ... to the women's federation's house?"

Jia Zhixinle, "How do you work at the Women's Federation? This is really new!"

Mr. Fu continued to spit out, “It ’s not formally clear, so let me borrow the office there ... I saw a female worker as soon as I entered, muttering with the office staff, muttering, I let her have something to put on the table She said that she would n’t let me listen to this, only to the comrades of the Women ’s Federation, their mothers and sisters ... what kind of mother-in-law ’s family, a game of chess in the whole country! Later, it was her husband who beat her, and grabbed the chest blue and purple One piece, 'If it is not convenient for you to sit here with a big man, I will take it off and let you see ...' '

"The women ’s federations’ women ’s speeches were also inadequate, 'Ah, the elder sister who is not in the way, the deputy director of Lao Fu Zan is not an outsider ...' Guess what the woman worker said? We can't just let him look at it! 'Look at your ghost! Which vice-president is willing to look at you!'

Um, this line is a bit large in scale, and it ca n’t be filmed after the release, but now it ’s okay, this paragraph amused the audience again, and then Fu Lao began to feel that since he has retired, it is not appropriate to stay in the unit, specific Let the young people go to work, I just stay at home.

He wants to go to the streets or other units to play his spare heat ~ ~ The big guys also disagree, Yuanyuan even said don't come to their school as a tutor, they have more than 100 tutors in their school.

This is also the current social situation. It is now in the mid-to-late 1980s. Many veteran cadres who took part in the revolution before liberation suddenly retired and suddenly laid off from their busyness. They were somewhat uncomfortable and wanted to continue to play their waste heat. "The first two episodes are called" Playing the Heat ".

After the day of shooting, the staff who came to act as audiences all had tears on their faces and all laughed. "Feng Dao, this drama is so funny. I will support it if there is time tomorrow."

"Feng Dao, can I take my mother to see tomorrow? The old lady is boring at home. You can rest assured that I will tell her well and will not affect your shooting." There are even people who are planning to make the family come to watch.

After the first two episodes were filmed, Shen Long cut it out and showed it to the leader in the station. The consistently serious leader of the unit could not hold back in front of this drama either. There was a lot of laughter in the office, which caused TV stations passing by. The employees are a little bit baffled, "What's wrong with this today? The leader asked Ma Ji to come to a cross talk? How can it be so successful?"

"It's a good shoot, Xiao Feng, otherwise, let's put these two episodes out for a pilot broadcast. If the audience is satisfied, we will find a way to shoot a few more episodes. The cost of this drama is not high. Can we shoot longer! "The leader spoke.

"No problem!" The first part is about 120 episodes, some of which are materials.

So a few days later, the pilot episode of "I Love My Family" met the audience.

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