All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2022: "I Love My Family" starts broadcasting

"Last year, you were deeply impressed by your storytelling on" Taiwan Beat "on our station." This is the first ministerial storytelling book in the history of Chinese television. Wang Wenhua exemplifies the versatile and skilled qualities. She really did a lot of hard work to learn art with Mr. Yuan.

"Oh, are you going to invite me to the show? No problem, as long as I don't delay my work." It seems that although he has retired from the cultural troupe and went to work at the disciplinary inspection committee, Wang Wenhua still can't let go of his Quyi career.

"This will definitely delay your work, so I came here this time to persuade you to change jobs." Shen Long looked at his watch and it was time for work. "Should we change places to talk?"

"Yo, I still have to go home to cook for the old lady." Wang Wenhua showed embarrassed look. Her lover is now studying for a doctorate in Japan, leaving her alone to take care of her parents-in-law, so she had to go home after work, " Should we change the time? "

"If you don't bother me, it's better to go to your house and talk slowly." Shen Long was anxious to finalize this matter, so he went to his house with Wang Wenhua, and rubbed a meal by the way. Long took out the planning book of "Qu Yuan Miscellaneous Altar" and handed it to Wang Wenhua, "This is a new program I am currently preparing. I lack a host who loves Quyi, understands Quyi culture, and has an intimate host. I want to come and go, just It ’s best to count you. "

Hearing this happy expression on Wang Wenhua's face, she was happy that she had the opportunity to continue her career in quyi. She looked carefully and nodded while watching. Shen Long's plan was indeed well written, which was very good for her Attractive, but the family's reasons made her unable to make up her mind. "It takes a lot of thought to get this show done. Some old entertainers call directly and invite them to be rude. My Home……"

This job is undoubtedly more onerous than her in the disciplinary inspection department. If I go to the TV station, I am afraid that it will be a bit hard to take care of my parents-in-law and grand-parents. They also sit in the living room and listen to them. It ’s okay, our bodies are still tough, you are busy with you, Comrade Xiao Feng said, this work is very meaningful and allows more audiences to appreciate the charm of traditional quyi culture. "

"Now there are fewer young people who love listening to storytelling and listening to drums. If this show will make more people like quyi culture, it will be more meaningful than you singing big drums and saying storytelling." Soldiers and veteran cadres still support Wang Wenhua in doing this.

"I have other jobs at hand. I can stare at you for the first year and a half of this show. During this time, you not only have to be a host, but you also have to learn how to make a TV show. When the time is right, I will Will give you the show, you do it according to your ideas. "Seeing her moved, Shen Long added another fire.

Seeing that others take it so seriously, Wang Wenhua was really hard to quit. After sending Shen Long away, he discussed with his father-in-law and mother-in-law for a while, and then asked his lover who was studying abroad in Japan. Finally, he made up his mind and was willing to come to the court to host this. program.

Shen Long took her to the studio of the Imperial Court. Wang Wenhua had originally been the host of the cultural troupe for many years. He also hosted the evening party on the local station. He performed perfectly without adjustments and received the leadership ’s approval. After starting to help her move, Wang Wenhua came to work on stage.

Much work can be left to her, such as formulating a program catalog, inviting Quyi masters to record programs, etc. Taking into account family factors, Shen Long chose the Quyi masters in Beijing as much as possible in the early stage, so as to avoid her Business trip.

As Wang Wenhua slowly adapted to his work and helped Shen Long share a lot of work, Shen Long can also devote more energy to the shooting of "I Love My Family", and soon enough of the 30 episodes of content can be saved. It was taken out and broadcast on the court station, and the long-awaited national audience finally saw the old man Fu Ming reappear on the TV screen.

Senior Fu Ming, Jia Zhiguo, Heping, Jia Zhixin, Jia Xiaofan, Jia Yuanyuan, and little nanny Zhang Fenggu, brought countless joy to the national audience, and a line of provocative lines made everyone laugh.

Jia Zhiguo came back from work and looked back, "The new clerk in our unit looks really good!" Well, this is the capital of Beijing, and it describes people who look beautiful. The so-called Pan Liang Tiao Shun Da Sha Mi is an adjective of top beauty.

Peace rolled his eyes directly, "Is it too much for me to block your runway?" Jia Zhiguo heard this expression immediately converged, and he looked sincere and terrified.

There was a mouse at home in one episode, and peace began to complain, "How come our family still has a mouse? When I married your family, did you say that your family has a mouse?"

Jia Zhiguo fought back, "We didn't have any in our family, it was your marriage."

Blutter ~ ~ The audience in front of the TV set all laughed down, there are also dowry widows there.

Old Mr. Fu is here to admit to everyone's mistakes, "Don't stop, I'm just greedy for the big things, I'm so happy, the experience is profound, the lesson is painful. In the end, my mistakes mainly lie in--"

As a result, he turned up for a long time, but he turned up, "Jia Xiaofan! You listen! You are usually extravagant, misbehaving, politically unbelief, unspiring in study, free in style, and pursuing pleasure in life- I ca n’t bear it anymore. I ’m really embarrassed to be kind to you! You have to go back and reflect on it, and I will talk to you tomorrow. ”

Oh, self-censorship has criticized others. It seems that the old man still refuses to admit his mistake.

Jia Zhixin took her sister to the restaurant for dinner and entered the restaurant. The girl admired, "It seems that you are a regular visitor here?"

Jia Zhixin narrowed his eyes, "That's what the score says! This place used to be a public toilet. I used to come there often. It was the first time after the renovation-now it's quite like that, just There is something wrong with Weier. "

This restaurant was originally a public toilet. Bah, many people who eat while watching TV can't eat anymore. .

"Oh hey, this TV series can't be watched anymore, every time I watch it, my stomach hurts!" After each episode, many viewers rubbed their stomachs to get up, but they said so, when the next day started, They still stayed in front of the TV early.

With the TV series playing, the station immediately launched a survey on the ratings. The leaders were very happy to see the results of the survey. "Xiao Feng, you can catch up with" Journey to the West "with more effort!"

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