All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2047: Little Japan is here again

"I suggest to choose from professional baritone singers, it is best to select people in the army cultural troupe system, only they can sing the heroic spirit and sense of historical vicissitudes in this song." Some people suggested that this suggestion With Shen Long ’s support, everyone listed a list of well-known baritone singers and sent them invitation letters.

After some screening, the performance of Yang Hongji, one of the ten baritone tenors and baritone singer of the General Political Opera Troupe, has won unanimous praise from everyone.

The rest of the singers used to add Bel Canto, but teacher Yang Hongji thought, "How can the classical works like The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" be used with Bel Can? Style-Adding the feeling of Kunqu Opera, and when it sings to a high note, it will be lowered by an octave.

After confirming the singer's selection, Teacher Yang made some amendments to the singing method, which not only retained the advantages of Kunqu singing, but also added the high notes in the Bel Canto singing method. The singing force was powerful, detached, vigorous, calm and full of simplicity. The atmosphere is very suitable for the generous and tragic theme of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", which can be described as a perfect combination.

Mr. Yang is at the second level of professional technology and the first level of civil service, which is equivalent to the rank of major general. It is really appropriate for a general to sing the theme song of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

In addition to "The Rolling Water of the Yangtze River", Mr. Yang also sang the "Short Song Line" when Cao Cao's poems were written; the "Sky of History" at the end of the film was sung by Mao Amin, an acquaintance of Shen Long. Singed the theme song of "Fengshenbang"; the episode "This Worship" was sung by Liu Huan. Shen Long took the opportunity to chat with him a few more times, and when he was going to shoot "Water Margin" in the future, he was invited to sing " The Hero Song.

In addition, Liu Huan also sang Zhuge Liangxing's "Crying Zhuge", which was caused by Wu Zhangyuan, Cao Pi's "Seven Step Poems" when he forced Cao Zhi; Wan Shanhong and Black Duck sang Feng Yiting's episode "Diao Chan has gone with the wind" ; Yin Xiangjie, who was previously sung by "Shen Fang" in "I Love My Family" by Shen Long, sang Zhang Fei's theme song "Leopard Head and Eyes, Good Brother" ...... All of the tunes in the play are well-known masterpieces and strength Singing.

After all the tunes were recorded, the record company immediately took the master tape back, worked overtime and started to stock up, and as soon as the Romance of the Three Kingdoms was officially broadcast, it began to distribute goods nationwide and earn a lot of money.

The rest of the merchants ca n’t wait anymore. A lot of snack manufacturers are shooting teams wanting to send money to the imperial court. How many cards can "Feng Shen Bang" make up? How much can "Three Kingdoms" come together? This is big business!

Shen Long discussed with the leaders in Taili, and selected a manufacturer with the strongest production capacity and the most complete sales channels to cooperate. Nowadays, anti-piracy is almost impossible, even for the products led by the court, So it is best to choose a partner who can sell the most products in the shortest time.

In addition, the opening and ending commercials of this film have also sold quite expensive prices. Now the court station's attitude towards advertising is becoming more and more open. Like this much-anticipated popular TV series, the opening and ending commercials are all Advertisers are also chasing after them, they are also willing to spend a lot of money.

Not only domestic merchants were found, but even foreign representatives came. The previous reporters used the information they obtained during the interview with Shen Long to publish it in the country and published it in newspapers and magazines, which immediately caused a sensation. Romance! For Japanese people, this period of history is probably their most impressive foreign background. How many comics, animations and film and television works have been produced in these years, they even want to shoot themselves, but because of the limited resources available, they have been delayed Can't make up my mind.

Now that China has even shot the complete works of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, how can they not be excited? And look at what the newspaper said? An entire army was used to play the army, what a spectacular war scene this would be! In Japan, such a big scene cannot be taken anyway.

Also, the director turned out to be an expert on cold weapons! After the reporters sent back the photos and videos of Shen Long to Liu Guan Zhang San brothers and Lv Bu demonstrating the combat martial arts immediately, people who were so spared with pain and pain immediately took these materials and found the Japanese martial arts schools such as Liu Shengliu and Treasure House Stream Contemporary successor.

After seeing the information, they all expressed their obedience, and said one by one, that this is the most suitable martial art for immediate combat, and this respectable director, his martial arts training has far exceeded my wait, So the audience in Japan looks forward to this work even more. It seems that not only can you see the spectacular big scenes in the series, but you can also see the wonderful generals duel!

It is said that a Japanese game company named Anrong, after hearing this news, suddenly came to inspiration. Since everyone is so interested in the Three Kingdoms military commanders, then we make a Three Kingdoms-themed military commander Musou mowing game, which makes those three countries famous. The general will kill with his exaggerated weapons, will it be a big fire?

Therefore, their company's game planners are also paying close attention to this TV series, and they plan to study the martial arts of each military commander as soon as the TV series comes out, and see if they can bring inspiration to the game.

All the major TV stations in Japan are here, and the leaders are happy. UU reading immediately took Shen Long to prepare to negotiate with them. Shen Long did not rush to talk to them when he came up, but directly released the kill The editor, separately edited the wonderful scenes such as "The Battle of Lu Ying", "Chang Banpo", "The Battle of Chibi" and showed them to them.

"This ... this is the real Three Kingdoms, what a spectacular scene!" Seeing these, the Japanese TV representatives were stunned, whether it was the murderous, wonderful and extraordinary military commander, or the white robe silver Zhao Zilong's single-armed shots made them amazed.

What shocked them most was the scene of "The Battle of Chibi". The helicopter slowly pulled up, overlooking the entire battlefield. It seemed that the entire Yangtze River was burning, leaving their brains directly down.

After the wonderful clips were played, the meeting room fell into a silence. Someone woke up a long time later. Now he did not hesitate to give the leader and Shen Long a seat. "Your Excellency, please give this drama to our station!"

"Your Excellency, we are willing to pay a higher price! As long as we can get this drama, we are willing to pay any price!"

Shen Long and the leader hadn't spoken yet, they took the initiative to grab it. Shen Long looked at the leader and smiled. The bamboo sticks delivered to the door must be knocked hard!

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