All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2039: Xiao Feng is so powerful!

Several different cameras were suspended on booms and helicopters for overhead shots, ready for a large panorama, and the remaining cameras were on the city wall to shoot in front of the queue. Nowadays, the funds on the stage are abundant, and they are no longer. "Journey to the West" is a situation where a camera controls a play.

Shen Long nodded slightly while looking at the neat and strict formation, um, yes, there is a bit of the taste of the Qin Jun military formation in the old hero "Hero", which guarantees to let the audience watch the shock. When shooting "The Boat and the Arrow", Can you also draw on the Qin Jun Arrow Array in "Heroes"? The current level of special effects is naturally not as good as that of Laomouzi, but as long as a little bit deep, it is enough to make the current audience stunned.

The movie "Hero" is not very good in storytelling, but the picture is absolutely nothing to say, especially those big scenes, which can be called the pinnacle of ancient Chinese war dramas, and there are many points that can be used for reference.

The generals wanted to take a few glances and went back, but when they saw the situation, they were a little reluctant to leave. They stayed on the podium and watched Shen Long constantly mobilize the army to shoot the effect he wanted. When it was time to eat, the generals reluctantly left. Their training and acting in the hot weapon era were much more watched. This was the first time that the military formation in the cold weapon era was seen.

It took a few days to shoot a series of large battle arrays of different battles in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. There were eighteen princes to discuss the directors, there was the battle of the official crossing, there was the battle of the Red Cliff, and there was the battle of the Han Dynasty. The Huangjinjun ... Then temporarily stopped the shooting of the big scene, the remaining big scene needs to be changed to other location.

Then there are relatively small-scale war scenes such as siege battles, battalion battles, head-on confrontations, trailing pursuits, etc. Shen Long returned some of the soldiers sent by the army, leaving only one group to shoot these scenes. Officers above the company commander called to the meeting room to tell them how to set up an offensive or defensive formation, and how to conduct actual combat. The generals arrived and heard Shen Long's comment with interest.

The officers carefully took notes. After the meeting, they took Shen Long to give back the array to practice, and then began to pose on the battlefield. Various types of crossbowmen, pikemen, archers, ringhead swordmen, cavalry, etc. The soldiers set up their positions according to the array. Cao Jun ’s side first used crossbowmen and archers for long-range suppression, and then the cavalry set out a frontal attack to prepare to break the formation of the Shuhan Army, and then let the infantry follow up to completely wipe out the Shuhan Army.

The Shuhan Army was laid out in a circle, and also used crossbows and bows to fight back, causing damage to the cavalry in the charge. Cao Jun ’s cavalry had already damaged a lot through the arrow rain, and there was a circle of dense spears outside the former Shuhan Army. Cao Jun cavalry could not be easily approached, and the crossbowmen and archers in the circle could continuously shoot. This was Li Ling's way of dealing with the Huns at that time. In the Three Kingdoms period, it was still the only way for infantry to deal with cavalry.

"There are cavalry soldiers hidden in the circle. This is to wait for Cao Jun ’s cavalry to exhaust his energy and suddenly go out to cover up!" Several generals watched with interest on the watchtower. "I used to watch the war scenes of the cold weapon era, I always think it's too much play, and now I have a little taste of watching Xiao Feng's shooting. The war in the real cold weapon era may be like this! "

"The time is almost up, the cavalry should go out!" As soon as the general's voice fell, he saw the white-clad Shuhan cavalry in the circle array turning their horses together. The crossbowmen and lancemen in front suddenly flew to both sides, revealing a gap, cavalry They rushed out of the formation under the leadership of Zhang Shan, and in a moment they killed Cao Jun's cavalry.

After the defeat of these cavalrymen, they fled to the battlefield. General Cao Jun quickly used gold drums and flags to let these soldiers escape around the battlefield. However, the Shuhan cavalry chased them so hard that they had to rush into battle, even if General Cao Decisively ordering the archery to block did not prevent them from disturbing their infantry formations, and Zhang Shan followed him into the Cao Jun middle army. Cao Jun's general was shot down and won the victory of the battle.

"The timing is quite good, and the offensive rhythm is under control. Cao Jun's cavalry has not completely lost its sharpness earlier. Cao Jun's cavalry should be withdrawn later. The position of the gap is also just right, just in line with Cao Jun's formation. It ’s not as smooth as any weakness. ”The general praised,“ Xiao Feng really has a few brushes. ”

"It seems that my hands are a little bit itchy. How about letting us find Xiao Feng to play sand table simulation? I also want to try to command the battle in the cold weapon era." A general said, rubbing his hands.

"I think so!" Do soldiers like to fight? Now the war in the south is nearing its end. In a short period of time, they certainly have no chance of actual combat, so they can only continue to enjoy the sand table.

"Hey, it would be more interesting if you could really command such an army in the cold weapon era." Another general looked at the neatly arranged army under the lookout tower ~ ~ He also wanted to ride a horse to command A wave.

"What do you think, how much do people have to spend a day to shoot? How can you let them play? It's good to play the sand table, and Xiao Feng has this experience." Seeing the end of the shooting, the generals went down to the lookout and found Shen Long, explained his thoughts.

Shen Long hesitated a little, "Time can be squeezed out a little bit, but you are all officers who command the hot weapon army, how to fight the war in the cold weapon era, I am afraid you really do not understand me!"

"Weapons and combat methods may be different, but the essence of war has never changed since ancient times, we can adapt to adapt to get started!" The generals seemed confident.

Since this is the case, Shen Long will not give up. People mobilized the army to help themselves so much. What is it worth to play a few sand table exercises with them? So the generals recruited people to quickly create a simple sand table, and then used various props to play different military services, and began a sand table simulation drill.

Then ... It did n’t take long for the first general to lose, and he was a little bit dissatisfied. "Xiao Feng, you ’re not right. Your cavalry encountered my arrow rain cover while rushing into battle. There are so many troops left. "

"Bingshu Youyun: There are only three shots in the battlefield; the archer is strenuous to open the bow and shoot arrows. As long as my cavalry sprints this distance, you can release up to three rounds of arrow rain. How much can I lose?" .

"Hahaha, Xiao Feng is awesome. Lao Zhang, please go to the side first, and I will come with Xiao Feng again!"

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