All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2016: "Dream of Red Mansions" kills

"Hey, what the **** is going on with this man? Isn't it self-contradictory while scolding our TV series for being too bad, and rushing to watch it again?" The staff at Chao Ting Tai was rather speechless.

In general, the pilot of "I Love My Family" is still very popular. The previous TV series are relatively serious. Now a sudden close-to-life TV series is still amused. The big guy is fascinated at once. One after another, they urged the court to rush to release the second episode, and many people even felt that one episode a day was too enjoyable, preferably two episodes a day.

Ordinary audiences watched amusement, and professionals saw more things. For example, the teachers of the Film Academy found that TV dramas reflect social reality like Xiao Cong, "just like Chaplin ’s comedy, using exaggerated The technique reflects some problems in the society ... Of course, the artistic achievement of Xiao Feng ’s play is far from comparable to such masters as Chaplin, but it is still a good work, if every episode will be the same Standard, this drama will definitely become a classic. "

"Then do you mean this drama, oh no, Feng Du's graduation project is no problem, can he use this work for his graduation defense?"

"What's the problem with this? The shooting technique is skillful and the artistry is quite good. Apart from being too popular and the commercial atmosphere is heavier, there are no shortcomings." Well, "I Love My Family" has become very commercial at this time Disadvantages, the emphasis of the Film Academy during this period was on artistry. Can works that are too commercial be called art?

However, they still admitted that Shen Long produced a very good work. As long as the quality of the next few episodes does not plummet, it will definitely be the first place in all graduation design projects.

Not only the teachers of the film academy were satisfied, but the leaders in the stage were also satisfied. Shen Long just called the progress of today, and the leaders called him to praise him.

"Oh, Xiao Feng, your show was a hit, the TV drama was well-sold, and the theme song was also selected. Just now, the record company has called me and said that the quality of the theme song is high. Ask this There are still no audio tapes in the drama. When will they be released? They must arrange the production plan in advance so as not to be out of stock as in the previous Journey to the West; if the subsequent music can still maintain this level, it will definitely be sold! "

"You can rest assured of the quality of the tunes, and other tunes are guaranteed to be no worse than" Dating A Family ". If nothing else, just a" Xiao Fang "will ensure that countless returning to the city will cry for the educated youth With this song, they also have to buy this tape; then let Jia Yuanyuan sing a "Mother in Candlelight", keeping all the mothers who want to buy it.

"That's good, that's good! Is there any difficulty shooting now? If so, please speak, don't be embarrassed, when will you be able to shoot 30 episodes? According to me, if the audience feedback is good, 30 episodes Can you continue to shoot after it ’s over? Do n’t be too busy to finish it. Did n’t you say that there are hundreds of episodes in American sitcoms? Let ’s also shoot a hundred episodes! ”The leaders are full of confidence in the prospect of“ I Love My Family ”.

Um, not only is it necessary to shoot more than one hundred episodes of a TV series, it is best to make a few more songs. Is n’t there enough tape for us to fill two discs? This is all money, and you can update the device with the money counter. By the way, when I visited NTV last time, the broadcasting system of others was much better than ours.

In fact, I thought about more than one hundred episodes early in the morning. I only reported thirty episodes for fear of frightening you. If you let me let go, let alone more than one hundred episodes, two hundred episodes are not necessarily played Bearable.

"As long as the leader has no opinion, I can shoot as much as I want!" Leader, this film occasionally has some irony. If the leader above complains, you can resist it for me.

"As long as you don't make a big mess, I will help you stop it." As long as it can help update the equipment in the station, what is the slightest resistance to pressure?

"But I have shown you the scripts of each episode. What can go wrong if you check it? I will go back and let them write the scripts, and send them to you as soon as they are written. Take a shot. "Shen Long went back after talking.

When he arrived at his office, um, he is now qualified to have an independent office at Chaoting Terrace. He called all the members of the screenwriter and told them the good news, "After the pilot episode was broadcast yesterday, the audience was satisfied. The leader is also very satisfied. This drama can be released after the filming. After the official release, if the audience is satisfied, I will apply to the leader to give you rewards and bonuses. All you have to do is write the script. "

"You ca n’t write in the office with a dull head. I do n’t ask you to work in the whole day. If you want to write a TV series that is close to life, you have to understand life. For example, if you write the lines of Fu Fu, you have more contact with retired elderly If you write Jia Zhixin's lines, you have to understand the behavior and habits of young people in the society ... and you have to understand the social hotspots ~ ~ in order to make the script hold the ground and get the audience's love, and to make them amused. "

Shen Long adopts the Hollywood screenwriting mode, and does not send the outline to let everyone write a few episodes, which is easy to cause the characters to behave inconsistently before and after, and the quality level of each episode is uneven.

He asked each screenwriter to take charge of a main character ’s lines, read more newspapers, learn more about social hot spots, and understand the shortcomings of impressive parents around him, and then imagine how their characters would react to such things. What comedy effect was caused, sitting together to discuss the results, and finally writing the lines of the words together to modify and modify, the script became.

It is not easy to cultivate genius screenwriters, but it can guarantee the uniform quality of the script. A mature system cannot rely on genius. This is like a mature staff, enough to overpower a genius general.

"No problem, just look at it!" Shen Long also kept giving lectures to them during this time, instilling some screenwriter creation experience summed up by future generations, these people were convinced by him, and now there are bonuses hanging in front, so one by one All encouraged.

Someone ran under the street lamp that night, chatting with a group of uncles and aunts, wanting to get inspiration from them; some went directly to the gathering place of social youth and danced with them to experience life.

The actors were also very happy to receive feedback, and they all worked hard to prepare for a better state of acting. However, at this time, Shen Long had to temporarily stop shooting and left Beijing because the shooting of "The Dream of the Red Mansion" was also coming to an end. It's going to kill soon.

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