All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2043: Unfortunately, there is no Weibo

After such a fall, Uncle Liu was caught by the villagers. The villagers in his costumes were still a little curious. "Why are you still wearing costumes?"

"Hey, didn't you see the filming next to me? I suppose I wasn't full for supper. I was hungry and wanted to steal some food." Someone guessed right away. "Hey, it's not as good as it used to be. I'm hungry in the field. What's so good about eating a few corns? We are just afraid that people will ruin the crops and not break them? Should I help you get back to the village and make something for you? "

The villagers were still very simple, and someone immediately lifted Uncle Liu. He was very guilty. "Originally, I wanted to buy it, but when I walked to the village entrance, I remembered that there was no money in the costume, and then I went back and took the money and left. Don't move, I had to get a few to go back and bake and eat, and I'll send you money tomorrow. "

"Haha, a few corns are worth fart money, you still need to run a trip, in fact, you really want to eat and shout at the entrance of the village, we do n’t have to run for a while, let ’s go back and get you some. Pad your stomach, your feet do n’t matter, you ’ll be fine. "The villagers laughed and helped Uncle Liu go to the village.

"Thank you, thank you guys. After two days of vacation, I brought a few bottles of wine, and please have a good drink." Yes, it is not appropriate to raise money at this time. Uncle Liu had to use this method. Come to express my gratitude. The second and third brothers are still hungry. Do you want them to come and eat together?

Bah, they just ran around and left me alone. Fortunately, we are still brothers in Taoyuan who kowtowed and worshipped. You are not benevolent, I am not righteous, you continue to be hungry! Uncle Liu Huang was still angry, so he didn't mention the matter of the two associates at all.

After the villagers and Uncle Liu went away, Lu Shuming and Zang Jinsheng looked out of the ditch and looked at their backs, "This is broken, shouldn't the old son get people back? Can we find a way to redeem them?" Come back, or if you do n’t come back when you film the movie tomorrow, Feng Dao still have to scold us both? "

"Hurry back to get the money! Hey, you said this old grandson is also true, why don't you run faster!" The two didn't care about being hungry anymore, they hurried back to their dorms at the film and television base and took the money She didn't have time to change her clothes before she prepared to redeem her. When she walked to the door, she met Shen Long.

"Why are you planning to go this big night? Haven't you taken a break yet? I will continue to film" Three Heroes vs. Lu Bu "tomorrow morning!" This is a big show, and it has to be filmed for two or three days.

"We ... we ..." Lao Lu Zhi Zhi Wu Wu didn't know what to say, Zang Jinsheng eventually knew some of Shen Long, so to be honest, "I didn't have enough dinner, I wanted to go to the nearby village to get something to eat, but I can walk to the front I realized that I did n’t bring the money, so I had to steal it a little bit. I did n’t want to be discovered by the people in the village. We ran fast and it ’s okay. The old man was arrested. We plan to redeem people in the past. ”

"Poof ~~" Shen Longle just remembered that there was such a thing during the shooting of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". I didn't expect that I could meet it. This lively must be watched, so he went back to his house and took two bottles The wine followed them to the village.

"Have to go quickly. Old Sun might be being **** in a tree at this time. When I was a soldier, this was how the thief met in the nearby village." The big guy walked and imagined the old man Sun's sufferings, but when he saw the village, the old Sun Zhengmei was sitting on the dinner table drinking and eating meat.

"Good old man, we had been worried for a long time. You're good, and you both have drunk!" Lu Shuming and Zang Jinsheng were speechless at the same time. I knew it would be like this.

"The two of you are kind enough to say me, one runs faster than the other, I don't come back and pull me when I fell!" Not to mention okay, this old grandson is full of anger, "I have to lose a few The folks are reasonable, otherwise I will be miserable today. "

"Okay, okay, don't let fellow folks read our jokes!" Shen Long played a round field, opened the bottle that was slipping, poured a glass for each of the villagers present, and then filled himself up, "It is true Sorry, I did n’t take care of the people under my hands, and I ’m in trouble ... ”

This gesture made the villagers feel that they had light on their faces. Originally, they did not have much opinion on Uncle Liu, and now it was even more okay. "Hey, it doesn't matter. Leader, don't complain if you go back. They, if you want people to work, do you have to manage the food? Are we doing it? Well, this wine is really good. "

So the three of Shen Long also sat at the dinner table and chatted with the villagers while drinking, "Actually, the usual food is quite good. Today, the car that happened to deliver the food was broken halfway, and it was delayed ... Oh, By the way, I think your village grows vegetables and raises chickens and ducks, or else you will give us vegetables in the future, I will give you the purchase price in the city! "

The villagers were so happy that the food in the field was eaten by themselves. The chickens and ducks were sold to hawkers much lower than in the city. I did n’t expect to catch a thief and found a source of wealth for the village. Come to toast Shen Long, Shen Long has a clean glass to drink.

The villagers gave their thumbs up, "No wonder you can be their leader if you are so young, this wine is really nothing to say!" At this time, the township cadres did not really work without drinking, so the villagers asked if they could Drinking as a criterion for being a cadre.

After drinking two bottles of wine, I drank some corn wine brewed in the village, and then left after eating enough. When I went back, the villagers picked up vegetables, chickens and ducks to catch up. Shen Long called the purchase to them. Settle the bill and settle the money, this matter will pass.

When I went back to sleep in the house ~ ~ Shen Long felt a little sorry, but unfortunately, Weibo has n’t figured it out, or today this thing can definitely be searched for, "The three brothers robbed in the village, Uncle Liu was on the spot "Caught", with these few words, it will definitely attract the eye, plus Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, even if they don't talk about their loyalty, they will be able to connect with the three-day hot search at least, A big wave of popularity for the crew.

Shen Long has already started to reply to the netizens, "Hahahahaha, second brother, what do you think of the old and confused people? How can you not be loyal!

"Shocked, the crew of" Three Kingdoms "is on the verge of bankruptcy, the actors collectively cut off their food, and the lead actor is forced to help but steal."

"Uncle Liu Huang did such a shameless thing, please pay attention to the details ..."

"What happened to the three brothers of Taoyuan in the middle of the night, and listened to me carefully ..."

"The villagers got up at night, but heard a strange voice coming from the cornfield ..."

Such a big wave of traffic was wasted, my heart hurts!

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