All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2027: This child will become a big weapon

"Mr. Feng, every teacher, everybody, everyone, I am Fu Yiwei." Fu Yiwei came in to say hello to everyone first, raised his hand to show grace and grace, and the big guys were all in a trance for a while. After waking up, the rest of the crew secretly admired, Feng Dao was the cow This girl is definitely the best choice to play Su Daji.

It is more appropriate to wait for a look in the costume. She has the calm, subtle, dignified, virtuous and other temperaments of Oriental women, which can highlight its unique classic beauty, and the charm of young women. Move away from her.

This is only twenty-three years old this year, but he was married last year, so he can have both of these manners at the same time. After a simple trial, the candidates are given, and the rest of the crew ca n’t think of anyone else. She is more suitable to play Su Daji.

Waited for the second actor to come in, and everyone stood up together and said hello respectfully, "Mr. Lan, you have to work hard, it is really embarrassing."

"Don't be so polite, this should be the case." The qualification of teacher Lan Tianye, who plays Jiang Ziya, is too old. People have been acting in drama since 44 years, and the performance time is longer than most people in this house. Absolutely. Qualified to be known as a highly respected performing artist.

Shen Long also respected him very much. As soon as he came up, he did not start auditioning. Instead, he asked Mr. Lan ’s opinions on clothing. “Mr. Lan, you are also a master of traditional Chinese painting. You have a deep understanding of traditional culture. What do you think of this dress? "

Teacher Lan is not a celebrity who knows nothing but loves to set himself up. People really have the skills. The painter got the true biography of the two masters from the two masters of Chinese painting, Li Kuchan and Xu Linlu, disciples of Qi Baishi. It was Qi Baishi's descendant grandson. He had also communicated with Lin Fengmian and Pan Tianshou. He was the leader of the Bocai family. When he opened the exhibition last year, Shen Long went to see it. His level is quite good.

"I can be called a master, just like painting." Teacher Lan was very humble and stood around the house. "You have done a lot of work in this dress, it seems that it is based on the Ming Dynasty The pattern in the embroidered book of "The Legend of God" was changed? It seems that there is indeed a fairy immortality, but can there be such a high level of textile in the Yin and Shang period? "

"Your old eyes don't have to say, it was indeed changed according to the shape in the embroidered book." Shen Long raised his thumb. The Jiang Ziya in the Ming Dynasty embroidered book has a crown belt, long whiskers fluttering, holding the whip, apricot Huang Qi is different from the crotch under four. At first glance, there is a smell of flickering dust, which is much more handsome than the one with the forehead hoop in the original "Feng Shen Bang", so Shen Long improved on the basis of this shape and became The dress that Lao Lao is wearing now looks like a robe but is more fairy-like than the ordinary robe.

As for Su Daji's shape, it is not as bold as the original. After all, the court platform and the local platform are still a bit different, but for Fu Yiwei's charm, wearing a tulle and a slightly deodorant shoulder is enough, but Shen Long is a bit regretful. I feel a little bit irritating, but it does n’t matter. I can still enjoy my eyes when I shoot the Jiu Chi Lin in the future.

"The textiles of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties were mainly silk and linen, and textiles were gradually given social status and other social significance. The crown service system was initially established, but the processing level was still very rough, with only five main colors of green, yellow, red, white and gray, and sewing technology. However, it ’s far less gorgeous than what you wear. "

"But what we are going to shoot is a mythical drama instead of a historical drama. If everything is restored according to history, then the fairy can only wear a gray clothing, and the audience will definitely not accept it." Shen Long explained.

"Also, the fairy should naturally have the charm of a fairy." Lao Lao accepted Shen Long's statement, "This dress is well done, you are very attentive, I didn't really want to act, but I know it when I see this dress. You can definitely shoot this drama. "

This is a glimpse of the whole leopard. A crew is useless and can make good works, which can be seen from many details; Lao Lao has a good impression of the crew, he has forged forty on the stage of the drama Years of acting are not even a problem, so this candidate was decided accordingly.

Followed by Tang Zhenzong. He didn't have the shelves of the stars of Hong Kong and Taiwan. When he came in, he bowed and said hello, "Good director, everybody, I am Tang Zhenzong."

"Tang Sheng has been struggling for a long time. Let's go to have a meal together after the audition is over. It may be that we will solve the wind and wash the dust for you." People are more polite, Shen Long, let him put on the clothes of Boyi Kao to perform. Fan, acting is pretty good, only the accent makes people play, then it can only be dubbed later.

Daki, who plays King of Kings, has more than fifty years old. The original work is enough for people of this age to wear shorts and show muscles. What is even more amazing is that they are a little unambiguous when they act, and the audience thinks he is still young. Well, this is also a big performer with a lot of performance experience, naturally there is no problem.

Then there was Li Jianhua who played Yang Jian. This one was born in a Shanghai opera. He did n’t have to say his acting skills. The skill is a little lacking. The martial arts in "Feng Shen Bang" is indeed a little unattractive. ~ Next is Xu Yong who plays Huang Tianhua, this guy is also a handsome guy who can enhance the face value of the play; then Zhu Weizhong who plays Lei Zhenzi, no matter which version of God is sealed, Lei Zhenzi None of the styles can satisfy Shen Long. The hairs are so fat one by one. Is it not in line with fluid mechanics? How can they fly? Lei Zhenzi should be thinner. Is the illustration in the embroidered book so handsome?

Has been auditioning for a long time, everyone is a little tired, the deputy director got up and walked a few steps, stretched out, and came back to look at the list again, "What is the next one, let him come in."

Soon a 13- to 14-year-old boy with red lips and white teeth came in, his expression somewhat restrained, stuttering, "Good director, good teachers, my name is Wu Jing, this year ... I am 13 years old, and I started practicing martial arts at the age of six. , Last year won the national martial arts competition three swords and guns champion! "

"I ... I like the role of Nezha very much and I am confident that I can play this role well!" After Wu Jing said, he didn't know what to do. Just think about lifting the fire spear, "Why don't I play for the teachers first Gun! "

"This boy did you find there?" He Wei, the former actor of Nezha, has not yet gone to the Academy of Film Studies, so Shen Long had to ask the crew to find another one. They didn't expect them to find this one. .

"Why? No? Then I will change another one!"

"It's okay, just him, I think this kid is not ordinary, and it will definitely become a big weapon in the future!"

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