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In the original history, the imperial court at that time offered a high price of 10,000 US dollars to the Japanese side, and the other party directly agreed even without the price, but now the price is definitely not acceptable. Previously, "Journey to the West" and "Fengshen Bang" were sold For an episode of five thousand dollars, several years have passed now, and the price must be increased, not to mention that some people opened 20,000 dollars before the film was finished.

"I don't know what price you plan to make?" The leaders saw the opportunity and asked them to make an offer. Well, let me hear what you mean.

"We are willing to pay 30,000 ... Oh no, forty thousand dollars for one episode!" The man at the bottom of the floor originally wanted to say thirty thousand dollars, but when he saw that there were so many competitors in the conference room, he immediately changed his mind.

"We are willing to give out an episode of 50,000 US dollars!" However, 40,000 US dollars can't scare people. Someone immediately added 10,000 US dollars without blinking, and the total of 84 episodes would add up to 4.2 million. U.S. dollars.

"We made a total of five million dollars." The third person thought it was unpleasant to add less than ten thousand dollars to an episode, so he raised it again and gave an integer directly.

The leader almost agreed, and recently the dollar has risen again. One dollar can be exchanged for more than five yuan, and five million dollars is almost equivalent to more than 27 million yuan. The broadcasting rights in Japan alone have been recovered by six points. One of the costs, if you add the income from the surroundings of audio tapes and snacks, and the copyright income of Baodao, Xiangjiang, and Southeast Asia, can you recover the cost directly without waiting for the TV show to start.

"Our play cost nearly 200 million yuan, if calculated in terms of purchasing power, at least more than 100 million US dollars, spent 400,000 troops to film, and even rebuilt a Qin and Han palace group! 5 million US dollars would like to get I'm afraid the broadcasting rights are too cheap? "Shen Long interjected. He directly replaced the concept. The exchange rate calculation of 200 million yuan is certainly not much to the Japanese, and it can be different in terms of purchasing power.

As for the 400,000 army, that's nonsense. In total, more than 400,000 people were used, but the army accounted for only a small part.

"400,000 troops?" The Japanese were not scared by more than 100 million dollars. After all, are they rich now? But when I heard the 400,000 troops, I was dumbfounded. Except for the years of the heyday of the old Maozi, who else could use so many troops to shoot movies and television works. If this gimmick is passed back, it will certainly attract countless audiences to watch?

"Yes, and many of these troops were withdrawn from the south. They have just experienced the baptism of war, and they still carry the murderous spirit! You can imagine that a murderous army will perform in the battle against the battlefield, and it will be What kind of scene is it? "Shen Long continued to lure them.

Some Japanese immediately remembered the grand military parade in China a few years ago. The split-gun team with a lot of murderous spirits made them tremble with fear. If such a momentum can appear in the TV series ... Ah, I said Why did you sweat coldly when you watched the war scene just now? This is the reason.

"We are willing to pay $ 5.5 million!" Someone immediately increased the price.

No, they will not be allowed to **** the show anyway. If they are taken away, the ratings of our station will be over. Now is the time for fierce competition. Don't give in, "Six million dollars! "

If there is only one Japanese TV station to talk about, then they will definitely not shout out the price so high, and will definitely force the court station to make concessions, but now the largest TV stations in Japan are here, and now it is not just buying an excellent program The matter is also related to their competition. As long as they can overwhelm their opponents, they are willing to pay more.

So, under these people's bidding, the price was quickly raised to more than 8 million US dollars, which was almost one hundred thousand US dollars, which was five times higher than their earliest quotation. At this price, only left The next TV station is still quoting, and the leaders are happy, and will soon agree.

However, Shen Long said again, "Why, no one is willing to pay a higher price?"

"Feng Sang, this price is already our bottom line. Our expenses are more than that. We also have to pay a large price for the TV series with Japanese subtitles. For this episode, we will get 10,000 US dollars for each episode. Come to dubbing, plus the promotion, our total cost has exceeded 10 million US dollars! This is too much for us. "They began to cry.

"This problem is easy to solve, I will help you with the subtitles." Shen Long answered in Japanese, "My Japanese level is still very good, UU reading and the price must be lower than yours! Do n’t you guys take a look at the results I made? ”Shen Long was reluctant to let the money go, and immediately showed them an episode with Japanese subtitles.

The quality of the subtitles made them speechless, so after the broadcast, they started bidding again, and kept raising the price to 9.8 million US dollars before stopping. The leader immediately finalized the contract, and this one was on the stage. More than 50 million funds have been recovered, almost half of the total investment.

Shen Long immediately took someone to do Japanese subtitles, asked Bai Ze to help review and revise the changes, and then handed them to Japan. Then the Romance of the Three Kingdoms was officially broadcast in China and Japan.

Previously, Master Yuan Kuocheng ’s "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" storytelling has already satiated the audience's appetite, and the news that the crew burst from time to time made the audience full of expectations for this drama, so when the first episode began to broadcast They turned on the TV one after another, waiting for the beginning of the TV series with anticipation.

In the first episode, Shen Long gave the audience a big shock. The brothers Liu Guan Zhang and his brothers led the army to fight against the Yellow Scarves. The blood scenes of people were full of excitement and excitement. They originally thought that the war scene in "The Gods List" has Good enough, who knows this one is even better.

Then Shi Chang was in chaos, Dong Zhuo entered the capital, and Lu Bu debuted, holding Fang Tianhua halberd and severing several enemies. The splendid fight immediately left the audience dazzled.

The scene was stimulating, and Teacher Yi's commentary after the TV series made it easier for everyone to understand the plot, so more and more people chased the drama, forming a trend of popularity.

The hit of "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is not only limited to the domestic, but also set off a spectator frenzy in Japan. The big scenes of war, the wonderful battle of military commanders, and the elaborate literary drama all make them obsessed. "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is shocking.

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