All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2033: Let me shoot "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms"

"Especially in those war scenes, I was so excited! It was both professional and shocking. I asked several historical consultants. They all said that these scenes were well shot! In the field of war scenes, except for those Revolutionary film and television works are the best of you. "Wang Dao praised Shen Long by his hand.

Let ’s talk about the big scenes of war scenes, we have n’t shot them in China. The quality of the war scenes in “The Three Battles” is absolutely high, but that ’s a political mission. When shooting, you can count on the cost. Those who have experienced the war are still alive, and they can restore the details of these battles.

Even if the time is pulled back for more than thirty years, in the field of war dramas, there is no work that can surpass the "Three Battles". Even if it is put on a global scale, there are only a few films of the old Maozi. Compared with HTC on the scale of HTC, we still learn from the old Maozi when we use the army to make films.

After all, it costs money to hire temporary actors in Hollywood. How much do they have to spend to mobilize several troops to accompany their performances? In the episode "Game of Thrones", which episode of the battle of **** used 600 crew members, 500 mass actors, and 70 horses, it cost US $ 10 million and used a military and film company to go bankrupt.

Using special effects, after all, is not as good as using real effects, special effects technology is also limited, maybe taking a panoramic view, a quiet scene or something, once it reaches a part, when the two armies are fighting, the war scene made by the special effects technology is It will be easy to find bugs.

"You have won the prize, because our children and soldiers have cooperated well. If they don't help me, I can't shoot such a good effect." Shen Long said politely, and still wondering, Wang Dao specifically told me this for Mao Lai. ?

Fortunately, Wang Dao quickly said the reason, "You must know that after filming" The Dream of Red Mansions ", the stage began to plan the filming of" The Romance of the Three Kingdoms ". Last year our leaders Dai Linfeng, Ruan Ruolin, history Liu Shide and Feng Qiyong, Wang Feng, the producer of the storytelling "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms," and Ren Dahui, the producer of our "Dream of Red Mansions", held a meeting to discuss the shooting of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and set a shooting plan.

"But I heard later that Fujian TV, Sun Daolin, and Japanese film and television agencies also intend to shoot this work. We thought that it was a bit inappropriate for the big guys to shoot the same work in the same period, so we suspended the project." Wang Dao introduced.

"I have heard the news, but they seem to have not moved now!" The Romance of the Three Kingdoms "is definitely a large-scale production project, and it is not so easy to finalize; the strength of the Fujian TV family alone will certainly not be able to support it. Teacher Sun is in the film and television The circle is indeed quite influential, but his strength alone is too small compared to the resources needed to film The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. "

"As for the Japanese? They have the money and the skills, but in such a small place in Japan, how to make epic masterpieces like" The Romance of the Three Kingdoms "? Where did they find so many actors? So many horses? More Not to mention those palaces, even if they want to shoot, they can only cooperate with the country, and only with large organizations like ours! I have n’t heard of their contact with ours so far, so the project has been estimated No. "If they come to talk, the leader will definitely find me as a translator and negotiator. Since there is no movement, it means that this matter is not reliable.

"What you said makes sense, we thought this was too simple." Wang Dao nodded and continued, "So when you took the crew to shoot" Feng Shen Bang ", the stage restarted. "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" project, and want me to be the director. "

"Congratulations, Mr. Wang, is there anything I can do to help? Oh, if you are framing, my uncle's film and television city has now started to build palace groups in the Qin and Han dynasties. If you are interested, you can go and see. Any comments can also be submitted early. "Shen Long said.

"Already started repairing? That's really great! When our project team discussed, the biggest expense was not personnel, clothing props, or special effects, but the exterior. If you want to restore the palaces in the Three Kingdoms period, then A lot of money must be spent! "Said Wang Dao in surprise.

I am also very clear about this. "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" cost a total of 1.7 billion, including 100 million for the shooting base, more than 1,000 kinds, more than 30,000 sets of clothing, only 5 million, and nearly 70,000 pieces of props. It only cost 7 million yuan.

"Don't say this today, let's continue to talk about the war scene. When the leader first found me, I was quite confident. I felt that I had shot works like" Dream of Red Mansions "and then" Romance of the Three Kingdoms ".

"But I seriously read the original several times seriously, and then chatted with the experts of the script group and the history consultant, and found that it was not that simple. You asked me to shoot some literary dramas, whether it is a serial number, a tongue-in-cheek Confucianism, or a trifle. No problem, I am confident to shoot well! But the war scene is a little bit unsure. "

"" The Romance of the Three Kingdoms "if the filming of the war is not good, it will lose its soul. Isn't the average audience looking forward to the battle between the generals and the big scene?"

"Originally ~ ~ I was planning to catch the duck on the shelf, or find some directors who are good at shooting war scenes to help me deal with these big scenes, we also conceived some scenes of war scenes, and even feel good about myself . "

"But after watching the war scenes in" Fengshenbang "these days, I realized that compared to the effect you filmed, the things we thought about were simply children's play, not only poor visual effects And there are many loopholes, and many places simply do not conform to historical facts. "

Well, this is true, Shen Long remembers that there are many lenses in the yellow towel military fork. The fork is not only difficult to use but also scrap iron. There is iron for making forks. Is n’t it better to build a few more gun heads? ? Moreover, it seems that the formation of platoons is barely okay, and the generals are even more unsightly.

"I thought about it seriously at home for a few days. I feel that if I shoot this work, I will definitely leave a lot of shortcomings. It is better to let you be the chief director. The war scenes you shoot must be more beautiful than I did!" Wang Dao looked at Shen Long and asked, "Xiao Feng, would you like to be in charge of the crew of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms?"

Ok? Why did you let me be the director? But to be honest, no one is more suitable than me!

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