All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2021: I really didn't surrender

The formalities in the stage were finished, and Shen Long took the official letter back to the school for his graduation reply and took his own files. The school teacher still had some regrets when he saw him. Hey, why don't such a good talent go to work in a movie factory?

The defense proceeded smoothly. Shen Long played the first two episodes of "I Love My Family". All the defense teachers were in a bad mood. The questions they asked were also correct. Shen Long easily achieved high scores, regardless of their usual scores. , Or graduation design, Shen Long is the first in the class.

After hearing that he was a cadre at the imperial court, Zang Jinsheng envied them a lot, and pulled Shen Long to let him entertain him, so the big guy went outside and had a good meal. Shen Long also promised that once there was The right characters let them go to the cast of "I Love My Family".

Back home, Shen Long did not say that he was in the right place. Feng Shengli likes to show off. If he knew that he must be noisy, it would be a little bad.

Shen Long and Feng Dayou talked about the "Zhengda Variety Show", "The leaders on the show itself still like it very much, but they are worried about the impact on ordinary viewers. This is good. When you go back, you will come in contact with CTV. Contact, choose some suitable programs to bring the video tape back, I will take it to the leader first. "

When Li Xiuyuan produced "Running Around the Earth", he also went to the tropics and wore relatively cool clothes. From the perspective of the acceptance of the people, it must be a little too big and inappropriate. Shen Long had to screen first when sending the tape. Of course; of course, this meaning does not need to be a little clear to Feng Da. Can those cool video tapes be left at home to enjoy by yourself? The tropical scenery is also very attractive.

"The last time they had dinner with them, they also wanted to introduce" Journey to the West ", which is probably not a problem." These are small things. With the help of Shen Long, Feng Dayou's assets have been playing in the past few years. Rolling upwards, and now the status on Treasure Island is getting higher and higher, this little thing is certainly not a problem.

Back in the stage, Shen Long didn't rush to start the "Qu Yuan Zatan" column, but helped Wang Dao do the later stage of "Dream of Red Mansions" first, and then while shooting "I Love My Home", while improving " In the preparation of "Qu Yuan Miscellaneous Altar", the program of the Imperial Court can not only look at the economic benefits, but also have to consider the influence of other factors.

Therefore, while satisfying the audience's preference for comic expressions, sketches, comics, and other artistic expressions, we must adhere to the policy of blooming flowers, and try our best to show representative, admirable, and entertaining art forms around the motherland in front of the audience, and speak and play. Coquettish, with unique styles in the south, the north, and the north, it promotes the Chinese art of the motherland and shows the treasures of national art.

Nor can they completely imitate the performance forms of those Quyi artists. They have to make some breakthroughs, leading to these art forms better adapting to the era of faster and faster changes. They can use TV special effects technology to make their performances more modern. Try a clever combination of multiple arts.

In the selection of performers, of course, there must be masters of art, but you ca n’t just value those who have been famous for a long time. You can also invite young talents in various art fields and even small enthusiasts who have just learned art. Isn't it interesting to watch children aged six, seven, eight, or nine singing Beijing Opera and saying storytelling?

Nor can I just find artists in the system, some of the artists who are outside have their own good points, but unfortunately the black fat man is still learning art and training, and he has not yet mastered the skills, otherwise he and the vice association of the Beijing Rock Association Long please say that Duan Xiangsheng is quite interesting, but don't worry, "Qu Yuan Zatan" still has to be broadcast for many years, so please ask them again in the future.

As for the one who likes to smoke and drink, it seems that he has already talked to the Quyi Troupe. Can I invite him to come and make a cameo in "I Love My Family"? Well, the guest actors in "I Love My Family" can't just choose the ones who have become famous now. It's a piece of good news to find some more red and purple ones in the future.

After spending a few days, Shen Long detailed the plan of "Qu Yuan Zatan" and listed the required personnel, materials and budget. After reading it, the leader signed and approved happily, "No problem, the venue, equipment, The staff will arrange it for you. You will take out an episode as soon as possible to let us see the effect. If it is good, consider the time of the official broadcast. "

"By the way, why didn't I see who you are the host, are you planning to come by yourself?" The producer and director are Shen Long himself, and the other cameras, recordings, etc. Shen Long also selected some people they are familiar with. Only the host is empty.

"I can't do this. In fact, there are already candidates. I will first ask the meaning of others. If they are willing to come, I will report to you." In fact, there are competent hosts on the stage, but Shen Long wants But it ’s not just a host. ~ ~ He plans to let go of this show for a while, so he is looking for someone who can carry the beam.

The next day, Shen Long left early after busy with his work. He did not rush home from the TV station, but went to a unit that made many people feel scared, the Discipline Inspection Committee.

Arrived at the door and registered with the doorman. The doorman glanced at the contents of his registration and the work permit. "Oh, TV station, go in and report others turn left at the door, turn right and turn right."

Uncle, I really did not surrender. I came to find someone. Shen Long secretly vomited. After entering, he neither went to the left nor the right, but went directly upstairs and looked at the sign on the office door, then Knocked on the door, and then pushed in and asked, "Is Comrade Wang Wenhua here?"

Then a big sister with long hair and a round face and a gentle smile stood up, "I am, may I ask you?"

This is the actual producer and host of "Qu Yuan Zatan". She loved literary performances since she was a child. After graduating from high school, she went to the Wuhan Cultural and Cultural Troupe. When she was in the troupe, she became hooked on Quyi, whether it was Henan Dzi or Jingyun Drum. Shan Xian or Xihe Drum, Tianjin Allegro, and storytelling ... she followed the study word by word.

Was then recommended to the China Radio Rap, where he followed Ma Liandeng to learn the Xihe Drum, where she contacted Quyi theory knowledge and laid the foundation; then she followed Master Yuan Kuocheng to learn storytelling for everything possible. .

This is a big sister who is familiar with and sincerely loves the Quyi industry. It would be perfect for her to be the host of Quyuan Zatan.

"I am Feng Du of the Imperial Court. This is my work permit. You can see it." Shen Long made his identity clear.

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