All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2038: Well-established, well cooked

"Feng Dao, you can't stand on the ground for the next few times, let alone on the horse!" An Yaping, the national martial art champion who played Ma Chao, also counseled, because you came to be a director, if you also In the martial arts world, the champion of the national martial arts competition has nothing to do with others.

"Oh, just kidding, I'll just give you a few impressions of what a real military commander duel is all about! I don't expect you to get to this point in half a year! You can ride a horse These prospects are almost enough, as for the immediate battle we have other equipment. "Shen Long took out a few drawings.

This is the modification of the tractor, plus the saddle, it can also be up and down according to the demand, it is a bit like that ... When they are afraid of fighting immediately, they will sit on this shoot, the camera lens only shoots the saddle and the people above This is much safer than riding a horse and shooting, and you can also play more tricks.

Explained to them, "So you can practice riding for half a day, and practice routines for half a day. You don't need to pursue the actual combat effect too much. It's most important to play beautifully!" If those kung fu movies are really based on the actual combat effect, then you can't really watch it. By the way, the big guys go to the boxing match and they know that it was so fancy in the movie.

"Routine, I'm quite familiar with this!" An Yaping was relieved. Now that he can be a national martial arts champion, he must have practiced routines. Those professional athletes are pretty good in battle.

"Like you can focus on equestrianism, Zhang Shan will be more focused on the routine of gunslinging. Li Yunjuan, you should practice flying knives more. I don't ask you for the accuracy of flying knives. Be sure to shoot beautifully." Mrs. Zhu Rong Is n’t that just playing flying knives? In fact, I can also teach you this, is there anyone who can play better than Xiao Li Tanhua?

If this is not possible, can Shen Long still go to Xiao Wu, let his brothers and uncles come to the crew as martial arts substitutes, and they will replace these actors to perform some fierce and more dangerous bridge sections. Obscured and replaced with the original actor when the face is close-up, so the average audience can't see the problem.

In the following period, Shen Long trained cultural officers for half a day, and came to the horse farm for half a day to teach these generals horseback riding, bow and arrow shooting, and the use of various weapons, whether it was Guan Yu ’s Qinglong Yandao, Zhang Fei ’s Zhangba. Snake spear, or Xu Huang's big mountain axe, Lu Bu's Fangtian painting halberd, he can play flowers.

"If our director went to the national martial arts competition, I guess the champion who touched this equipment all-round must have not run." An Yaping looked at it, if Shen Long was younger than him, he would like to bow to the teacher.

"The real battle in the battlefield can't use these fancy routines, but it's really not good to shoot like that." The old version of the Three Kingdoms, you cut a knife, I blocked it with a gun and then stabbed, and then pretended that the opponent's strength was reddened. The lens is really not good-looking, although we can't fly around immediately, it can't be too real.

"The director is intrigued. The real fight on the battlefield is to know what kind of routine ghosts are. It is not like the routine of fighting. There is still some inheritance." Zhang Shan muttered on the side, and Shen Long listened to his ears. I did n’t even speak, but I murmured in my heart. I ’ve really seen this, and more than once.

In addition to teaching the actors, Shen Long also kept communicating with the props, makeup, and costume groups. "In the early Western Han Dynasty, Zhang Cang advocated that Han was a water virtue, and Emperor Wenlong was born in the year of Emperor Wen. De; then Liu Xiang and his son reintroduced the ancient dynasties one by one according to the Five Elements Xiangsheng theory, and introduced Zhou Weimu as a virtue, and Mu made fire, so Han was regarded as a fire virtue, and Liu Xiu Zhongxing inherited this statement afterwards. The Han dynasty has always regarded itself as Huo De, and its color is still scarce, so we must pay attention to this when making the related articles of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Shu Han Dynasty, with red as the main color ... "

"During the Eastern Han Dynasty, there were several types of armor, such as waist waist armor, tube sleeve armor, black armor, pot-neck iron armor, bright light armor, black light armor, two-dang armor, ring lock armor, horse armor, leather armor. Archaeologists have drawn the patterns, we should refer to the style of these armor in the general direction, but it should be beautified ... "

In the original TV series, the helmets of Guan Yu and Zhou Yu imitated the front stance of Japan after the Heian period, and the ear protections imitated the blowback of Japan. The two white belts on Zhou Yu were suspected of imitating Japanese sandalwood and dovetail boards; and The kind of veiled armor with a gown and a waist is actually from the Song Dynasty of the Five Dynasties ... These mistakes really should not be.

"Weapons are generally used by the army for ring-headed swords, spears, spears and crossbows. The style of these weapons is like this ... General ’s weapons are more exquisite, soldiers’ weapons can be slightly older, all are new weapons. It ’s a little bit unreal ... ”Shen Long took out piles of drawings and explained them carefully.

Finally, I got the general direction of clothing, props, and makeup styles, and then let these teams speed up the preparation ~ ~ It is probably impossible for the general experts to pick out the faults, the details must be there The gap, after all, has to take care of the shooting effect, but overall, these clothes and props are relatively close to reality.

Spent more than half a year, the actors and props were all ready, and the filming could be officially started, so Shen Long divided the play into several groups, led by different directors.

Such a large-scale TV series must be grouped, otherwise he alone will not know when to shoot; of course, he has coordinated the use of time and personnel, and try to avoid several roles An actor, or an actor in several roles.

The directors have different shooting tasks, and Shen Long is mainly responsible for the big scene war drama and the battle of the generals. Shen Long brought many generals to the location, and the local garrison directly transferred a division to cooperate with their shooting work.

Shen Long will send them the ancient military uniforms and weapons that have been prepared for them, let these soldiers put on their clothes, and then he stands on the podium and orders the soldiers through the officers of the local garrison to arrange them as they want. Formation.

Commands were issued one after another, and the soldiers immediately moved to line up. The spears were lined up, and the sword was shining, and the air of the killing was permeating between the sky and the earth. A general saw the formation and immediately took it seriously. If you come to be a soldier, you might be a general. "

Of course, this is my old business! Well cooked!

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