All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2046: Linjiangxian

Hey, no, I ’m sure I can speak, but unfortunately there is no time; this program must be produced before the official broadcast of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, but I still have to do post-production, editing, and Responsible for the soundtrack, theme song and so on, then have time to do this.

Speaking of squeezing, it really can be squeezed out, but I still have a wife, and I ca n’t spend all my time on work. Now that I ’m back in Beijing, I have to go back to work every day to accompany my wife.

After everyone ’s trial was over, Shen Long and the members of the working group discussed, “It ’s almost meaningless, but the teacher Yi played the best and the style was closest to my needs. Then I talked to him and let him have a little The words will be revised. "

So the staff reimbursed the tolls to other teachers, and gave them away after giving some gifts. Only Teacher Yi stayed and was taken to Shen Long ’s office, "Mr. Yi, your lecture language is humorous, it is indeed The types that the audience likes to hear are also more in line with our needs, but there are still some shortcomings. For ordinary audiences, they are still a bit deep. "

He chose a few paragraphs from this Pin Sanguo and told him again, "I want this more grounded style. I don't know if you can get closer to this style."

Teacher Yi carefully pondered for a while and then nodded slowly, "Actually, I first heard that it was facing an ordinary audience, and I plan to speak like this, but after arriving here, I heard that the teachers spoke very deeply, so Unconsciously, I changed my direction. Since there is such a demand on the stage, I will change it back! I will go back to it at night and think about it again. I will talk again if you have time tomorrow. "

"Good, then there is no problem!" I know your ability, I believe you can do it as long as you work hard, "then let's talk about" Taoyuan Jieyi "first!" Shen Long's planned program and "Pin "Three Kingdoms" is also different. "Three Kingdoms" takes Cao Cao as the starting point and focuses on Cao Cao. It is divided into "Wei Wu whiplash", "Sun and Liu Alliance", "Three-legged Dedication", "Reunification", "History Review 》 Five parts.

What Shen Long wants is to follow the diversity plot of the TV series. After each episode, the content of this episode will be specifically explained. In "Taoyuan Jieyi", you will talk about the reasons for the Huangjinjun ’s soldiers, the background of Liu Guanzhang, and the background. Why did the two businessmen want to send weapons and horses to them? Why did Liu Bei make such a big contribution to become a small officer and so on.

In this way, after watching the show, the doubts in the hearts of the audience are answered, and why the story of this episode has developed so naturally will help them continue to pursue it.

Shen Long took out the script outline of the first episode, and then indicated the possible doubts of the audience on the outline, and gave these to Teacher Yi. Teacher Yi went back and studied them carefully and began to write the commentary again.

When the trial began again the next day, Shen Long nodded with satisfaction after listening to it for a while. It ’s not bad, although it ’s still a little bit worse than the state of “The Three Kingdoms” period, but it ’s much better than yesterday, and it ’s more This era is basically enough.

After the speech ended, Shen Long pointed out a few small problems and praised, "Ms. Yi's understanding of the Three Kingdoms is indeed admirable. If Mr. Yi has no opinion, we will sign the contract!"

After signing the contract after talking about treatment, Shen Long again told Teacher Yi a good news, "Mr. Yi, your speech can be saved. After the first round of the program is broadcast, these speeches can be put together. When the book is published, we can help you to publish and distribute these things, and it will definitely be a best-selling book by then. "

"Thank you so much!" Teacher Yi's eyes lit up when he heard it. He was a person who had published a book. He knew how difficult it was to write a book. For a scholar, he could give himself every extra book. Adding a bit of brilliance to your resume, and the best-selling books can also bring you huge economic benefits. If the books are really selling, he will do it in vain!

So Teacher Yi found a lot of information and stayed in the hotel arranged by Chao Tingtai. Every day, according to the outline of the diversity script given by Shen Long, he carefully wrote explanations. Shen Long also sent a crew member Cooperate with him and answer his doubts. In addition, he will prepare drama screens and data drawings according to his manuscript.

If you only put Teacher Yi there to talk dryly, the visual appeal to the audience is not enough. Although Teacher Yi is elegant, she is not a big beauty; so you have to add episode fragments and history to the explanation. The information screen can look richer and attract the audience better.

It ’s up to Teacher Yi to explain the story. Shen Long started to work on the theme song. There are still a lot of classics in the original work. The beginning of "The Rolling Water of the Yangtze River" is self-evident. In addition, "This Worship" when "Taoyuan Jieyi" and "Meeting of the Ancient City", the song of the red rabbit and horse "Flaming Fire" and Zhao Yun's "Dangyang Changzhi This Heart Pill" are also classics, plus add yourself With some replacement songs, this album will definitely sell well.

Shen Long hired several well-known composers to compose "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" ~ ~ The theme song has already been set, and the crew unanimously agreed to use the Ming Dynasty talent Yang Shen's "20 History" The lyrics for the theme song of the opening phrase "Linjiang Fairy-Rolling River in the East of the Yangtze River" in the third paragraph of "Tanci" said "Qin Han".

Because the writer Mao Zonggang of the Ming Dynasty deleted Luo Guanzhong ’s version of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, he put this word in the volume. In the future version of the popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the song Linjiangxian became everyone ’s first sight. The content, whether it is familiarity or connotation, is the best choice for the theme song.

There were a total of five invited composers, including four men and a woman. The crew thought that the few male composers could come up with the most suitable works. After all, in the big guy's expectations, this is a song of heroes. They all feel that men have a deeper understanding of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and are more able to feel the heroism.

However, when the tunes of the five composers came out, it was a big surprise for the big guy. The most suitable thing was the work of the female composer Gu Jianfen, which was almost perfect, but the beginning was a little slow, but Gu The teacher took it back and revised it slightly.

The second edition has a powerful momentum and won the essence of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". Now that the tune is ready, it is time to find a suitable singer to sing.

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