All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2063: The first thing in the group: fitness

"Huh, I know why you think Zhu Yanping is inappropriate." As soon as Ding Haifeng came in, Ren Dahui figured out the taste. Although Zhu Yanping was tall and heroic, his face was a bit old, with folds on his face and fierce eyes. Guang, it's no problem for such a person to fight a tiger, but can Pan Jinlian like it?

Ding Haifeng is much better-looking. The young man is young, handsome and handsome, and he is young and sunny. Such a person can't help but stand in front of Pan Jinlian, saying that he will clamp his legs and give birth to a passion.

"You ... laugh and show me!" Ren Dahui thought for a while, and heard Ding Haifeng being abrupt for a while, why? Is it a joke for me to co-operate? But he still showed a shy smile.

"Yes, that's the taste!" Ren Dahui snapped the table sharply. "Wu Song when he was young was to bring a kind of sunshine and rustic taste; his brows were stretched and clear, and his eyes were clear and clear, His smile is honest and sunny, his mind is masculine and straightforward, and all his temperament and traits are derived from nature. "

"Xiao Feng, your vision is absolutely amazing! This Wusong is much better than the Shandong version of Wusong!" The story of Wusong in "Water Margin" has also been cut down. There is no night walk of Centipede Ridge and Punching Ming. The plot of "Blood Duck Duck Tower" has also been modified to remove the indiscriminate killing of innocent people, highlighting the joy and enmity and retaining his original rustic taste.

Wu Song in The Water Margin is a little more complicated, but few viewers would like to see Wu Song ’s changes after Blood Splashing Duck Tower. They are more willing to see Wu Song, who is upright and simple in character, so that young people like Ding Haifeng It ’s best to come to play, especially the simple and honest character between his eyebrows.

"Don't you practice martial arts? Wu Song has a lot of martial arts. Can you shoot this?" The image matches, so there is only one last question left.

"I haven't practiced much, but I can learn, I'm not afraid of hardship!" Ding Haifeng said quickly. He had just stepped into the film and television circle. He used to be a small role in the past. Now he has the opportunity to play such a brilliant role as Wu Song. How could it be easily let go, immediately showed determination.

"It's good to endure hardships." A few people looked at them and nodded to each other. "The role of Wu Song will be determined for the time being. You are ready to report to the crew, but some words may have to be said in advance. If your skill does not meet the requirements of shooting, you can only change people! "

Several of them are important roles, so the next one who comes in is also an important person. Li Kui ’s candidate Zhao Xiaorui, who is also a strong actor, performed Chen Daoming ’s “One and Eight” in the early years and won the Golden Rooster Award for the most Nominated for the best actor, and later won the Baihua Special Award and the best supporting actor of Xiaobaihua for the Vietnamese agents in "Lightning Action".

Later, he played Ding Shangwu in "The Fire King" and won the government film award. He played a positive character in the front foot, and ran back to play the villain. In the film "After the Battle", he played the peanut army commander, young military division. Chang Qiu Xingxiang.

"It's still a little thin, but it's pretty good. It looks like Li Kui, like Li Kui. In this way, it's a bit fierce to have a beard and stare!" This is Li Kui's characteristic. Previously they let Jia Yan play Hu Yanzhuo The stone tried, but unfortunately the momentum was not fierce enough, without the spirit of Li Kui.

Zhao Xiaorui did according to Shen Long ’s request, and everyone was very satisfied, “Yes, Li Kui will be played by you, but you also have to gain weight. After entering the crew, let ’s eat with Zang Jinsheng!” An increase of more than thirty pounds.

"Director, can you change roles? I don't want to play Li Kui, I want to play Ruan Xiaoqi." Zhao Xiaorui also wanted to bargain, and then was directly rejected by Shen Long. What a joke, if you don't play, then it's not less A classic character?

The next candidate was wearing a felt hat, carrying a flower gun on his shoulders, and came in with a wine gourd. After entering, he looked a little confused. "Director, I thought you asked me to play Ximen Qing. Why was Lin Chong! I used to It ’s always been a drama, but I ’ve never played a martial art. Lin Chong is afraid it ’s not a good one! "

Lin Chong ’s actor Zhou Yemang graduated from the Department of Performing Arts. After graduation, he entered the Shanghai People ’s Theatre, mainly acting in dramas, and occasionally acting in movies. Most of the characters were brother-in-law or capitalist, so he always thought that he would let himself act when he received audition Ximen Qing came, but unexpectedly became Lin Chong.

"The character Lin Chong is more complicated, elegant and kind, but still a bit stable and optimistic, so only actors with good skills in the literary theater can perform well. I think you are quite suitable. As for the martial arts, you have not played Yang Family General before. Yang Qilang? We will have unified training at that time, just practice for a while. "

That's how Lin Chong settled, and finally it was her turn to play the role of female character. "Water Margin" has two major criteria for casting. The male is a simple woman. The only exception is Pan Jinlian and Li Shishi. Man, who was originally a model, Shen Long asked Feng Dayou to help over. After the audition, his image and temperament passed, and he was settled on the spot.

Li Shishi played an acquaintance ~ ~ I played Lingji Bodhisattva in "Journey to the West" and He Qiao in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".

The last audition on this day was the wife Wang. Teacher Li Mingqi came in and stood there against the pillar. Without taking anything in his hand, he made a gesture of squashing melon seeds. His small eyes narrowed slightly and his eyes fluttered. At first glance, it seems to be thinking about something bad, but this is a three-point performance of the wife, and is indeed a national first-class actor.

"Teacher Wang, this role has wronged you. After the TV drama is broadcast in the future, you are afraid that you will get a lot of scolding!" Shen Long said politely.

"It's okay, the audience scolded that it means I played well!" Teacher Li is an old actor, but this is very open.

The audition continued, and the actors were also in place. After Wu Jing heard that Shen Long was going to shoot the Water Margin, he had been entangled with him for acting. Shen Long looked at his baby face with some difficulties, and finally thought he wanted to try Shishixiu Shi Xiu is also a talented person. Of course, the most important thing is the card in the Water Margin. Shi Xiu is also a little white face.

After all the actors arrived, Shen Long gathered them together for training, and announced in front of all Liangshan heroes, "The first thing after entering the group is to exercise. Exercise your muscles first and then say that there is no flesh to practice. Not good Liangshan heroes! "

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