All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2052: Awesome

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Except for Ke Zhiling, most of them went to the US for the first time on the plane. They were excitedly chatting with their neighbors along the way, looking forward to the bright future coming, and Shen Long was not easy to leave the masses, so he obviously had the money to take the first class Still, they are still sitting in economy class with Jiang Wen, Ke Zhiling, and Wang Ji. Taking this opportunity to let them observe the reactions of these people, so that they can have a deeper understanding of their role.

Jiang Wen and they listened very seriously at first, but after a long time they were a little impatient. Jiang Wen whispered into Shen Long ’s ear and whispered, “I wondered, if this old beauty is really heaven, why did Lao Ke come to China? what?"

The old Ke in his mouth is David's cousin Ke Zhiling. This is an American with British aristocracy. He grew up in New York from an early age. I do n’t know if he was influenced by the hippie movement. This guy does not like to stay in the United States. I always like to wander around.

In high school, he went to France and Malaysia to study fluent French, and then returned to the United States, successfully admitted to Dartmouth College to study English literature. After graduating from undergraduate, he also passed the prestigious school Stanford University with excellent results and studied Asian culture. the study.

In the course of studying, he was deeply attracted by Asian culture. Before completing the master's course, he went to Korea to start his career; in South Korea, he wrote scripts for Korean TV stations with high ratings.

He came to China afterwards. He worked as an English teacher and marketing director of an advertising company. During this period, he learned Chinese; however, the drama performance in middle school and the literature study in university made him like acting again; Long slipped over and said, without even asking about salary, he agreed to participate in the performance of the crew. It was quite a good conversation with Jiang Wen along the way.

The journey from China to New York is too long. Even for the more energetic people, chatting for five or six hours will not make them sleepy. The big guys will sleep in small chairs and wait for the landing soon. Was awakened by the flight attendant.

"Oh hey, I'm suffocating to death. I want to find a place to sleep now." The crew yawned. The long-distance flight is more tired than the long-distance train. You can still stretch out in the train compartment. , But you can only hold it in the cabin of the aircraft, only to go to the bathroom to relax.

"Director, do you need me to introduce you to accommodation? I know there are several hotels with very affordable prices." Ke Zhiling asked. He knew that the crew was under budget and would definitely save on food and accommodation.

"This is not necessary. My uncle has a place in the United States. Our crew should be able to live!" To save money, not many people came on this trip. The four main actors, plus Shen Long and photography Waiting for the staff, it was only a dozen or so. As for Guo Yan's aunt and uncle, etc., Shen Long planned to go to Chinatown.

Ke Zhiling looked at his companion in the cabin and muttered in his heart, could so many people live? He was already wondering whether Shen Long planned to fight on the ground together.

However, after finishing the formalities and arriving at the airport exit, Ke Zhiling was immediately stunned. I saw a well-dressed butler, holding a sign with Feng Du's Chinese and English names in his hand and picking up there, Shen Long. In the name of the front newspaper, as soon as the other party waved, several extended Lincolns stopped in front of them. The driver opened them politely, "Gentlemen and ladies, welcome to New York."

"Awesome! We've also been addicted to big capitalists!" Others were still a little shy about getting in the car, but Jiang Wen sat down generously. "Yo, what is this? Wine cabinet? Feng Gui, the wine inside can Drink? "

"No problem, drink whatever you want!" Shen Long greeted the driver to help the big guy put his luggage away, and then let them enjoy the drinks and snacks in the car at will.

"It's still comfortable to sit in this car." Jiang Wen stretched his arms and legs and admired the beauty of New York through the window. He had been to Europe several times because he needed to attend the film festival, but this was the first time he came to New York. Also stunned by the prosperity of New York, "Oh, no wonder so many want to come to the United States, this place is just amazing."

"Alfred, are you ready to live? Are there any arrangements for eating?" Shen Long asked the housekeeper, who also read from a pile of resumes, mainly because of his name.

"Sir, the place to live has been arranged. As for the dinner, I am about to ask for your opinion. The ingredients and the chef are ready. I have invited two western chefs and two Chinese chefs. I do n’t know which diet you choose. Style? "The butler prepared quite well.

There are not many opportunities to go abroad at the moment, and there are not many western food restaurants in Beijing, so Shen Long felt that they would try authentic western food when they arrived in New York, so he said, "Western food is the main, Chinese food is also a little bit ~ .com ~ In addition, we will set up a barbecue stove in the garden. Let's make a buffet, they can eat whatever they want! "

The housekeeper immediately picked up Motorola and dialed the house. When the convoy arrived at the door of the Long Island villa, a row of male and female servants had received the news. The lined up stood at the door to welcome them. They did not need to do anything to collect luggage.

Looking at the luxurious villa covering a few acres, the crew felt that their eyes were not enough. Ke Zhiling looked at the castle-like villa silly and couldn't help but feel shy about his idea on the plane. Such a large mansion, let alone ten Personally, even if I double it, I can live completely.

"Feng Dao, your uncle is too good, has such a big family business in New York!" Jiang Wen was shocked again, "Oh, and stables, director, can I go riding a horse in a while?"

"Okay, don't throw yourself down! Let's go to the living room to have a drink and slowly, and then we will have dinner!" Feng Dayou is now talking about business in Xiangjiang. Here Shen Long is in charge. Greet, the maid gives Various drinks are served for them to enjoy, and the table and table cloths have been set in the garden, and the chefs are busy.

After a good rest, everyone came to the garden to dine. Jiang Wen took a fancy to the large skewers of Brazilian barbecue. "Give me this, this one looks so good!"

"Good sir!" The chef cut the tender and browned barbecue with a knife, and asked after Jiang Wen had eaten it, "Sir, what do you think? What else needs to be adjusted?"

"It's delicious, your cooking skills are amazing!" Jiang Wen gave his thumbs up.

Ke Zhiling next to him also heard this sentence, he couldn't help but ask Jiang Wen, "I always have a question to ask you, what do you often mean by Niubi? I also heard about it in Beijing, but None of them told me why this word was used. "

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