All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2023: "Journey to the West" reunited

Nowadays, technology is still underdeveloped, and the method of obtaining ratings is not as convenient as that of future generations. It mainly collects data by means of sample survey, which is generally divided into two methods.

The first is the diary card survey method. The survey family fills in the diary card with the TV channels and programs they watch every day, but this method has a defect that only programs that exceed 15 minutes will be included in the statistics. Some time There is no way to make statistics for shorter programs.

The other is to conduct a random survey and fill in the questionnaire based on the memories of the interviewed family, but this method is not accurate enough, because people ’s memories are not reliable. Perhaps you did not watch this TV program the night before, but you arrived at the unit At work, everyone is talking about the same program, and when you fill out the questionnaire, you vaguely feel that you have seen it.

Shen Long took over the investigation report from the leadership and found that the data on the report differed greatly in regions. In Beijing and surrounding areas, the ratings were extremely high, and even some places exceeded the "Journey to the West"; the situation in the north was also relatively Okay, but the farther south, the worse the ratings drop.

So he shook his head, "Leadership, I still have more confidence to increase the ratings, but it may be impossible for the overall ratings to exceed" Journey to the West "; there is no way, there are still regional restrictions on comedy shows, the southern region is very It's hard to accept our TV series with a strong Beijing flavor. They prefer to watch local-style comedies. "

This is like Feng Dao's New Year's card in the future. Every year, his New Year's card performed well in the northern market, but it dropped significantly at the southern box office for the same reason.

In the future, other places have also launched their own style comedy, such as "The Old Lady of the Uncle" of the Magic City, "The Local Daughter-in-Law of the Foreign Daughter-in-law" of Guangdong Province, "Xi's Tiger Home" of Xi'an, "Red Boy and Green Girl" of Northeast China Most of them are extremely popular in the local area, but the response is generally in the field. After all, some locals can only be understood by locals.

The popularity of "I Love My Family" is inseparable from the broad influence of Beijing culture on the national culture. Of course, there are also many sitcoms that can achieve the north-south killing, such as "Wulin Story" and "The Story of the Cooking Class" , "Love Apartment" and "Underground Transport Station", etc., the quality of these films is nothing to say.

"Also, our country is indeed too big. The customs of North and South are different. It is not easy to do this now." The leader is also an old TV man. After reminding Shen Long, he also wanted to understand the truth. "That I wo n’t embarrass you anymore. It ’s not easy to make such a good film with so little money. I will work harder in the future! "

"Okay, Lin Daiyu is about to come to Beijing soon, come to our crew to make a guest appearance, and after the Spring Festival" Red Mansion "is broadcast, I will broadcast which episode of her guest appearance, so that the ratings can definitely improve a lot. "It's always useful to rub the heat, and Shen Long doesn't mind using it.

"Well, I read the script of this episode and wrote it very well. It will definitely look good when it's filmed! You are really devoted to this drama!" The leader was very satisfied with Shen Long's work, so give him advance The good news was revealed, "This year's list of commendations will be coming out soon. I've seen it and have your name."

"Thank you for your leadership!" Hey, that's it for the awards on the stage, or would you give me the top ten outstanding young people in the country? Oh, I almost forgot that this award has not yet been established, but it does n’t matter. We will still be young when it is established in a few years. If we can win the award, it will definitely be one of the youngest of all the winners.

I went to the train station to pick up sister Chen and took her to the TV station. I first met with the members of the crew of "Dream of Red Mansions" such as Wang Dao, and then went to the screening room to watch a few episodes of "Dream of Red Mansions" produced in advance. Sister Chen came to the crew of "I Love My Home", preparing to shoot "Sister Lin Falling From the Sky" that was not originally in "I Love My Home".

"Don't rush to the stage first, take the studio for two days to see how Mr. Wen and Mr. Yang acted!" Sister Chen's mental state is still a little wrong, so Shen Long didn't rush Start shooting immediately, but let her act as an audience while familiarizing with the environment, while adjusting her state of mind with successive laughs.

The effect of this method is really good. After being amused by the "I Love My Family" team for two days, Sister Chen is much more cheerful and can officially start shooting. She put on Lin Daiyu's costume and came to the Jia family.

"Oh, why is Sister Lin coming to our house?" Jia Zhixin was surprised when she saw Sister Lin's face.

"Why can't you come, Jia Baoyu's family name is Jia, our family name is Jia, so Sister Lin is also a relative of our family! Do you say this is the case!" He said, hugging Sister Lin's shoulder.

"When you say that, I've also figured it out, just like me, this temperament, it is definitely the same handsome younger brother as Jia Baoyu!" Liang Tian narrowed his eyes and tried to straighten the waist plate as much as possible, but the kind of frivolous in his bones But the strength of his energy couldn't be concealed ~ ~ The audience suddenly burst into laughter.

"Don't call your sister, let me be your buddy in the future! Guys, you have been wronged to sleep on the sofa in a few days! I'll invite you to drink!" Sister Chen, dressed as a classical lady, grumbled away To Liang Tian, ​​he patted his shoulder hard and said.

Liang Tian was photographed staggeringly, prostrate and lay prone on the ground, and it took a long time to stand up, "Is this still Sister Lin? Let's get out of the way!"

Is it true that you like Lu Zhishen? Don't worry, I will find Zang Jinsheng in a few days and let him slap you.

Then Liang Tian was pulled out by sister Chen to drink. Finally, it was carried back by sister Lin. When he came back, he threw Liang Tian on the sofa. "Zhi Xin doesn't drink enough. We only drank a dozen beers by himself. He Just go under the table! "

Lu Zhishen ’s version of Sister Lin has achieved good results. Even though the TV series "Dream of Red Mansions" has not been broadcast, the audience at the scene will not be able to enjoy it. Shen Long is very satisfied with it. He wonders when the official broadcast will be, the audience will definitely Confused, this bold girl and the charming girl in "Dream of Red Mansions", is that the real one?

Sister Chen's plot was just finished, and Shen Long welcomed a group of old friends here. The main members of the "Journey to the West" team also came to Beijing. They have to participate in this year's Spring Festival Gala together. There is no way. "Journey to the West" It is so popular.


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