There are a lot of stars in "I Love My Family" guest appearances, such as Rong Ma's guest who has been an old nanny who has been talking about God, such as Wang Zhiwen who has been a maniac patient, Comrade Fu Ming's old rival Hu Xuefan's guest guest is also the Ministry of Culture Senior Vice-President Ying Ruocheng, of course, this must have been replaced in Shen Long. People can come because the original version of "I Love My Home" was made by his children. What reason did Shen Long take?

Of course, the most famous is Uncle Ge. He played Ji Chunsheng lying on the sofa, and after a few decades, the netizens would never forget it and gave him the name "Ge You Lie".

The actors in "Dream of Red Mansions" actually have guest appearances on "I Love My Family", but they are not TV dramas but movie versions. The movie version of Lin Daiyu's actor Tao Huimin has guested Jia Zhixin's little cousin Xiao Qing from the south, this is also Shen Long The acquaintance is Liang Lu in The Name of the People.

Shen Long invited Sister Chen to make a guest appearance. On the one hand, she wanted to borrow her reputation to boost the ratings. After the "Dream of Red Mansions" was officially aired, and then released her guest appearance, it would definitely attract many people to watch; and The other reason is that she wants to make Chen come into contact with comedy performances, and uses the comedy atmosphere to resolve the depression in her heart.

"Guests? I've seen your pilot episode, it's really funny, but am I right to play?" Sister Chen was a little hesitant. She is still immersed in the role of Lin Daiyu, and feels that it is difficult for her to play this role.

"The role of Lin Daiyu will definitely become a classic under your interpretation, but because this role is too successful, everyone will see you and sister Lin as soon as they see it. In this way, your play will become narrower. It's very bad for your future development; so it's best to play a role with a larger span as early as possible to resolve the audience's inherent impression of you, and the contrast between comedy and Lin Daiyu is very large, so it is very suitable. "Shen Long persuaded.

"" Dream of Red Mansions "is expected to be broadcast during the Spring Festival next year, and" I Love My Family "is scheduled to be broadcast in the second half of this year, taking the situation of shooting while broadcasting." First shoot a few more episodes as a reserve, and then shoot while screening, this is It's like an online writer posting a new book with a manuscript. This has the advantage of tracking social hotspots in a timely manner and making the play closer to life.

"After the" Dream of Red Mansions "is broadcast, we will broadcast your guest series immediately, so in a short time, you will give the audience two very different impressions, so that it will not be fixed in the image of Lin Daiyu Now. "

"What kind of role do you intend me to make a guest appearance?" Sister Chen is interested, which sounds interesting.

"Just act yourself." Shen Long had already thought about how to arrange this role. "Don't you grow up in the Peking Opera Troupe since you were a kid? It's just that the peace in" I Love My Family "sings Beijing rhythm drums and belongs to the quyi industry; Then I will assume that your father and Peace know each other, and then you filmed "Dream of Red Mansions", and you will go to Beijing to participate in activities. Because of this relationship, Peace will actively invite you to live in their home, so that you will have contact with this family. Reason. "

Well, in these episodes, Comrade Jia Zhixin will continue to sleep on the sofa. His house is owned by Sister Chen. "The big guy just watched" Dream of Red Mansions ". I like Lin Daiyu you played very much. I think you are as quiet and sentimental as Lin Daiyu. Who Knowing that you are actually a lively and carefree girl, since then, the comedy effect has come out immediately! "

"Poo." Sister Chen was suddenly happy, "Sounds interesting, I want to act, when are you going to shoot these episodes?"

"When I go back, I will let the screenwriter start writing the script. If you have been filming" Dream of Red Mansions "for so long, you should go home and have a look at it. Leave me your address and wait for me to write the script. I ’ll call you; well, I ’ve already thought about the names of these episodes, and it ’s called "Sister Lin falling from the sky."

In fact, there is a sister Lin in "I Love My Family". Jia Zhiguo's young colleague Xiao Lin is called sister Lin by Fu Lao. It is a bit similar to Dai Yu's character.

"Okay, no problem, I'll wait for you to call you!" Sister Chen agreed readily, and Shen Long seemed to dissipate the depression in her eyebrows. Perhaps this fresh plot made her feel interesting.

"Then let's say it, I will let them organize the script as soon as possible." When writing the script, I occasionally called her, talking about the interesting paragraphs in the script to help her soothe her mood, so that she won't suffocate at home. What a good girl, it ’s a pity to prematurely dispel the jade.

After the killing feast, the crew broke up. The actors who gathered from the south, the north, and the north dispersed. Some of them went back to work in the original unit, and some had new ideas. No matter how, the film "Dream of Red Mansions" was filmed. They have left unforgettable memories for life, and have also greatly changed the fate of a group of people.

Shen Long and Wang Dao returned to Beijing with great gains, and started the intense post-production work ~ ~ Shen Long was mainly responsible for the special effects. By the way, Wang Dao checked the overall effect of the completed part. And give comments.

With his return, the crew of "I Love My Family" also resumed normal shooting. The cooperation of the actors has become more and more harmonious, the comedy effect is getting better and better, and there are more and more staff looking for opportunities to watch on the spot. Even some leaders encounter troubles and will come to see them for a while to ease their mood.

Shen Long told the screenwriter the idea of ​​"Sister Lin Falling Down from the Sky" and asked them to wonder if a careless Lin Daiyu arrived at Jia's house, would it have comedy effect Shen Long?

It's better to come in directly wearing the costumes in "Dream of Red Mansions", and then the opening is a bold Northeast cavity, which can form a sharp contrast and thus produce a comedy effect; as for the excuse, say that Miss Chen just participated in the TV program, It's too late to change costumes.

Gave character set and a few interesting ideas, and the screenwriters started to get busy. They all felt that "Sister Lin falling from the sky" will definitely become one of the most amusing episodes.

Shen Long continued to run back and forth between the two crews. Slowly, the post-production work of "The Dream of Red Mansions" has been more than halfway through, and the recording of the theme song is also close to completion. This time the record company began to produce the tape in advance, ready to wait for "The Dream of Red Mansions" The first episode was released as soon as it aired.

On this day, Shen Long came to the TV station early in the morning and saw that there seemed to be a visitor. He asked a representative who did n’t know he was here. He suddenly became interested. Can he sell Journey to the West?

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