All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2020: Graduation assignment

Yes, now Shen Long is about to graduate. Once he graduates, he has to be assigned a formal job. The original leader in the station thought that if he knows how to make TV shows, then let him go to the TV production center. The production center It is a regular-level unit. Although he was young, he had to work as a temporary worker in the "Journey to the West" team and worked in the stage for more than four years. It is not too much to give a sub-division level for more than four years.

In addition to the factors that emphasize the younger cadres and the importance of academic qualifications, let me mention Zheng Ke directly. Anyway, with his ability, no one disagrees with him in the center. The older generations of Yang and Wang will also support them. .

But today Shen Long showed his foreign language ability and negotiation ability, then it is different. Nowadays, those who know foreign languages ​​and also negotiate are scarce talents. To some extent, they are even scarcer than talents for TV drama productions. The court often needs foreign exchange, and this kind of talent is even more needed.

"During school, considering that in addition to European and American countries, Japan is also a developed country, in a sense, Japan and Chinese culture are more closely connected, and there are many places in Japan's film and television production that are worth learning from, so I In addition to learning English, I also learned Japanese by myself. "In fact, I know that there are many foreign languages.

"Oh, do you still understand English? That's better, oops, I'm even more difficult. How should I arrange you!" The leader wanted Shen Long to shoot high-quality TV dramas, but also wanted him to communicate with the outside world. In the end, I can only listen to him first, "Xiao Feng, what kind of work do you want to do?"

"In my own words, I still prefer to be a show, not just a TV series. Isn't our station newly established a variety show channel? I also have some ideas in this regard." Shen Long took the opportunity to say new ideas. TV series is not enough, Variety shows also have a broad audience, "but there is nothing on the stage that can use me. I am definitely responsible. Whether it is translation or negotiation, I will try to help you cultivate this aspect despite your opening. Come out. "

"Then you are too hard. Young people should bear more burdens, especially young people like you who are capable, but you should also consider your own body, don't be tired, you see, yesterday night was not even Go to sleep? "Hey, what a good young man, without mentioning the question of level, just thinking about doing things for the stage.

"I wo n’t talk to you any more today. I ’ll go back and make up a bit. I also know your thoughts. I ’ll discuss with several leaders later. If you have any ideas about the variety channel, you can also take the plan first. What. "The leader quickly urged him to go back to rest, which would be great if the station was exhausted.

Several days later, Shen Longzhen came up with two plans for variety shows, one is "Zhengda Variety" and the other is "Quyuan Zatan", which will be the gold shows of variety channels in the future.

Of course, the name he wrote in the plan is not "Zhengda Variety", Shen Long hasn't talked to the Zhengda Group yet, but this is not difficult to deal with. The Zhengda Group has entered China now, and it needs a suitable opportunity to promote itself. In addition, Shen Long has had a lot of dealings with the Xie family in the "Great Rivers" world. They are familiar with their personalities and will definitely be able to attract investment.

"I will report my thoughts with the leaders. I have been listening to storytelling and crosstalk since I was young. I am very interested in Quyi programs, and I can see that there are many viewers who are interested in various quyi programs like me, so I want to make such a program, mainly based on crosstalk, sketch, magic, acrobatics, storytelling, jokes, circus, rap, etc., and introduce acrobatics, circus and comics programs from all over the world. "

"It can not only promote the traditional folk art culture of the country, but also cater to the audience's physical and mental pleasure and leisure time in a relaxed and humorous, joyful and casual column style. At the same time, it can also let everyone understand the situation of similar industries in foreign countries .... As for the source of the program , We can invite famous Quyi artists to perform and buy video tapes from abroad ... "

"As for the inspiration for another show, it was from my uncle ’s introduction. He told me a show on Treasure Island called" Run Around the Earth ". The host went to all parts of the world to appreciate different customs and introduce them to everyone. We It is still difficult to produce such a program independently, but you can buy a program from Treasure Island TV Station and then modify it. This program can be renamed to "The World Is Wonderful"; guest videos are interspersed while playing videos to enhance the interactivity of the program. "

Oops, the most attractive thing about Shen Zheng Variety when I was a kid was this show. "I don't see it, the world is really wonderful." The host Li Xiuyuan is sometimes dressed very cool. The boy in a small place in the early 90s, When have you seen this? Coupled with a lively and cheerful personality, and can travel all over the world, this is an enviable life.

Perhaps many people dream of traveling around the world just because they watched her show and want to be someone like her!

"With the deepening of reform and opening up, the people urgently need to understand everything abroad, this program is equivalent to opening a window for them to see the world." This will lift the significance of the program.

"In addition, you can add some educational mini-programs ~ ~ to popularize knowledge by answering questions ... and famous songs, introducing popular music, and by the way, we can promote the audio tape we want to launch. "The program of" Chia Tai Variety "has been revised a lot, and many interesting programs have been launched. Shen Long chose only a few.

"" Quyuan Miscellaneous Altar "is good, you can do it now. In addition, this world-viewing program has to be considered again. After all, the funds involved may be more." The leader thought and said.

"Xiao Feng, the burden on you is even heavier now. Not only do you have to make TV shows, but also produce variety shows. Sometimes I have to find you as an interpreter and help negotiate. I am really afraid that I will be exhausted! "

"You ca n’t treat you badly in Taiwan. In the future, you should take up two positions, one in the TV drama production center and the other in the variety channel. The level is tentatively scheduled to be a departmental level. After two years, I will find a way to transfer you. "In the future, TV drama production and variety production will be put into one unit, and they are still separated.

"Thank you for your leadership!" At the age of twenty-two, I was in the right place. This is much stronger than Qi Tongwei. If I have been staying at the court station, in the future ... it may not be impossible in the future, but forget it, just shoot more TV programs. This is Feng Du's wish.

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