All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2042: Taoyuan Jieyi is also unreliable

"Trouble you, you can still accept our interviews during your busy schedule. Thank you very much." Several Japanese reporters came in and bowed to Shen Long. The status of the director in Japan is very high. Yes, not to mention the director of this big production historical drama. If it is put in Japan, it is almost equivalent to the director of the Dahe drama that has attracted much attention. It will inevitably be respected by the media, so although they see Shen Long as young, Do not hesitate to bow ninety degrees.

Besides, they have studied the materials of Shen Long before. Although they are young, their qualifications are not bad at all. I will not say "I Love My Family". This kind of drama with a strong local culture must not be understood by Japanese. However, "Feng Shen Bang" has been broadcast in Japan, and it has caused a lot of sensation, so it is enough to prove Shen Long's strength.

"You guys are so polite!" Shen Long answered in Japanese and won their favor. "I have long heard that Japanese people like historical stories of the Three Kingdoms background. I have also read Mr. Hengshan Guanghui's" Three Kingdoms "comics. And animation, it is indeed a good masterpiece. After seeing such a great anime, I would like to send a good TV series! "I also copied this drama ... Oh no, I wrote the theme song.

"Mr. Feng is really attentive. We heard that you came from Japan immediately after you started shooting" The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, "hoping to witness the birth of an epic masterpiece." Hearing Shen Long actually read the works of the Three Kingdoms in Japan, They are even happier.

"Then please follow me, today I am planning to shoot" Three Heroes and Lu Bu ", we can shoot while talking, I even allow you to take a few photos back, let the Japanese audience see what I did That's it! "Shen Long took them to the shooting scene.

Sun Yanjun, Lu Shuming, Zang Jinsheng, and Zhang Guangbei were ready, and only after listening to Shen Long ’s order, they drove the horse to fight. Shen Long stopped from time to time, and took up his weapons to demonstrate to them, Keep an attack so that there are no flaws ... Guangbei, Fangtian Huaji can not only chop, but also entangle the opponent's weapons, you should use it just now ... "

The Japanese reporter was so surprised that he saw the Japanese reporter in amazement. He quickly picked up the camera and aimed at Shen Long Ka Xia Xia Xia, "I didn't expect Mr. Feng's martial arts to be so superb, his martial arts might be better than Liu Shengliu and The contemporary owner of Treasure Academy Gunsling, with such a director, the martial arts of this drama will be very good! "

"Yeah, even if they are shooting Dahe dramas now, those martial arts halls will only send some proselytized disciples at most, and the host will not personally guide them; and not only Mr. Feng is so powerful, you see their dress and temperament, they are simply It's exactly the same as Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Lu Bu I imagined! Especially Guan Yu, people immediately gave birth to the idea of ​​worship, and I wonder if I can take some close-up photos for them. " Lu Shuming shocked the gang.

"And their shooting methods are also very advanced, and they can come up with such a method to shoot and fight immediately, so that the actors can play just right. You see, the previous tricks are fierce and fast. This is absolutely true. On the battlefield! "This reporter noticed the electric saddle carried by the tractor and couldn't help being surprised by Shen Long's whimsy.

"Although China's economy is very underdeveloped, they have gradually caught up with and even surpassed us in the filming of TV dramas. This kind of big scene can not be seen in Dahe drama!" I saw a whole group lined up to kill. With the formation of Sensen, the reporter almost lost the ability to speak and quickly took out the camera and finished a whole film in one breath.

"Yeah, when these pictures are returned to the country, the directors of the Dahe drama will be stunned and envious!" Several reporters ended the interview almost in shock, and even quickly returned without dinner. Go to the residence and write a paper.

On the side of the crew, Brother Liu Guan and Zhang San could finally stop filming and take a rest. Sun Yanjun, Lu Shuming and Zang Jinsheng took the rice bowl to the canteen to eat food, but the consumption of these martial arts scenes today is too great to call I feel hungry after I finish my meal, and then go to the front to see that the food is gone.

So the three of them could only find a way to fill their stomachs. "Who still has food? Let me pad it first. Waiting for the holiday, I invite you to eat a big meal in the city!" Zang Jinsheng rubbed his stomach Asked, the film and television base here has just been built, and the supporting facilities are not perfect. There is no restaurant shop or something. Once the cafeteria is closed, you can only wait for the next day.

"The previously prepared item is long gone." Sun Yanjun shook his head. They are the protagonists of the protagonists. It can be said that there are arrangements every day. Then there is still time to add dry food.

The three of them were about to give up going back to bed. Lu Shuming suddenly stopped. "I remember. Isn't there a village next to our crew? There is a big corn field in the village. The corn in the field seems to be ripe. Should we buy some corn and bake it? "

"Alright!" Sun Yanjun and Zang Jinsheng's eyes lit up, so the three immediately turned a corner and ran to the nearby village to buy corn. However, when they came to the village, they remembered that they were still wearing costumes. what.

After walking so far, I do n’t necessarily have the strength to come back to withdraw money ~ ~ So the three brothers gritted their teeth and counted the balls, we just stolen them. Too.

Unfortunately, they underestimated the peasants' cherishment of the grain in the field. Just after breaking a few corn cobs, they heard dogs barking for a while, and then there were rapid footsteps and swearing. The dog is coming to catch people.

"Wo Cao, run!" Yes, at this time, if you want to explain, it must be unclear, or you should run quickly and wait for the money to come and apologize! So the three brothers ran all the way, and at this time they were reluctant to put down the corn in their hands.

Zang Jinsheng and Lu Shuming were in better physical condition. They practiced martial arts at the training base for a while before, so they left Sun Yanjun behind behind. Sun Yanjun mainly studied historical etiquette at the base. Martial arts only learned a few tricks. , Far behind them, seeing that he was falling behind, the dog barking behind him was getting closer and closer, and suddenly panicked.

"I said you waited for me, waited for me!" Then he fell on the ground with one foot, he looked at the back of the two away, crying without tears, "Well said brother, it seems Taoyuan Jieyi Not reliable! "


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