All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2051: To the United States

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Jiang Wen is probably the most famous actor that Shen Long has contacted in the later generations. Not only can he act as a guide, but his temper is also not great. When the director has to say his own words, if the actor has any opinions about the drama, You have to compete with the director to make your own decision. Li Dakang in the whole acting industry.

Shen Long is now the most powerful director of the court, but Jiang Wen is not bad now. He is about the same age as Shen Long. He attended university one year earlier than Shen Long and studied performance in Chinese opera. After graduation, he went to the Youth Art Theater to perform One year of drama, laid the foundation very firmly, only one year later formally entered the film and television circle.

At the beginning, he was spotted by director Chen Jialin. He appeared in Pu Yi in the film "The Last Queen". For this role, he searched a lot of Pu Yi's historical data, and also visited Pu Yi's brother Pu Jie, and finally successfully shaped this image.

Another year later, Xie Jin was preparing for "Furong Town". The female No. Hu Yuyin in the play had been determined to star in Liu Xiaoqing. The selection of male No. 1 Qin Shutian remained unresolved until Director Xie Jin watched Jiang Wen's makeup makeup. In the end, Jiang Wen decided to play the role of Qin Shutian. In "Furong Town", Jiang Wen performed a sincere and touching Qin Shutian, a middle-aged intellectual who was unfairly treated, and he and Liu Xiaoqing fell in love.

In the third film, Jiang Wen entered the cast of "Red Sorghum" and faced Lao Mouzi who was a director for the first time. He and Zhang Yimou quarreled from beginning to end due to issues such as character formation, and finally a sensational masterpiece .

This year, he also appeared in the Chinese-French co-produced film "Hua Jia Tears". The French director of the film is Jacques-Dofferman, and the Chinese director is the fourth-generation female director Zhang Nuanxin.

Later, he starred in the third-generation director Ling Zifeng's film "Peach", director Xie Fei's "Birthday", Tian Zhuangzhuang's film "Eunuch Li Lianying", in "Eunuch Li Lianying" he played Eunuch Li Lianying in the late Qing Dynasty, Liu Xiaoqing played Cixi.

Recently, he has been idle. After receiving Shen Long ’s invitation, he was hesitant. He could not decide whether to go or not. After all, he had been acting in a movie before. He suddenly asked him to play a TV show. "Let's talk first. People are now the best celebrities in the court. Since you have been asked, no matter whether you go at the end or not, you have a better attitude, so as not to offend people for nothing."

At this time, his temper was not as tough as in the future. Of course, he knew Shen Long ’s weight at the imperial court, so he nodded, "Hey, I thought I had been able to mix enough in the past few years, but I did not expect to compare with others at all. Fortunately, he seems to be one year younger than me? They are almost the top pillar of the imperial court. "

"People have the ability," I love my family "," Fengshenbang "and" Romance of the Three Kingdoms "are quite high. I want to say that if the script is good, you might as well give it a try, and there is nothing wrong with making a TV series.

"Well, this is the case, people also broke out by relying on real skills, standing and earning fame!" For such a person, Jiang Wen still admired, "He also invited Wuzi to his drama last time. Came here, to say that our family still owes the love of others, so I have to go to this! "

His younger brother Jiang Wu was also an actor. Shen Long made him a guest when he filmed "I Love My Family". This invitation was also sent by Shen Long to let Jiang Wu help; after agreeing, Jiang Wen packed up and arrived at the place according to the agreed time. , A family looking inconspicuous outside, but don't have a dazzling restaurant after entering.

"This place is quiet and suitable for talking about things! But don't worry, I have watched your movies and they performed quite well ..." After sitting down, Shen Long ordered and ordered Jiang Wen to talk about his past while drinking. Roles.

Shen Long had already understood his temper, and there were praises and depreciations in the evaluation, but there was no sentence that was not in the real place, and Jiang Wen admired it, and immediately gave a thumbs up, "Feng Dao, your vision is really this There are a lot of people who talked to me about these dramas. No one has ever spoken me as persuasively like you. Just rush this and we have to go one more! "

After drinking, Jiang Wen continued to sigh, "If you make a movie, you will definitely be able to make a good film. With your eyes and some of the things reflected in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, there are few in China. The director is comparable. "

"The movie has to be re-made in a few years. Now it's not profitable to make a movie. I don't want to make some films that go to foreign countries to get awards. If we Chinese make a movie, then we still have to show it to the Chinese!" The movie market is not good right now Many times, domestically, no money can be made, so many directors have set their sights on foreign countries, hoping to be able to rely on winning prizes to sell copyrights, and thus pay back.

"This is a good word!" Shen Long won the favor of Jiang Wen ~ ~ He didn't wait for Shen Long to speak, and he asked himself, "What film do you plan to let me make this time? Can you show me the script?" What? "

"The film that reflects the current popularity of going abroad!" Shen Long took out both the original and the script. "According to the adaptation of this book, I have bought the right of adaptation from him."

"It ’s about the experience of a Beijing man who went to the United States. He made a fortune in the United States, but lost a lot of valuable things. Now that everyone thinks of foreign countries too well, I think it ’s necessary for everyone to see the real things. What does America look like? "

"As for why you are chosen, on the one hand, you have good acting skills, and you are an old Beijinger. You can show the temper of the Beijinger; secondly, you are very sturdy, and you will not be acting with foreign actors. I ca n’t let go! "

"This story is quite interesting. I'll go back and look at the script. I will give you a reply within three days. If there is no problem with the script, we will settle it!" Jiang Wen took the script and went back.

In less than three days, he called Shen Long the next afternoon and agreed to the cooperation. With his participation, other supporting roles would be much easier to handle. A Chun still let Wang Ji Yan and Guo Yan The role was changed. On the one hand, the original actor Yan Xiaopin did not come back to study in the United States. On the other hand, Shen Long would feel awkward in her words. After all, he was too familiar with this face.

As for another important supporting role, American boss David, Shen Long just wanted Dashan to perform a crosstalk with Jiang Kunxue. Unfortunately, he did not perform well in the audition. Shen Long had to give up and dug the original actor Ke Zhiling from an advertising company. Come out, the next few main characters are enough.

Three times, fives and twos were enough to help them complete the procedures for going abroad in the name of the imperial court. Shen Long took a large group of people to the United States by plane, and West City took Heizi and Feng Qing to the United States to prepare first.

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