All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2062: Zhao Donglai, see you again

In front of the facts, some people are silent, some people still refuse to recognize, but this has allowed some people to see the truth of the United States. This is Shen Long ’s filming of “Beijing in New York” and this documentary. Meaning.

After the documentary broadcast ended, Shen Long also transferred all his energy to the preparation work of "Water Margin". Feng Dayou's Songcheng in the film and television base is about to be repaired, and the shooting base over Liangshan has also signed a contract to start construction. , The main actors they selected from all over the country also came to Beijing for auditions.

The first one was Zang Jinsheng. Compared with the last time I met with Shen Long, Zang Jinsheng was 20 pounds fatter, but he was still far away from Lu Zhishen ’s stature, so other members of the crew were hesitant, but they took it in Zang Jinsheng. After the photos they took before, they didn't speak anymore, and they could gain more than 20 pounds of body weight in such a short time, so he will surely meet Lu Zhishen's standards when he is officially filmed.

"Xiao Zang played Zhang Fei well in" The Romance of the Three Kingdoms ", I believe he can also play Lu Zhishen well, but this time he does not need to discredit his face!" Ren Dahui expressed his opinion with a smile, so Lu Zhishen The candidates for this are decided.

Zang Jinsheng does not need to discredit his face, but the next one must discredit, otherwise how to play "Songshan timely rain, Xiaoyi Hei Sanlang" Song Jiang Song Gongming? Song Jiang is the soul of the whole drama. The rise and decline of Liang Shan are caused by Song Jiang. If he was not the master of the village, but instead he always let Chao Gai become the boss, Liang Shan could not grow so strong. , Liangshan heroes will not die so tragically. From a small person sitting on the position of Liangshanzhai, Song Jiang ’s mental journey is not an easy thing, it must be an outstanding actor. Only performance.

So the crew found Li Xuejian, the award-winning performing artist who was the first to evaluate Lin Shuai ’s performance in the drama and won the Plum Blossom Award, the highest prize in Chinese drama; he later starred as the good man Song Dacheng in the TV show "Aspire" and won the Flying Award. Best Supporting Actor Award and Best Actor Award at the 9th Golden Eagle Award; starring film "*" won the Best Actor Award at the 11th China Film Golden Rooster Award and the Best Actor Award at the 14th Popular Film Hundred Flowers Award.

He has already won the highest domestic awards in the three major fields of drama, TV series, and film. In today's performance world, Mr. Li Xuejian can be called a benchmark character. It is not easy to ask him to move him. This is not a matter of money. Mr. Li Xuejian has an artistic pursuit. In choosing the script, he values ​​the role of the role and the value of performance.

At the beginning, Mr. Li Xuejian thought that the character Song Jiang was too simple and had little room to play, so he did n’t want to play. So Shen Long had to go in person and give him a detailed analysis of the character Song Jiang. Although he was just a little official, Ambitious, but because of Xu Xu's identity, there is no way to go higher in the officialdom.

Therefore, his mood should be relatively depressed. He made friends only to accumulate reputation. At the beginning, he did not intend to rebel against the mountain. Even if he was jailed because of Yan Po ’s regrets, he still wanted to be a good person. It is the embodiment of his inner true thoughts.

Speaking of this, Shen Long felt that the light was not vivid enough, so he found pen and ink and wrote the whole poem in front of Li Xuejian:

He has had a history of warfare since childhood, and he has the right to conspiracy. Just like a tiger lying on a barren hill, lurking minions endure.

Unfortunately, tattooed cheeks, it is worthy of Jiangzhou. If he had to avenge his revenge in his year, his blood would be contaminated in Yangjiang!

The heart is in Wu, Shandong, and the puffy river is whining. He Ruoxing Lingyunzhi, dare to laugh Huang Chao not husband!

These are actually two songs. The first eight sentences are a short "Xijiang Moon", while the last four sentences are a seven-stroke. When the officialdom was at the end of the road, I instinctively remembered that I still have the road of rivers and lakes. In the world of rivers and lakes, my Song Jiang is a famous and timely rain. I really want to make me angry, so I went to Liangshan.

In that first seven songs, Song Jiang showed his ambitions unabashedly. If Song Jiang went to Liangshan, if one day realized my Lingyun aspirations, with my ability to control Song Jiang, what would Huang Chao count.

Shen Long originally used regular script, which symbolized Song Jiang ’s thoughts of being cautious, and then turned into a cursive grass, with the brushstrokes flying arbitrarily, reflecting Song Jiang ’s heroic demeanor.

Li Xuejian's calligraphy is also very good. During the filming of this episode in the TV series, no cover was used, and the audience could clearly see that the anti-poem was written by himself.

Li Xuejian's level of discrimination in calligraphy is quite good. After reading this word for a long time, he finally understands Song Jiang's state of mind and understands that this is a very deep and worthy figure. So he came down and came to the court to participate Audition.

Sometimes the real acting school can lively deduct the characters without even saying a line. This is the case with Mr. Li Xuejian. He didn't speak after he entered, he just walked a few steps. He walked in small steps and his upper body was straight. A cautious and smart Yuncheng little official ~ ~ came out of it alive.

Shen Long, Ren Dahui and others could not help but scream, Shen Long stood up and said, "Mr. Li's analysis of Song Jiang's behavior and habits really admires us."

Shen Long had already decided that he was the best choice to play Song Jiang. After watching these few steps, others no longer doubted Li Xuejian and decided on the spot.

Then there is another actor Wu Song. The other members of the crew originally wanted to invite Zhu Yanping, the star of the TV series "Wu Song" produced by Shandong TV Station in 1983. He is 1.8 meters big, with big eyebrows and big eyes, and Sifang Guozi face. There was a sense of heroism in Meiyu, and Wu Song, who played that year, was deeply loved by the audience. There is a certain audience base. If he is to play Wu Song, the audience will definitely not have any opinions.

However, Shen Long recommended another candidate, a young man in his twenties who had only played a small role in some small productions. The big guys were hesitant, but thinking about Shen Long before choosing actors At that time, they all decided to reserve their opinions and give this young man a chance.

Ding Haifeng came in, and Shen Long smiled when he saw him. Comrade Zhao Donglai was gone for a long time. When you met you last time, you were the chief of public security in the provincial capital. This time you have to be the captain of the criminal police of the county public security bureau.

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