All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2025: Do you want to cut it off?

What TV series is suitable for this period? What did Lao Xu take? I have already filmed the sitcom. He also filmed "Undercover Police". Should I also shoot a criminal detective? It's okay. No one is more professional than me in filming "Criminal Investigation Drama". I've been a public security bureau chief and a person who has won the title of first-class hero in the ministry.

Go to the Public Security Bureau and find a few typical cases. If you put them together, you can make a classic TV series, and make sure that the big guys can enjoy it. Well, this is listed as an alternative. Shen Long writes in his notebook The three characters of criminal investigation drama were released.

Then there was the bitter love drama, "The Desire", which was popular all over the country at that time. This drama had never been filmed by himself, but it has been discussed with the people in the unit. This drama is very in line with the aesthetics of the audience now. In fact, until the time when Shen Long crossed over The older generation is still interested in short dramas among parents. Many film and television agencies have specifically shot videos for this customer group. They have less investment and relatively stable ratings. They have also achieved good results.

However, Shen Long did not like this kind of drama very much. If he had to be a director, he would have to kill Wang Husheng, and Wang Shuo of the original novel "Liu Huifang" of this drama, although he had stayed in Beijing for so many years, he was still in Beijing. There is not much contact. I can find someone to recommend, but I am too lazy to deal with them.

Then comes the costume drama, but this can be considered, or change the style and invite Mr. Li Baotian to come up with "Prime Minister Liu Luoguo" in advance? Last time I met Teacher Wang Gang in Taiwan, but he is not greasy enough now, and he ca n’t show the spirit of Heshen, can he let him gain weight?

And even though Teacher Li has stepped into the performing arts world, he only made a few movies. It ’s hard to say whether the acting skills have been polished and rounded; this is also temporarily listed as an option. Shen Long added a few words to his notebook. "Prime Minister Liu Luoguo".

What other impressive TV series in this period? Rural drama? "The Fenced Woman and Dog", this is also quite classic, reflecting the story of modern women's courage to break the shackles, but it can also be filmed, but others may be worried, you are a child raised in Beijing, where you know the countryside, I Nor can I tell them that I have been in the countryside for decades.

"The Ordinary World" was just published last year, and the response was enthusiastic. It was definitely popular to find the teacher of Luyao to buy the adaptation right and make it into a TV series, but I would definitely feel awkward when I met Tian Xiaoxia, although the actor must not be the one I am familiar with. ; And there will be the same questions as above, what do you know about the northwest countryside? I really do n’t know much about this. I have been to this place twice in the mission world.

What kind of TV series with Beijing background? "Last Emperor" seems to be okay, but the Imperial Court has already started planning, and Shen Long doesn't like to shoot Qing Palace dramas.

Called Chen Xiaoer to make an urban comedy? This should be okay, but "I Love My Family" is a comedy, and now shooting comedy, will it give the impression that I will only shoot this? This is not so good, so let ’s temporarily list it as an alternative.

Shen Long drew slowly on the notebook, and after a while he filled a page of paper, but he was still not sure what he wanted to shoot, so he had to put the notebook down temporarily.

Two days later, the leader in the stage came to see the filming of "I Love My Family" again. Shen Long handed the filming task to the deputy director. He sat in the auditorium and whispered with the leader. The leader praised him again, "You Not only is the TV series well filmed, but also the talent training is also good, Xiao Wang is now able to stand alone, your assistant director can also preside over the filming, continue like this, and even after a while, "I Love My Family" is left to others Is it okay? "

"Leader, do you have another task to hand over to me?" Shen Long heard the voice of the leader.

"I recently heard of one thing. The Modu TV station planned to prepare a TV series with the film and television workers of Baodao and Xiangjiang. I wondered how we can be the court station. How can we be preempted by the local station? Is n’t your uncle familiar with the film and television circles of Xiangjiang and Baodao? Should you let your uncle help you run and see if you can find someone to collaborate on a movie? ”The leader really did n’t just look at the lively .

"Oh, are you talking about" Fengshen Bang "?" Shen Long's mind immediately appeared in his mind, and it was a bit difficult to control himself. Hey, why don't I go get a cut?

"Yes, this is the film. According to what they call a historical mythology drama, I think you have made" Journey to the West "," Journey to the West "has many similarities with" Romance of the Gods ", this film makes you sure to shoot It ’s more suitable than others! In terms of stunts, can China compare with us? Even Xiang Jiang ’s TV series, then the effect of "Journey to the West" is not good? "The co-leader thought about it with him ~ www ~ all intend to cut the beard.

It is also right to think about it. If I contacted the film and television workers over there to co-produce the TV series, if Modu continues to shoot "Fengshenbang", maybe he will be released in front of myself. So cut it all.

"Xiangjiang's overall level of special effects is still higher than ours, but most of them are used in movies. Many TV dramas are not high in investment, and they are reluctant to spend money on special effects, so the effect is worse." Shen Long explained, then Said, "I am indeed interested in the adaptation of" The Legend of God "."

This version of "Feng Shen Bang" can also be regarded as a classic. Jiang Ziya played by Lan Tianye, Da Ji played by Fu Yiwei, and King Wang played by Daqi have left a very impressive impression. Oh, yes, there is also Yu Huadong. When he was a child, Shen Long also watched his live performances when he was a child. In those days, he ran a lot of places in order to make money for a hole.

There are also opening and ending songs, "Legend of the Gods" sung by Tan Yonglin and Mao Amin, Shen Long still remembers the lyrics, "Flowers bloom and flowers bloom, long rivers of long years ...", and Tu Honggang's "Exclusive and Chic" "Is also a good song. .

The biggest shortcoming of this film is the design of costumes and scenes. Bold and avant-garde is nothing. It is also in line with Wang Wang ’s greedy character. But if you want to be tempting, you must use ancient Greek style? The design of these Xiangjiang probably made these messy things without understanding Chinese classical culture at all?

In the words of Sixth Teacher, it is "joke is not nonsense, adaptation is not random", just for this, I have to cut this drama, so as not to make people think that our **** is really this dress.

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