All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2019: Xiao Feng, you gave me another surprise

It is the abbreviation of Japan Broadcasting Association. It is the first radio and television station in Japan that covers the whole country. It is also a Japanese public media agency. Since the normalization of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations, it has cooperated with the Imperial Court many times and filmed "Silk." Road, "The Story of the Yangtze River", "Great Yellow River", "Great Wall" and many other high-quality documentaries, um, and "Chinese Food Culture", it seems to be the earliest Chinese food documentary.

Has always been willing to spend money in the production of documentaries. The pictures produced are exquisite and the soundtrack is extraordinary. Even if it is placed in the world, it is the first-class. Only a few production institutions such as the BBC, National Geographic, and Discovery Channel can match it.

"What are these people doing again? Planning to make a new documentary?" Shen Long asked a staff member.

"No, it seems to be a recommendation for others. I heard that in order to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the normalization of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations, the Japanese side plans to make a movie in our China, so I want Taiwan to help solve some problems." Staff Said.

"Oh, this thing!" Shen Long nodded, thanked him, and went upstairs, so he remembered it, and it was almost time to start shooting Dunhuang.

This film is adapted from the long novel of the same name by Japanese author Inoue Yasushi. When Shen Long was in high school, there was also a bowl of soba noodles in the textbook.

The film tells that the scholar Zhao Xingde failed the imperial examination and accidentally rescued a Xixia **** the streets of Chang'an. In return, the Xixia girl gave Zhao Xingde a pass to Xixiaguo in return; Zhao Xingde, who was interested in Xixia writing, set out to travel to the Western Region He and Wei Chiguang's caravan were captured by the Han troops in the Xixia Army on the way, and the captain Zhu Wangli paid great attention to Zhao Xingde's talent.

When the troops captured a Uyghur village, Zhao Xingde and Xixia's beautiful princess Zrubia met and fell in love at first sight. The two tried to escape without success. Later, Zhao Xingde went to the city to study the writing according to the order of King Xixia. King Xixia asked Zrubia to marry for political needs. Zrubia committed suicide on the day of the wedding.

Miss Zlubia's Zhu Wangli encouraged the Dunhuang Mansion Cao Taishou to be the enemy of Xixia King. The Han troops in Dunhuang City and the Xixia Army headquarters waged a decisive battle. Zhao Xingde quickly transported Buddhist classics, books, and fine arts from the city to Mogao Grottoes during the crisis ...

The quality of this film is very high, especially for the restoration of the Song Dynasty's humanities and styles. Whether it is the armored weapons of the Song Army and the Xixia Army, or the way they fight, they have been rigorously tested. , God's arm bow, blame armor, and Po Xijun are very close to the historical records handed down.

"... Move the Bible in the Mogao Grottoes, and cover the walls, so I sent my heart and wrote the Prajna Paramita Sutra in a volume. It was placed in the cave. The Eight Divisions of Fuyuan Longtian, who were long for help, Chengtai Antai, the people Corning; times May the little girl of Ganzhou inherit this good cause, do not drown in the nether world, cause karma in this world, and all will be wiped out.

The last paragraph has become the target of many petty bourgeoisies in the future, but it is only a little lacking in the literary drama, especially the commentary on the Xixia script, which has also committed the Japanese people's usual problems.

Is still a classic, so what can I get from it? After thinking for a long time, Shen Long found Wang Dao and Yang Dao and reiterated this matter, "I think we can pass and sell the broadcasting rights of" Journey to the West "and" Dream of Red Mansions "so that it can be used not only for Taiwan Exchange for foreign currency here can also enhance Sino-Japanese cultural exchange. "

Feng Dayou can at most sell the film to Xiangjiang and Southeast Asia, but he can't help it for the time being in Japan.

"In addition, I heard that" Dunhuang "has a high investment amount and a huge production lineup. Can we also shoot some technicians to study in groups? In this way, when we shoot historical war films in Taiwan, we can send them Useful. "

"Well, Xiao Feng is right. Our production level is still far from that of developed countries. If we have such a good opportunity, we must learn from them." Yang Tao and Wang Tao both agreed and found the leadership in Taili. Several leaders also expressed their support after consultation. They have already received the share of Xiangjiang and Southeast Asia from Feng Dayou, and they also want to earn some Japanese yen. As for training talents, let alone.

So the leaders took their three representatives and talked with each other. They did not object to sending staff to study in the "Dunhuang" crew. Since they are going to film in China, it is naturally more convenient for some Chinese professionals to participate. , But hesitant about buying the right to broadcast "Journey to the West" and "Dream of Red Mansions".

Although these two themes have a lot of influence in Japan, they still don't know the quality of the TV series produced by Yang and Wang. If they are not good, it will affect the reputation if they are played back.

Shen Long saw what they meant ~ ~ So he answered directly in Japanese, "We might as well look at the two TV shows before talking!" He took into consideration that the representatives did not understand Chinese, so he added A sentence, "I can work overtime tonight with Japanese subtitles for the first two episodes, so it looks a lot more convenient."

"One night is enough?" The representative was a little surprised, but this is not a big deal for Shen Long. Without calling Bai Ze for help, you can get it done by yourself.

Early the next morning, when the big guy came back to the meeting room, he saw Japanese subtitles appearing at the bottom of the screen of the "Journey to the West" being played, and the delegates looked at them with interest, and soon they were returned by the magnificent scenery. The superb acting skills of the actors were attracted.

After watching two episodes of "Journey to the West" and two episodes of "Dream of Red Mansions", they still have some meanings, and they want to continue reading. Unfortunately, Shen Long has done so many subtitles, and "Dream of Red Mansions" has not been completely completed yet.

So they had to give up, but it was enough interest. They said that the quality of the two dramas was very high, but because the main negotiation was the cooperation of "Dunhuang", so there is no way to make a decision, but please They are assured that they will report to the senior management as soon as they go back, and they believe that there is great hope for adoption.

Then they took the video of "Journey to the West" back to Japan, and after sending them away, the leader in the stage happily took Shen Long's hand and said, "Xiao Feng, I didn't expect you to understand Japanese, but you again It gave me a big surprise. I have a little trouble arranging your work now. "

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