All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2055: Jordan

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Once the actors understand the role, it is much easier to perform. Jiang Wen ’s subsequent performances have become smoother, and also led to the performance of other crew members. This is like a team where the boss is in a good state and will also drive other players. Like the play, the progress of the shooting became smoother, and the shooting in the restaurant was soon completed.

So he moved to the next location. The knitting factory where Wang Qiming worked and the villa he bought after he developed; of course, the villa he lived in could not be compared with Feng Dayou ’s Long Island Manor, it was just a large residence of the wealthy middle class in the United States. It ’s just a house. This location did n’t cost any money. Tom contributed his house for them to shoot.

His income from TV stations is good, and he can be regarded as a middle class. Many of the furnishings in the family can be used directly without changing. All he needs to do is to buy some Chinese characteristics to reflect Wang Qiming ’s Chinese identity. These will be used as gifts after the shooting. Just give it to Tom.

"Oh, hey, I'm pretty much out of it. What's inside, Tom, I'll live here with you in a few days?" Jiang Wen recalled the basement where he lived a while ago, and he was very moved.

"No problem, my wife and children just happened to go on vacation, you live casually!" Tom said generously, anyway, his task now is to serve the friends of good customers, let alone help him for a few days at home, even if he is looking for A bunch of girls come to open the body, that is absolutely no problem, but Shen Long has no intention, West City has been with him in New York these days.

As for the factory, there is no need to ask others to borrow it. The original author Cao Guilin opened a knitting factory in New York. This can even be said to be shooting in the original scene. Cao Guilin is also willing to let them shoot here. On the one hand, he commemorates himself. The years of struggle, on the other hand, are because of interests.

Once the TV series is on fire in China, it will inevitably drive his sales growth. He can also get more royalties. After arriving at the factory, the crew did not rush to start shooting. The photographer took the team to look around the factory and prepared to choose. The best shooting angle, while Shen Long and Jiang Wen went to Cao Guilin's office and chatted with him.

Speaking of his experience over the years, Cao Guilin was also very emotional. From a penniless foreigner who could only sleep in the basement and stay in the restaurant behind the kitchen and wash the dishes, he became the owner of the factory and the wealthy middle class in New York. Too much.

"Lao Cao, don't sigh, if you are good enough now, I saw in Chinatown. Many people have come to the United States for ten years and still wash their dishes there!" Jiang Wen comforted.

"What's so good, that's why you don't have to worry about eating and drinking! Don't look at my factory now, but it is impossible to expand the scale, and the competition has become more and more intense in recent years. It's bankruptcy and closed! Hey, we are Chinese, and it's too difficult to get into the upper class of the American society! "Although it is not for whom to work, Cao Guilin is still facing a transparent ceiling, and his career has reached a bottleneck.

"The apparel industry in the United States is monopolized by Jews, Italians, and French. It ’s better for me to play in such a small way, but if I want to squeeze into their circles, it is purely a dream. No one will look at you at all! It's like you, an actor from China, who occasionally plays a supporting role in a movie or something. You don't need to think about playing a leading role at all. "He used a metaphor that Jiang Wen could understand.

"Co-authors have circles here and there!" Jiang Wen understood immediately, "I thought Americans didn't pay attention to these things!"

"Why don't you tell me? Those who can really come into contact with this will understand that Americans' sense of circle is much stronger than ours. If you have no relationship with this circle, people will not take you to play! How much did I spend? Understand the truth! At the beginning, I thought it was enough to have money. Later, I discovered that some things are more important than money. "Cao Guilin said.

"You have reached a bottleneck in the United States, maybe you can go back and look at it, you have been abroad for almost ten years? The country is very different from when you first came out, but the chances of a fast-growing country are definitely better than you. There are many in the United States; you do n’t even have to think about what to do. Just take your apparel brand back to China and you can make a lot of money directly. But this is an American apparel brand. If someone rushes to this, someone will definitely buy it! " , Da Vinci Home Furnishing, Mona Lisa tiles?

"Well, I have to go back and see. In the past, I did n’t dare to think that domestic TV stations were willing to spend a lot of money to make TV shows in the United States; and that rich people like Mr. Feng stayed in the country for a long time. That's right. "Cao Guilin gave birth to Yijin's idea of ​​returning home.

I chatted with him a few times ~ ~ Jiang Wen deepened his understanding of this role. Later, Wang Qiming's pride, confusion, and struggle after having money were vividly interpreted by him.

The shooting at the factory soon ended, and then the shooting at the villa at home. After the shooting, they went to Las Vegas to shoot the location, but Wang Qiming's gambling scene was not shot here. They will not be allowed to shoot in.

However, this is not too much trouble. Feng Dayou has membership cards in many rich clubs in New York. Looking for a club with a gaming table, he went in and took a picture. This time, the big guys have gained some insight.

It took more than a month to complete the shooting in New York, and the rest of the shots could be taken in China, and they could finally leave the United States and go home.

Before leaving, Shen Long personally invited the big guys to take care of themselves. Please go to the high-end restaurant to have a beautiful meal. After that, let the TV staff take them to visit Fifth Avenue and Times Square. Then came to Madison Square Garden with a few crew members who are more interested in sports to watch NBA games.

Today is the pinnacle of Joe's helper. Tonight, Joe's helper just took the Bulls to Madison Square Garden to prepare for a confrontation with the Knicks led by Ewing. Since this kind of confrontation has happened, we must come and take a look.

Shen Long directly called Stern for the ticket. He was met by Shen Long when he was waiting outside the court station. Then the two said a few words, and they established a connection. They wanted a ticket. It's just a matter.

So today a magical scene appeared in Madison Square Garden, a group of Chinese people sitting in the super VIP position behind the Bulls bench.

Hey, Joe is really young at this time! Shen Long looked at the bald black man in front of him.

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