All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2037: Director, we can't play this

Do n’t look at Zhang Shan ’s good horsemanship, but it ’s a little hard to learn a culture class. In the class of culture class, she was criticized by Shen Long, so I would like to take this opportunity to let Shen Long take a bite.

Small sample, when you meet Chen Xiaoer next time, let him take his sister seriously! Don't let the kid in front of you abduct her! Shen Long could not see his thoughts, and murmured in his heart.

It is said that after the broadcast of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Zhao Yun played by Zhang Shan was handsome and enchanted. Chen Lida, Chen Xiaoer's younger sister, was fascinated. , Xiaomei Chen immediately found his father and asked him to introduce himself to Zhang Shan, so he made a marriage.

Shen Long took the reins from his hands, "Yes, then I will try!" I am not only more cultured than you, when it comes to Kung Fu, it also hangs on your existence, so you have a long experience. .

"Director, please be careful, don't fall off the horse." Zhang Shan just wanted to make a joke. I didn't expect Shen Longzhen to take the reins and couldn't help worrying; after hearing this, Mrs. Li Yunjuan next to Mrs. Zhu Rong With a chuckle, she played the scorpion essence in Journey to the West and saw Shen Long riding a horse. Worried about him falling off the horse? Dream!

"Just at this opportunity to give you a lesson, let you see how the warlords of the Three Kingdoms period fought!" Shen Long held the saddle with one hand and jumped on the horseback with his feet, and his feet firmly stepped on the stirrup. There was no double stirrups during the Three Kingdoms period, but if you want these actors to fight on horses without stirrups, it will be too difficult for others, so they can only be eliminated later with special effects.

"Okay!" Zhang Shen couldn't help crying when she saw Shen Long holding the horse reins with one hand and controlling the horse to walk, the other people's horsemanship seemed better than himself!

"Don't patronize and applaud! What about bows and arrows? Who helped me get a set? Zhang Shan, throw your spear over to me. Since you want to demonstrate it, you have to get a full set!" Shen Long also did not perform martial arts in equestrian for a long time. It was a little itchy for a moment, so I took the bow and arrow thrown by Zhang Guangbei, Zhang Shan handed the spear, put the bow and arrow in the bow sac, the spear was hung on the victory ring of the bird's wing hook, and the legs snapped Long horse galloping.

I ran a big circle on the racecourse, back around again, then let go of the reins of both hands, pulled out the bow and arrow and sat upright on the horse ’s back, the body remained motionless with the ups and downs of the horse ’s back, bent the bow and aimed the arrow at a distant target, Only three swishes were heard, and the three feather arrows hit the red heart in the middle of the target.

"Okay! The director is awesome!" The big guy was dumbfounded right now, and it took a long time to call out in unison.

However, this is not over yet. Shen Long turned his horse head toward the opposite direction of the arrow target, and ran out more than ten meters away. Then he suddenly turned back suddenly. Without looking at it, he shot three arrows again, which was also in the middle. Bullseye.

"Eh, the director has such a good archery. I don't need to use special effects when shooting" Yuanmen Shoot Halberd ", let the director get it directly!" Zhang Guangbei scratched his head and said, as for me, I can put a bow to shoot archery The posture is good, if you want me to hit the bulls-eye with such a long distance, don't think about it.

"Archery has been shown to you, then let's look at the use of the equipment immediately!" Shen Long withdrew his bow and arrow, drew out his spear, and shook his gun to play the hundred birds he saw in the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" world. Chaofeng Gun suddenly saw Hanguang but no gun shadow. He only listened to a few clicks and placed a few wooden men on the horse farm for their martial arts. The throat was pierced by a long gun at the same time.

Almost all of the big guys went down, stood there blankly, opened his mouth wide, extended his neck and looked at Shen Long without blinking, for fear of missing a little detail.

Suddenly, Shen Long ’s gun situation changed again. The hundred-bird Chaofeng gun taught by Tong Yuan to Zhao Yun was replaced by Zhao Yun ’s seven-snake snake disk gun. The seven killing moves are attacking methods, and the snake plate is a quick gun. If the movement is not stopped by the circling spirit snake, it can quickly rotate to form an airtight defensive move.

She used a snake disk gun to protect her body and waited for the opportunity. As long as the enemy showed a little flaw, he could understand his life from the seven probes. Shen Long played a little enough for himself. Seeing there was an apple for the actors to see next, so he greeted With a cry, "Zhang Guangbei, Zhang Shan, Li Yunjuan, you few throw me apples!"

Several people glanced at each other, picked up the apple and threw it towards Shen Long, and saw that the gun that was still circling was changed again. The gun head greeted the apple like a hole from a python, after rubbing a few times, A long string of apples was skewered on Shen Long's spear, and none of the three of them dropped.

After the last apple was skewered into large calabash, Shen Long stopped and threw the spear full of apples back to Zhang Shan, where he was about to dismount. Suddenly, he heard a sound behind him, and the horse was on the side of the horse. The birds in the upper pond were frightened by the sound of horseshoes. Shen Long glanced carefully to make sure that there were no protective animals. Then he quickly pulled out his bow and arrow, and counted the number of strings, and the three arrows shot down five birds.

"Feng Dao, you are too powerful!" The big guy woke up from the shock, applauding and applauding, even if his palms were red.

Here and there, I haven't come up with a tenth of the effort to slash Zhang Ping and Xu Chu, and fight alone with eight members of Wei Guo General! Shen Long waved his hand indifferently, "Okay, don't applaud, practice it well. As long as you can show half of my effort, then our martial arts drama of" The Romance of the Three Kingdoms "will definitely not have to be said!"

The applause and applause suddenly stopped ~ ~ The actors present were like geese with their necks stretched, their necks were stretched, and their mouths grew, but they could not say anything.

After a long time, Zhang Shan suffocated his words, "Director, you still kill us, we can do it here!"

"Director, I think you will be dismissed directly. You must not say that you are playing Lu Buna, let alone the three grandsons of the Sun, the mainland, and Xiao Zang. Even if we add up all of us, it is not enough. You hit it alone! "Head Chu also counseled.

"You have to say that Zhang Fei has such a standard, and I certainly can't agree!" Zang Jinsheng was also puzzled. We have known each other for so long, and haven't seen you have this skill, "Feng Dao, how do you practice Yes! "

"Want to be the director of" The Romance of the Three Kingdoms ", wouldn't it be possible to use both hands?" Shen Long joked.

"I'm not convinced if you want to say that. Director Yang's" Journey to the West ", then she won't be a spell!" Li Yunjuan said, the big guys all laughed, and there was a burst of joy on the horse farm.

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