All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2032: Wang Dao, please

"Feng Dao is good ...... Feng Dao is here!" Since the broadcast of "Feng Shenbang", Shen Long felt that his position in the stage had improved a bit, and more and more people greeted him actively, and his tone was also With respect.

At the beginning, Shen Long didn't quite understand. Is this not the first TV series I made? The ratings of "I Love My Family" were higher than "Feng Shen Bang" before? Why didn't you have such a big response when "I Love My Family" aired? Later, Shen Long understood that "Feng Shen Bang" and "I Love My Family" are TV dramas with completely different shooting difficulties.

Although "I Love My Family" has higher ratings, it can be summarized in the scripts and actors. As long as there are good scripts for the sitcoms and a few more outstanding actors, it is enough. Of course, there are still many problems in the specific shooting. It is definitely not as simple as the above, but it is also an indisputable fact that sitcoms are easier to shoot than big-screen TV shows.

"Fengshenbang" has more participants, the location is all over the country, and the special effects hang on all the mainland film and television works of the same era. What is even more amazing is the use of several groups of big scene wars. If you want to shoot these requirements, you need Very strict, not only have excellent special effects auditing ability, excellent on-site commanding ability, but also have extraordinary ability to mobilize. This is not a problem that can be solved by talent alone.

If Tai Long used to think of Shen Long as a very talented future star, now Shen Long is already a big director who really convinces them. If not, look at "Feng Shen Bang". This is the quality, Tai Li. How many directors can shoot? Even if you look around the country, you can't find a few.

"Hahaha, Xiao Feng, I have to celebrate for you. I have made a good work that is loved by the audience!" Even the leaders praised him specifically, "Not only is the ratings high, the audience praises well, Our peripheral development has also achieved quite good results, whether it is audio tapes or small snacks, they are selling very well. "

"Even a lot of merchants have contacted me and asked you what you plan to shoot in the next TV series, and if there is anything they can help!" These needless to say must have seen the "Fengshen Bang" series of small foods selling, I wanted to catch up with the wind, so I quickly came over and asked without waiting for the project to be established. I was afraid that I would be too late to eat meat.

"All support from the stage, willing to give me opportunities for young people like me, and adequate funding. If you put them on other TV stations, they will be as bold and decentralized as you!" Shen Long praised the leader.

"Ha ha ha." This statement really pleased the leaders, yeah, besides me, which one of the leaders of the station dared to hand over a big production TV series with a investment of over 10 million to a young man who was only twenty-three to four? Well, as the economic situation of the Imperial Court improved, the total investment of "Feng Shen Bang" has exceeded that of "Journey to the West" and "Dream of Red Mansions".

"How about it, do you have any ideas about the new drama? Oh, did I urge you? You have been busy filming" Feng Shen Bang "for more than a year, and just after getting married, you should have a good rest, but we can talk about it first. Let ’s talk, I ’d like to leave you a budget, not someone? Do n’t be too hasty when I get the time. ”The leader now trusts Shen Long more and more, and has already thought about it, no matter what he thinks, as long as he meets the policy, he will be sure Will support, I believe he will certainly not live up to his expectations.

"There are a few ideas, but the specific shooting has not yet been finalized." Is it a criminal investigation film or a bitter love movie, or try to make a time piece that reflects the reform?

"Don't worry, don't worry, I won't arrange any work for you these days, you have to take it easy; any ideas can come to me at any time, whether it is about TV shows or variety shows, you can come. "The Quyuan Zatan" also enjoys very good ratings. Leaders feel that his talents are not limited to TV shows, but now there is a lack of any programs on the stage.

"There is really something I want to tell you. My uncle and I met the people of the Xie family of the Zhengda Group last time. They seemed to want to title a variety show. I mentioned a little bit about the world we discussed before. They are very interested and willing to invest a lot of money to support it. "Shen Longshun also mentioned" Zhengda Variety ".

He did chat with the people of Zhengda Group before, and they did show a strong interest. This is definitely a good opportunity to enhance the Group's popularity on the mainland.

"Zhengda Group I also know that it is still very friendly to us, how much can the specific amount be?" The leader was a little bit tempted, and was even more surprised after listening to the figures. "So much? Then we need to bear the funds. Reduced to an acceptable range, there is no precedent for the title program. "

"Actually, I think this number is not the bottom line of the Chia Tai Group. If you talk well, you can add some more. If you buy a program, hire the location host and you do n’t have to use this money ~ ~ We just need to be on stage Just arrange the studio and arrange the on-site host. You can do big things with a small amount of money. "

"As for the problem without precedent, it is indeed a trouble, but if the program is done well, the social and economic benefits will also achieve good success, then it may be another successful reform case, and it can also show that our station is advancing with the times. Style. "You see, with so many benefits, you can't be willing to take any risks at all?

"Well, that's right, you handed me a report after discussing with the Zhengda Group. I will study it carefully and then discuss it with other leaders!" The leaders were really moved.

"No problem, I will give you the report tomorrow!" It seems that this program can be unveiled in advance. After the broadcast is successful, I will come to the leader to talk about the "Military World". The war between Iran and Iran is not over yet. Well, the audience will read the news in the newspaper every day and they will definitely be interested in military programs.

The seat of the bureau is coming back from Britain. People have experienced the Iran-Iraq war. When the time comes, the seat of the bureau will tell you their personal stories on the battlefield.

After coming out from the leader, Shen Long returned to his office, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw someone waiting inside, "Yo, Wang Dao, why did you come here in person? If you have something to do, let me call me without saying a word. What? "

Wang Dao got up and shook hands with Shen Long. The two sat down on the sofa together before they said, "Xiao Feng, your" Feng Shen Bang "was well filmed. I came back to you for advice."

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