All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2053: From villa to basement

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Let me explain to you, don't you Americans like to use the word 'cool'? When you encounter something particularly surprising, just say ‘’, and Niu means ‘’! Jiang Wen patted Ke Zhiling's shoulder.

Shen Long, next to him, immediately raised his ears and quickly picked up his home video camera and shot it at Jiang Wen. This is a classic piece of hand. If it is sent to the vibrato, I am afraid that it will immediately be mixed with countless praises.

Ke Zhiling still didn't understand the logic inside, so he continued to ask, "I also understand Chinese, does Niubi not mean Niu? What does this word mean?" Niu's what is different? A place that you can use to describe `` things? ''

"Because it's sobig, wouldn't you be surprised to see what's inside the sobig!" Hearing here, Shen Long almost laughed down and watched TV interviews with Quentin Tarantino saying it was funny, but from Jiang Wen said it in his mouth, it would be even more funny. This logical interpretation ability is almost invincible. No wonder Quentin was stunned.

Ke Zhiling brain supplemented what Jiang Wen described, and immediately understood the usage of the word, "It is indeed sobig, this word is very powerful, um, powerful!" He also gave a thumbs up.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" The male staff next to him almost laughed down, and the actresses turned their heads pretending not to hear it, which was simply too dirty.

"Old Ginger, you're so good, don't say anything, I'll let the chef give you a good sashimi, you can enjoy it slowly!" Shen Long said, rubbing his stomach, and said he would reach out and summon the chef .

"Don't tell me." This terrified Jiang Wen. "I can eat this stuff, can I admit it wrong?" The cooked ones don't know how to eat, let alone raw sashimi? The big guy laughed again, the garden was filled with joy, and only Ke Zhiling was left with his head covered in mist. What's the matter?

After having a beautiful meal, Shen Long drove the actor and staff back to the room and went to bed. Now, the jet lag must be reversed as soon as possible so that the shooting can begin immediately.

Waking up in the morning, not long after I ate breakfast, a car drove into the yard, and two middle-aged men in suits came in. They were staff members of a famous American television network, and Feng Dayou put it in this company. A large number of advertisements, this time they assisted Shen Long to shoot, but this is a big customer's request and must be served.

"Sir, my name is Tom, and his name is Jerry. We all have rich experience in filming TV series. Whether you want to find a mass actor or borrow equipment, we can help you get it in the shortest time!" They do n’t need Shen Long. For extra payment, the big advertiser is the God of Wealth of the TV station, so how can I be so kind as to collect money?

"Very good, what happened to the things I prepared you before?" Shen Long had contacted them before coming to the United States and asked them to help rent a place. When Wang Qiming and Guo Yan first came to the United States, they went to Chinatown. Find a Chinese restaurant as a shooting venue.

"We have prepared a few options, the specific information is on here, now only waiting for your decision!" Tom took out a stack of information from his briefcase, there are several photos of the venue, and the rental price and surrounding Introduction of the environment.

Shen Long looked at it, chose the closest place in his memory, and then asked the housekeeper to drive himself and Jiang Wen to the site for investigation, so the car drove from the Long Island villa area to New York's slums; Can't believe this is the United States, the United States can still have such a broken place?

However, Tom ’s answer broke their fantasy, “New York is a complex of heaven and hell. If you have money, then here is heaven for you. You can exchange money for everything you want; if you do n’t have Money, then this is hell, you can only stay in this place, and your life is in danger at any time. "

"But rest assured, I have already greeted the local gang, and no one will dare to harass you during the shooting!" Tom ignored the gangster shootout on the corner and said calmly.

"Your expertise makes me admire!" Shen Long praised, shooting in the slums was indeed disturbed by gangs. Shen Long was not afraid. After all, those gang elements were just small fishes. It might be good to reduce some trouble .

After getting off the car and entering the dilapidated house, down to the basement, the door opened, and a musty smell suddenly rushed across the face. Shen Long looked at the layout inside, very close to the original TV series, "Well, Yes, here is the home of Wang Qiming and Guo Yan in the future ~ ~ After he finished, he made a joke, "Old Jiang, in order to adapt to the shooting earlier, you should live here from now on! "

"Well, I'm thinking about it. I live in your luxury villa. I'm afraid I won't be able to show Wang Qiming's taste." Jiang Wen agreed without any hesitation, don't look at him. He is more serious about shooting than anyone else. In order to achieve better shooting results, he is willing to endure hardship.

"By the way, the restaurant will take me to see it later, and talk to the boss, I will give him two days of dishes." People are not only willing to live in the basement, they even want to experience the life of brushing dishes.

Shen Long gave a thumbs-up, "I didn't find the wrong person, and I'm looking at you, who can seriously experience life. I will still find you next time I shoot" Jin Ping Mei "!"

"Well, it's still forgotten, I can't experience the life of the big official Simon." He and Sister Liu were in the stage of affectionate love at this time, so they didn't want to try this.

"Haha, just kidding, I will leave you a cell phone with the phone number of Alfred and me. If you have anything, just call me!" Shen Long left a cell phone for Jiang Wen and then took the crew with him. Continue to go to Chinatown to see the scene, and finally chose a suitable restaurant as the shooting venue. By the way, I told the boss that Jiang Wen helped to wash the dishes.

Two days ago, Jiang Wen was busy sleeping in the basement, washing dishes, and going to the garbage dump to turn over useful things. Shen Long began to interview the extras that Tom and Jerry were looking for.

The quality of the people they find is good. Many of them are often mixed in various American dramas. They have certain performance experience. As for Chinese actors, you can find some Chinese who have just arrived in the United States and you can perform real performances.

After a few days of preparation, they returned to New York International Airport, where the first scene of the TV series will be filmed.

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