All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2054: Feel

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Filming movies and TV shows in this public place is very troublesome. Not only do you have to go through various procedures, but you also have to ask the police to block the road. In the original history, they did n’t have this ability. Before I found out, I took the required shots and hurried away.

It ’s different now. Tom and Jerry are familiar with them, and they have completed the formalities. Several big-bodied policemen come and pull up the isolation belt to help them control the venue. Jiang Wen and they can perform with confidence. He and his wife walked out of the airport with yearning and amazing eyes together. An extra actor drove a taxi to talk to them. The two people who didn't understand English were frightened.

Then Guo Yan's uncles appeared. These two are the actors Shen Long found from Chinatown. They drove Feng Dayou's luxury car to pick up the Jiang Wen couple here, and the scene ended.

However, the shooting at the airport has not stopped, and it is necessary to film the scene of returning from here in the future and picking up friends who have just arrived in the United States. Shen Long prepared the RV for them to change clothes and remake makeup, but it is much more convenient than when shooting in the country. .

Jiang Wen was also amazed when he came out, "This thing is awesome. When we were on the scene before, we were in a van and changed clothes and makeup. If the conditions were almost worse, we could only temporarily cover up with a tent. After paying the money, I also got one for the crew. "

"It's almost the same in a few years!" Shen Long laughed, waiting for the big name to come with his own RV? After taking a few shots, I hid in and rested for a while. The director asked and asked to come out again. What else could I do during the shooting? Sometimes the movement in the car was so great that the whole crew heard it and got up the next day. As usual, if everyone is fine, everyone is surprised.

After filming the scene at the airport, Jiang Wen got on his uncle's luxury car and walked through New York City. The red and green lights outside the window were fascinating. Jiang Wen was quickly immersed in it until the car stopped. Manhattan and the slums in front of him formed a sharp contrast. At this time, he realized that the prosperity outside the car window was someone else's, and he could only stay here.

Then there is the couple's life in the basement, the trouble of finding a job, the joy of picking up broken appliances from the garbage dump, the hard work for life, and the quarrel after the economy has improved ... all happened in this small basement, this environment is also The common starting point for countless Chinese who have just arrived in the United States, these experiences are also memories shared by many people.

Shen Long and the rest of the crew will return to the manor house on Long Island after completing the daily shooting tasks. The comfortable rest environment and the considerate service of the manor servants let them quickly wash away their fatigue and wake up again. Immediately jumped alive, this is arguably the most comfortable shooting they have experienced.

Jiang Wen stayed stubbornly in the basement, filmed here during the day, and used it as a resting place at night. He even learned how to use Wang Qiming to find useful things in the garbage dump to decorate the room. After quarreling, he was also awesome enough to put aside ordinary people. Seeing those ferocious homeless people, wouldn't he just counsel him right away?

He is not afraid. When someone scolds him, he will use his newly learned English to scold it back. When the other party just makes a gesture, he will show his fist first. It is because the gang here has greeted him in advance. Someone came over and drove those tramps away, or the ghost knew if he could continue shooting tomorrow.

It took more than a week to finish the plot in the basement, and then it was time to go to the restaurant to paint the dishes. The original crew was only able to use the time after the restaurant was closed at night due to tight funds. Shen Long is different here. After giving a sum of money, the restaurant was packed down, and some extra actors were found to act as guests, and the filming can be carried out normally.

In the morning, the filming task was successfully completed. The big guy sat at the table for dinner and rest. Jiang Wen came to Shen Long with a plate and sat down. "I just asked those extra actors. It really is the same as written in. College students who graduated from good schools in China, but when they arrived in New York, they only had to wash their dishes. If you change to me, even if they earn more than they do in China, they are unwilling. Why do you say they are all doing this? "

"Is there too few people in our circle trying to go abroad? What role can they play in the United States? It's not as if the United States is developed, and how much more money it makes than domestically!" Shen Long shook his head, and the talents would always go to more economically developed countries. Mobility, this is an objective law. Will not many foreigners flock to China in the future?

These people are indeed scarce talents in the country at present, but it is useless to learn in a foreign country. This is a lose-lose situation for themselves and the country. The country has lost talents ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ They lost a better space and a brighter future.

However, this is also the price that must be paid for opening up. Even if one hundred people go out and only one or two come back, as long as these two people can bring advanced foreign experience, then these efforts are worthwhile and will make China better. As China develops, the proportion of people willing to return will inevitably increase, and then continue to drive China's development.

"I think their status is awkward. Some of them have already got green cards or even naturalized, but they are still in Chinatown. If you want to change to me, you must try to squeeze into Hollywood! Before, Achun said" I "I'm not Chinese or American." I'm quite puzzled. Now I see them. I understand. "Jiang Wen said.

"They are now naturalized in the United States, and they are indeed not Chinese in the legal sense; but they just got their identity certificates. Spiritually, they have not fully integrated into the American environment. The white people on the street Xiaohei, when they look at their skin color and appearance, they think they are Chinese, and it is difficult for them to be recognized by Americans. Maybe you can earn money to support yourself in the United States, and even live as well as Wang Qiming, But in the eyes of real Americans, they are still outsiders! "

"For the Chinese, they are already enviable Americans. For Americans, they are still Chinese, so they have Achun's words!" A good actor is undoubtedly good at observation Living, and Jiang Wen is such an actor. Through a short period of contact, he has already grasped the mentality of these Chinese in the United States.

"And they can't go back if they want to. For China, they are already outsiders. Even if they go back to their relatives and friends, they will not understand ..." This is like the hard work of those who have mixed up in Beijing and Guangzhou in the future, and it is difficult to go back. The same goes for young people in their hometowns and small towns.

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