All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2031: The war scenes are well filmed

It has been two years since Shen Long graduated from university. According to the current customs, it is indeed time to consider the issue of marriage. Can't he keep dragging people away from Xicheng? So I took advantage of the filmed holiday and held a wedding with Xicheng, and it didn't make much noise. Some relatives and neighbors in the family found a better hotel and celebrated.

Since you want to get married, you must have a house. Shen Long has already prepared it. She bought a courtyard house not far from her home and TV station and renovated it. Now she is ready to stay.

So after the wedding, Heizi drove Shen Long and Xicheng back home, and walked away without entering the door. With the help of Xicheng, Shen Long walked in. When he entered the door, he looked back reluctantly. A glance at the free sky outside. Farewell, Twelve hairpins in the Red Mansion, Farewell, Sister Vixen, Farewell, so many of my school girls, let's see you in the future! I'm afraid there is nothing to expect in this world.

After a day and a night, Shen Long appeared extremely refreshed in the morning. The chef cooked breakfast and served it to Xicheng in the bedroom. He waited at noon and returned to his home with Xicheng.

After taking a rest at home, Shen Long and Xicheng were busy again. Shen Long wanted to go back to the stage to do post-editing, while Xicheng went back to the company to work on her own affairs. Shen Long gave her an idea to start the company. Start with the advertising industry, accumulate experience, and then start a film and television company when the time is right.

Returning to the station, the leader expressed a warm welcome, "Oh, I can look forward to your return. Since the end of the" I Love My Family "broadcast, the ratings of other TV shows on our station have not caught up with you while I was still. I can only wait for the "Feng Shen Bang" to come out and get the results up. "

"You can rest assured that I still have confidence in the ratings of" Feng Shen Bang "; by the way, the theme song has been written by someone, and I plan to find Mao Amin and Tu Honggang to sing them. My uncle also helped contact Xiang Yong's Tan Yonglin. These people, our tapes will definitely sell well. "" Legend of the God "and" Exclusive Chic "are not bad, and the other songs are a bit meaningless, Shen Long re-selected a few suitable people from the classics of later generations. After writing, I can definitely create a hot album.

"Well, as long as you are there, not only do you have to worry about the ratings of the TV series, even the audio tapes must be sold well! I will contact the record company, and they have been waiting." The leader was very satisfied, I Not asked yet, everyone is ready.

"Oh, leader, I do n’t think it ’s enough to just sell audio tapes! Now life is getting better and better, and parents have the money to buy snacks for their children, so I thought of such an idea and put the The characters are printed into cards, you see, that's it. "Shen Long took out a stack of sketches." At that time, every packet of snacks is stuffed with one. If the children have all the cards together, we will mail them a small gift for them. "

Shen Long seemed to remember the horror that he was dominated by the card of the young master "Water Margin". I have worked so hard, why can't I still save Jade Unicorn Lu Junyi and Langli Baitiao Zhang Shun? After a lapse of many years, he realized that he was originally a non-chief, and the game of drawing cards belonged to the emperor.

Well, let the children after the 70s and 80s feel this horror in advance. The first generation of the Emperor and the non-chief will be born soon. I do n’t know if they will recall their childhood when they play "Onmyoji" in the future. , I remembered the Tu Xingsun or Mo Lishou who couldn't get it anymore, and the SSSR that N doesn't even show up now, and wowed.

"This requires cooperation with food factories. Now the days of food factories are not very good. Someone must be willing. We must be unable to prevent piracy, but we can definitely make a fortune." This set of roads is not only useful for "Fengshenbang", In the future, I will be able to use it in the filming of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". Of course, "Water Margin" is also indispensable. I have to print Lu Junyi and Zhang Shun at least. Then I went to the factory to get a lot of money and sell it.

"Isn't this the same as stamp collecting? A good way, I'll get it!" The leader thought of the hot stamp collection nowadays, and understood the benefits of it.

Quickly contacted the food factory, and soon began to stock up, ready to be launched into the market as soon as the "Feng Shen Bang" was broadcast, and squeezed out the children's pocket money.

Shen Long completed the post-production work of "Feng Shen Bang" as scheduled, and the upgraded special effect technology as well as elaborate clothing, props, and makeup design make the quality of this film absolutely hang on the original version. In the final analysis, the film and television drama is a very With money-consuming art, Shen Long can get more money than Modu TV station, and naturally can produce more exquisite works.

"Oh, the stunts here are much stronger than" Journey to the West ", especially Kunlun Xiangong, Biyougong and Shenxiandong Mansion. If you told me, UU reading I thought you were I was still wondering when the real scene was shot. Why have I never seen such a good place! "The leader is very satisfied with the effect of the TV series.

"This time I don't need a trial broadcast. I will release it when the prime time TV series is finished. You can cut a few trailers. I will arrange for you to promote it on the stage!" Well, the tape can be started now, ready to be sold. Oh, and there are small snacks, and urge the food factory to produce more.

Soon afterwards, during prime time in the evenings across the country, almost every household ’s TV sounded, “Flowers bloom and flowers bloom, and the long river of long years, a myth is a spray, a myth is a teardrop The singing of "one", the role played by the children on the street, has also changed from Master Brother and Brother Two to Yang Jian, Nezha and Lei Zhenzi.

As soon as school was over, the children rushed out of the school quickly, rushed to the nearest store, emptied their hard-earned money, bought a pack of snacks, and then unpacked with a slow anticipation, and then sounded for a while The child sighed, "Hey, why is Shen Gongbao again, I have three!"

Children are concerned about the dazzling spells in the TV series, and collecting cards. The adults are concerned about the wonderful plot and Su Dajina ... Cough, excellent acting.

In the eyes of professionals, you can see more things. For example, somewhere in Beijing, an old man opened his eyes in surprise when he saw the battle between the Xiqi Army and the Yin Shang Army. How did it take? It was really good, no, I have to chat with Xiao Feng tomorrow. "

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