All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2041: Ripped off

After all, the generals were busy, so even after harassing Shen Long for two days, they went back to their own ways, but this little story reached the ears of reporters who followed the crew interview. They expressed curiosity and asked Shen Long. Here, "Feng Dao, I heard that you and several generals played several battles of the Three Kingdoms on the sand table, and then won these generals?"

We are not deducing the battle of the Three Kingdoms? I just selected some troops and simulated the sand table, but it seems that it is better for propaganda, so Shen Long did not expose it, "I am a general who carried out the simulation of the sand table. Oops, this time shooting" The Romance of the Three Kingdoms ", the local The garrison has helped us a lot. You must thank us in the article. Without them, I really do n’t know how to shoot this war scene! "

People have helped themselves so much, and it is also appropriate to say a few good words; as for the sand table deduction, Shen Long and the generals have talked, they do n’t mind Shen Long making the results public, after all, he said to Shen Long That's it, it's just the war in the cold weapon era, but now it's the era of hot weapons, and losing doesn't mean anything.

"Must be sure, Feng Dao, have you not answered our question, did you win or lose?" The reporter continued to ask, compared to thanks, this is the news they are concerned about.

"Fortunately, I won a few, mainly because of the difference between the war in the cold weapon era and the war in the hot weapon era. Several generals mainly studied the war in the hot weapon era. I didn't know much about the cold weapon war, so I picked it up. It ’s cheap, and if you continue to compare, it ’s hard to say if you win or lose. ”Shen Long said modestly.

"That's also amazing. You can win the general, can you tell us why?" Shen Long admitted that the reporters were excited.

Shen Long took out the two large bookcases, turned over the books inside, and asked the reporter to take pictures. "In order to prepare for the drama" The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, "our crew spent a lot of time on and off. Teacher, Teacher Ye, Teacher Du ... They read "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" well .... Niu and Bai of the props group ... They traveled all over the museums and read a lot of history of the Three Kingdoms period. Monographs ... Ms. He and Gao in the art team are looking for murals during the Three Kingdoms period, looking through the monographs to study the clothing and clothes at that time ... "

Shen Long praised the crew of the crew for a while before saying this, "As for me, I also learned from them. In addition to" The Romance of the Three Kingdoms "and the historical books of this period, I also learned from them. I read a lot of military books and discussed the combat methods of this period with the experts. In this respect, it was indeed a little bit better than the generals, so I caught them by surprise ... "

This news was quickly transmitted to all viewers concerned about the progress of the filming of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" through TV, newspapers, magazines and other channels. They were very excited to see the news. "Look, people are called professional, ready. How full? The TV series so carefully filmed must be beautiful! "

"Isn't that good-looking? Who is the guide? Feng Dao's" Red Mansion "and" Journey to the West "," I Love My Family "and" Fengshenbang "directed by Feng Dao, which is not good-looking? I do n’t know when this film will be finished and when it will be seen on TV. "

While many audiences are eagerly anticipating, many children are unhealthy. Isn't that the villain? He used to lie to us with so much pocket money by relying on the "Fengshenbang" small cards. This time, how about shooting "Three Kingdoms" again? Wouldn't it be the cards of Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun?

But ... Zhao Yun's cards must be pretty? Or should I start saving now? When the time comes to be the first in the school to collect all the cards, then I will be awesome.

Many people who have long stared at the Romance of the Three Kingdoms saw this news and were confident of the success of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, so many small snack manufacturers immediately found the court and wanted to sign the contract now.

And the Japanese TV station, who loved the background of the Three Kingdoms, also heard the news, immediately found the leader in the station, and asked for a deposit to get the right to broadcast the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms." So the leader called Shen Long. Very generous, willing to pay 20,000 US dollars for one episode! It is higher than "Dream of Red Mansions" and "Journey to the West", or should we sign the contract now? "

In the original history, the broadcasting rights of "Dream of Red Mansions" only sold for one thousand dollars, and "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" only rose to ten thousand dollars here; now with the intervention of Shen Long, the "Journey to the West" and "Dream of Red Mansions" was promoted to an episode of 10,000 US dollars, which allowed the imperial court to happily replace a batch of imported equipment.

"Leader, don't worry!" Shen Long had no idea. According to the current exchange rate, an episode of 20,000 US dollars is almost 90,000 yuan, and the 84 episodes of the whole set add up to 7.56 million. This number is indeed quite a lot. You have to know that the total investment of the whole drama "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is only 170 million.

"Japanese people like the Three Kingdoms very much. Before that, they wanted to spend a lot of money to invest in our movie ~ ~ Just ask their actors to play in Cao Cao? Now they want to spend money to get the right to broadcast, they haven't seen anything It ’s so exciting, and they ’re definitely more excited after the film is made! ”Since they like it so much, it would be a pity if they did n’t take advantage of it.

"I think an episode of twenty thousand dollars is far from their bottom line. They are definitely willing to pay more money to buy it! Let's hang them without first agreeing." Shen Long said, "I have also encountered this recently Several reporters from Japan, I found an opportunity to chat with them and show them how we filmed the big scene! "

"There is no way for Japanese TV stations to shoot TV series like we do. They will be dumbfounded when they see this kind of big scene; when they take some photos and write articles to return to China for publication, Japanese viewers will definitely be calmed down. It ’s not that a TV station came to us to buy the right to broadcast! With more people coming from them, we just sat on the floor and started pricing! ”Shen Long analyzed it and convinced the leader.

After hanging up the phone, Shen Long called his assistant, "You go and call the Japanese reporters and say I have time to be interviewed. By the way, I will shoot San Ying and Lu Bu, and ask if they want Look!"

After the assistant left, Shen Long was chattering in his mouth, and he was ready to knock off.

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