All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2026: This vixen is terrible

"I have heard the news about this, it seems that they just had an idea and haven't started to contact us yet. We don't think it's too much to do now." Mainly because you have a flawed shot, I won't **** it if it's shot perfectly The film in the original history will not be filmed until the following year. It was released for a year and I can still get it out in advance.

Fairy human long demon ghost, what to eat? what to wear? where to live? What weapon? What is the mount? Others do n’t know what I know, but I ’ve really practiced immortals. I ’ve seen monsters. No one in the world can understand this better than me. It ’s more suitable for this TV series. Come.

"Then I will leave it to you. If you have money, the stage has recently become more generous. I can give you more support. By the way, I will ask them to see if they are willing to buy the broadcasting rights in advance. You can also Let your uncle ask Baodao and Xiangjiang. We will try to find some big stars on Baodao and Xiangjiang. Someone will definitely buy it. "The leader followed Shen Long and learned a lot, knowing that the right to sell it was sold in advance. Too.

"Success, I'll discuss it with my uncle when I go back at night." Shen Long answered this matter, went back and said to Feng Dayou, he agreed immediately, and returned to Baodao the next day, then Bao After turning around for a few times, Daoxiangjiang decided on the general direction of cooperation. He is now a wealthy man counted on Treasure Island, and this little thing is not worth mentioning.

The film and television circles of Baodao and Xiangjiang can ignore the mainland, but they dare not ignore such a rich man, so when the uncle came back, both Baodao and Xiangjiang sent representatives from the other side. It was also polite to see Shen Long. There is hardly much arrogance. Of course, it is hard to say whether this gesture is directed at the nephew of the rich and the leader of the court.

"I believe everyone has read" The Legend of God ". Even if I have n’t seen it, I ’ve definitely heard the story of Nezhahai and Jiang Taigong ’s fishing. This is a classic mythical novel with great potential for adaptation. As long as you do it with your heart, I can definitely make a good work. "Shen Long called everyone to a meeting.

"I know that many actors in Xiangjiang and Baodao have all kinds of concerns about the mainland, so I do n’t force those big names to come, but there is the same thing. If you can come, you must work hard. The stage may not be too high for everyone. Remuneration, but do n’t worry, as long as you take a good shot, my uncle ’s company can ask them to make an endorsement, and use advertising costs to make up for this gap. ”This is also a win-win solution. Hong Kong and Taiwan stars are already very appealing now. After the "Fengshenbang" is broadcast, it will definitely become more popular. At this time, let them promote their company's products, and they will definitely achieve good results.

"Feng Sheng, don't worry, we have contacted some stars before we came. Mr. Tang Zhenye is very interested in this drama." The representative of Xiangjiang said, "We also have the special effects teacher and martial arts coach you want. In fact, there are also costume designers and art designers. You can call them whenever you want. "

Fortunately, it was n’t his brother Tang Zhenye. If this guy dared to come to Shen Long, he had to smoke him. Did you kill Rong'er because of swelling? The development of Tang Zhenzong is not as smooth as that of his brother. Although he has participated in many TV series, most of them are mainly male No. 2, so the idea of ​​coming to the mainland has sprung up in the future. After playing the role of Xiangjiang boss in "Alien Girl", he succeeded , He put his focus on the mainland.

"I still know the professional ethics of Tang Sheng. I ’m very welcome if he can come. Special effects and martial arts are still lacking for us, but on the side of clothing and art, although the designers of Xiangjiang are excellent in technology, they have an understanding of Chinese culture. It ’s still a little less, so let ’s use the people on our side; well, this is the plan I have sorted out, you can take a look. ”Shen Long threw a stack of design drafts, which he did with the team of.

Refers to the scene costume design of many classic Xianxia works of later generations, many mural statues in temples and temples, as well as his own personal experience in several Xianxia worlds, and also considers the achievements of today's production ability.

The representatives who came this time were all knowledgeable. I was shocked when I read these articles. "Several years ago, Xu Dao invited the special effects team of" Star Wars "to shoot" New Shushan Swordsman ". Although the film was due to the plot Has failed, but the visual effects are outstanding, especially the setting of the scene and the costumes of the actors, which left a deep impression. "

"I originally thought that drama was the pinnacle of mythical fairy tale works. I didn't expect that Feng Sheng's work was better than Xu Dao's. The fairy's elegant and historical coexistence, the magnificent fairy residence is amazing what!"

"Actually everyone knows that the material conditions during the Shang and Zhou dynasties were still very scarce. If you shoot according to the current status of archaeological excavations, the things you get out of it will be ugly; but you ca n’t completely ignore the characteristics of the times, so we are based on archaeological excavations. It has been evolved, while retaining historical elements, it has been improved by incorporating the calligraphy and murals left by the ancients. It is necessary to make these costumes and scenes look bright! "

"Your designer's imagination is definitely no problem ~ ~ But you don't know much about traditional culture, it's easy to make something different!" Look at what the Greek-style decoration and armor are Son, even a later cartoon of "The Legend of God" also started this style, making Yang Jian and Nezha seem to be holy fighters, which makes people unable to talk.

In an era when the big guys have n’t seen anything, this style can still sway people, but it ca n’t be done in the back. Have n’t you seen what the Legend of God is like?

After a few days of discussion, several parties began to act at the same time. Baodao and Xiangjiang immediately went back to gather people, and Shen Long led the team to start writing the script, and cast a cast.

The book "Fengshen Yanyi" is rich in imagination, strangely shaped fairy demon, magical magic weapon, etc., which have left a deep impression, but overall it is the same as "Journey to the West", "Water Margin", etc. The classics are a long way off. The biggest disadvantage is that they are too long. In the later period, the king of the martial arts became a horizontal version of the game, which is a bit tedious to read, so it must be cut, highlight the main line, and remove the redundancy.

The Xiangjiang team ’s biggest contribution to this drama is in addition to special effects. It may be that the 50 episodes are compressed into 36 episodes, otherwise the second half of the TV series will be as boring as the novel.

The adaptation of the script went smoothly, and actors from all over the world came to Beijing to participate in auditions. Shen Long and his assistant director waited on the spot. The first actor came in very soon. Shen Long looked at it and could not help but scream, this fox spirit It's terrible.

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