All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2015: "I Love My Family" is too bad

Now Xiao Zhan is in his senior year, his studies have been completed, and his work has been allocated. Now he is using this free time to go home with his parents and his sister Xiao. The family will sit together when Xiao comes back from work that day. Together, watching TV while eating, Xiao Youxi took a few sips, and kept looking at the TV, "Listen to Feng Qing, Feng Duge ’s TV drama was piloted today, Dad, we changed to watch Feng Duge ’s TV drama. Right! "

"Is there a new movie in Duzi? That's a good look!" Xiao Zhan is now completely out of the idea of ​​competing with Shen Long. Now that he has entered the unit, he has to boil slowly, and everyone is on his own.

"To say that" Journey to the West "was really good, Xiao Feng worked hard. At that time, he felt that it was a pity that he had to report to the Film Academy. Now he looks better than me!" Xiao Cong said and started to change. Station, waiting for the show to start.

This is what happened to the Xiao family, not to mention the Feng family. Many neighbors knew they had a TV at home. They had to come to the Feng family to see it. As soon as the Feng family imported large TVs, it looked comfortable. Isn't this topic close to others? Now the Feng family is shaking, not only the children have a good fortune, Laozi has also become the factory manager from the porter, and there is a big brother of Taiwan compatriots. Such a family is definitely one of the best in the alley.

Today, Shen Long did n’t come back. He stayed in the shop and watched with Xicheng. It ’s okay. Some people have thin skins. Shen Long ’s presence is not good for him. Now that he has n’t come back, let go and say, “ Old Feng, you have been the virtue of the ancestors for many years, and you have such a good child. You do n’t have to worry about it now. When he graduates and marries and embraces his grandson, your life will be complete. "

"Old Feng, I heard that Xiaodu can still watch the film when it was filmed? Can we let us go in for a long time to see how the TV drama was shot?"

"It's not easy to handle. I have been there a few days ago, and I was kicked out without paying a careful cough. Now I can watch the staff of the TV station, and outsiders can't go in!" Feng Shengli After being the factory director for a few days, the city government gradually practiced it and easily refused to let go of it. If this is agreed, don't think about leisure in the future.

Even if it really has a good relationship, it ’s not impossible to say that it ’s enough to talk about it in private. After reading it, do n’t say it for the time being. It ’s better to be cautious in this situation.

"Started, started, don't talk!" Finally it was time for the TV series to start, the room suddenly became quiet, and then the theme song sounded, "I like to have warm lights waiting when I get home, I like When we go to bed, we see the smiling faces of everyone ... because we are a family, a family that loves each other ... "

Shen Long chose "Birth in Love" as the theme song. In addition to the lyrics being a little ahead of the word, it is very compatible with "I Love My Family". As for the problem of the lyrics, you need to change it slightly.

The songwriters of this song are all treasure island musicians, and have not yet reached the age of writing, so Shen Long found two musicians in Beijing and hummed a melody and asked them to modify it according to this paragraph. They took The results come out very much in line with the audience's aesthetic during this period. Some people hummed when they listened.

The theme song ended and the TV series officially started. Less than a minute later, everyone was amused by Jia Yuanyuan's sentence "Love is old and young, and there is no one-way street in life", "Pooh, this kid is a big kid!"

Then the laughter never stopped. Liang Tian ’s sentence “I hung two units and also served as the deputy general managers of three companies, I was more busy than anyone else”, it made people laugh, “Look at his virtue, How about returning the company?

When the old man went to work in the women's federation's office, the whole room was full of laughter and laughter. Someone just took a sip of tea and squirted it out, making the big guy dare not drink tea while watching a TV series. If the following content is still so interesting, then if you drink tea, the people in the room will come to the shower directly.

A good comedy not only makes people laugh, but also provokes thinking. The average person will get a look at it, but people from this culture can see more things from it, "Only, you seem to have said that your school recently tutored Have more staff members? "

"Hahahaha, yes, there are a lot more ... Haha ... These are old ladies and old ladies, so annoying!" Xiao Weiyi replied while laughing.

"Many retired worker cadres are actually in good physical condition and energy, and they have been busy all their lives. It ’s really uncomfortable to be idle suddenly. I think this social phenomenon is indeed worthy of study. Xiao Feng ’s drama can raise this issue. It ’s great! ”Xiao Cong said to himself here, the others did n’t hear what he said, and all his attention was on the TV series.

The family meeting finally decided that in order to prevent Mrs. Fu from getting sick, he let him take charge of the family and continue to be an addiction to leadership. Mrs. Fu was very satisfied and humble, "I ca n’t talk about any leadership, logistics support. Well!"

Nanny Xiao Zhang is depressed, UU reading "Grandpa, where do you go when you get back? I can't step down without taking office!"

Old Master Fu waved his hand, "Can we practice collective leadership! I really do work hard in the first line, and you retire to the second line as a consultant!"

Xiao Zhang turned around and went back to the house. "I just retired to the second line when I was 18 and became a consultant, so sad!" Suddenly, the big guy laughed.

However, laughing too happy is also easy to be extremely sad. Xiao family just eats fish today. Xiao Wei just took a chopstick and delivered the fish meat to his mouth. Then he encountered a burst of laughter and swallowed the fish meat with the fish thorns. The fishbone stuck in his throat and cried out in awe.

"Eat and eat well. Don't eat while watching TV." Xiao Wei's mother Wen Tong took her vinegar while complaining. Xiao Wei drank a few bites of vinegar with a sad face, and hadn't melted the fishbone. Can only go to the hospital.

"Don't say goodbye, can't you go after a while? Let me finish watching this episode!" Xiao Weishu was reluctant to watch the TV series. He was unwilling to watch the show before planning to leave, but the fishbone had already disappeared.

There are really a lot of unlucky eggs like Xiao Wei. Some of them laughed and were scalded by boiling water, and some were choked by tea. Of course, there were those who laughed and caught their throats with fishbone.

So when the investigation was launched on the court platform the next day, many viewers expressed their dissatisfaction, "" I Love My Family "is so bad that it caused my son to be stuck in the throat with a fishbone; ? Our family is still waiting to watch! "

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