All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2056: Heads-up? Then come!

This position is awesome, you can touch the old Joe in front of your hand. Madison Square Garden is a sacred place in the NBA. Although the New York Knicks have a poor overall history, no matter how the team plays, the stadium is almost every game. Both are full, and today is still the championship Chicago Bulls team, the average person with money is not necessarily able to buy tickets in such a good position.

But who asked Shen Long to say a few good words to Stern outside the court station, so as to avoid the pain of blowing cold wind outside, Shen Long still appreciates Stern, he is not the kind of Xiao Hua He was mentally disabled, so he helped him a little.

Afterwards, Stern learned about Shen Long ’s status on the court platform, so he contacted him often. After hearing that Shen Long came to New York, Stern wanted to invite him to the game and knew that Shen Long wanted to show the Bulls. Immediately after the match, someone was sent to deliver the best location ticket.

Shen Long is now sitting behind the Bulls and looking at the Bulls ’lineup. Hey, it ’s a pity that he ca n’t see the guy with flamboyant hair color! Shen Long glanced at the Bulls in front of him. Lord Joe and Lord Pi were unable to move, and Rodman was still here with the Detroit Pistons.

Now the main team of the Bulls is not only Joe Joe and Lord Pi, but also Bill Cartwright, Horeth Grant, BJ Armstrong, John Parkson and others, Rodman and Kukoc , Cole and others have not joined.

Soon after sitting down, the two teams started to warm up. Master Joe either shot or layup. Occasionally, they came to have another dunk. Jiang Wen and others were applauded. "Oh, this is comparable to domestic The game is much stronger. It's sultan to watch the game so close. What is the bald head, and the shooting is accurate. "

"Michael Jordan, probably the best basketball player in the world!" Shen Long replied, whispering in his heart, except me, hey, unfortunately this task is not to play basketball, or else Also come to the NBA to play, as long as he doesn't join the Bulls, Joe's helper will still be smooth on his fingers until he retires, and he can't get a ring.

While he was talking, maybe Pi Er went to see the big **** the stand, but he didn't see the ball passed by Parkson, and the basketball flew straight towards Shen Long. Shen Long handed the happy water of the fat house to his left hand. He stretched out his right hand to take the basketball in his hand. After thinking about it, it was a little itchy, and he simply sat on the chair and threw the basketball toward the hoop with one hand.

Just listening to the brush, the basketball hollowed into the net, driving the net to splash a snow-white wave, "Wow ~ oh ~~", there was a burst of exclamation immediately at the scene, and then the audience responded to Shen Long's magical performance Warm applause.

Elementary school student Curry is still a three-year-old child, and he is staying with his father in Charlotte. The NBA audience has the opportunity to see this kind of super long-range shot, and it is still sitting on a chair with one hand.

The televised camera immediately aimed at Shen Long. The big screen above the stadium played Shen Long's shot over and over again. He waved a smile to the audience with a smile, and even covered the players on the court for a while. Them.

Qiao looked at the host, and threw his basketball towards Shen Long, and then pointed to the basket in front of him, "Busy, come again!" He thought Shen Long must be blindfolded.

"OK, no problem!" Shen Long still sitting on the chair, took up the basketball with one hand and raised it, flipped a few times in his hand and then shot the basketball again, it was a wave of spray again, the basketball was hollow into the net again.

The applause of the audience was even more heated this time. The whistle was continuous. Even the live commentary ran to Shen Long with a microphone. "Hey, buddy, can you tell me how you practiced this hand?"

The loss is that Shen Long is sitting in the super VIP seat. At first glance, it is a person with money and identity. Otherwise, the staff of Madison Square Garden may come and invite him to come here to work, and do n’t need to do anything every day. It's enough to give everyone a super long-range shot during the intermission.

"Ah, it's not much practice, maybe I am more talented in shooting!" Shen Long said with a shrug.

"Are you sure this is not luck? Can you show it to everyone again?" The commentary took another basketball, and then pointed the camera at Shen Long. Shen Long hit again without accident.

"Michael, can you do it?" The players on the court didn't warm up at this time, they all gathered around the mid-circle arc to watch Shen Long perform, and Ewing asked Jordan's shoulders.

"If I practice, I probably can enter one or two occasionally! It is absolutely impossible to enter every one like him!" Joe Gang, who has always refused to admit defeat, had to admit to seeing Shen Long's magical performance. He glanced at the position where Shen Long was sitting, looked at the basket in the distance, turned his basketball over, and wanted to give it a try.

But he didn't throw the ball in the end. After all, there are still tens of thousands of spectators in the arena. If you can't shoot it, you will lose the adult. He looked at Armstrong, who has the highest three-point shooting rate. BJ, can you do it? "

"What a joke, who would practice such a three-point shot?" Armstrong shook his head again and again. If I dared to come on the court once, Jackson would definitely replace me immediately, and then press the bench to sit on the bench for the whole game. Most of his offenses are based on the basket and the middle distance. Three-pointers are only used occasionally. No one will practice ultra-long-range threepointers at all.

At this time, the time for the game to start is also close.

"Well, it's better than you." Shen Long answered with a smile.

Joe ’s helper was a little bit angered by him. “Basketball is n’t just about shooting. If I come to defend you, I ’m sure you wo n’t even have a shot!”

Oops, was this a chance to single out with Joe? Shen Long immediately followed his topic, "Unfortunately, the Knicks will definitely not let me play, otherwise you can try it."

"Let's go head-to-head after the game, a handful of ten thousand dollars!"

"Ten thousand dollars is a little bit less, but that's it. If you can win me, in addition to ten thousand dollars, how would I teach you a few tricks that gambling will win?" Shen Long knows that Joe's favorite gambling I often go to Las Vegas to play a few.

"As for time, it's better tomorrow. I don't want to hear any reason why you are too tired after the game." It must be taken by then!

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