All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2064: Crying, Wu 2lang can't beat Wu Dalang

This is the hard requirement of Shen Long, not only to make the audience see the truth, but also to ensure the quality of the work, because the role to be played, they are heroes and heroes; since they are heroes, they will definitely have a muscle all day long. It is absolutely impossible to be a "thin hemp rod" with a weak wind.

There are many talents in the "Water Margin" crew, and there are also professionals in fitness. That is Ruan Xiaowu's actor Zhang Hengping. After he retired from the army, he took his father's class as a road construction worker. He likes to participate in various bodybuilding competitions. He was awarded a celebrity in the competition this time and is now a celebrity in the fitness industry. The crew originally wanted him to be a coach. After arriving, he felt that his image was more appropriate. By the way, he was asked to play Ruan Xiaowu. Well, definitely not to save money.

Zhang Hengping has also played many classic roles in the future, such as the heavy machine gunner Cui Yong in "My Leader and My Regiment", such as Lu Bai, the crane crane in "Swordsman", and "The Legend of Shooting Heroes" Lu has feet and so on.

Under the professional guidance of Zhang Hengping and the nutritious meal prepared by Shen Long for them, the muscles of the crew members swelled up at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. Shen Long has begun to make up the picture of Liang Shanshui ’s active capture of Liu Menglong. .

In that scene, "Wang Li Bai Tiao" Zhang Shun, "Fan Jiang Pian" Tong Meng, "Living Yan Luo" Ruan Xiaoqi, "Shining Huoer" Zhang Heng, "Chang Huo Jiao" Tong Wei, "Hang Jiang Long" Li Jun and Ruan Xiaoer, "Situated too old", seven of them are shirtless and show their strong muscles around Liu Menglong. The full screen of the strong men is absolutely amazing.

It's still a long time ago, and the rot culture has not yet developed. If this scene is placed in the 21st century, seeing this picture of the rot woman on the Internet will definitely fry the pan, and I don't know how they will spoof the bad luck Liu Menglong. ? There are also the mistresses of Xiao Po Station's ghost and animal district ... Shen Long couldn't bear to think anymore.

In addition to practicing muscles, they also have to practice martial arts. This time, they do n’t need Shen Long to point his finger. There are many martial arts masters in the "Water Margin" crew. Naturally, Wu Jing said, Liu Weihua, who plays Ruan Xiaoer After graduating from Beijing University of Physical Education, he is a professional Sanda athlete.

Meng Gengcheng, the time-changing performer of "Drum on the Flea", was born in a family of martial arts. At the age of 6, he learned martial arts with his father. At the age of 10, he went to the Shanxi Martial Arts Team. At the age of 12, he won the first Chinese martial arts championship. Spread in the Chinese martial arts community.

After that, Meng Gengcheng was selected into the national team together with Li Lianjie in Beijing and Zhao Changjun in Shaanxi. They joined hands to participate in various martial arts competitions at home and abroad. During the period of more than six years from 1974 to 1980, 18 countries and regions in the world have left the footprint of this Chinese martial arts star.

They also learned Japanese by themselves, because being able to speak fluent Japanese has allowed him to shape another classic character, Sakata Osa in "Sword" in addition to the times.

Zhang Hengping took the big guy to fitness, Wu Jing, Liu Weihua, Meng Gengcheng took the big guy to practice martial arts, now they live in a place unlike the five-star hotel in later generations, and there is a spacious gym, and they are very dedicated in practice, except daily In addition to practice outside, return to the residence, and practice in the hotel corridor.

Thanks to Shen Long's contracting of the hotel, otherwise other guests have to complain. Now there are no other guests, and the waiters have adapted. Only one person is still afraid, that is Wang Siyi from Baodao.

She said this in an interview with reporters in the future, "I met them every day in the corridor of the hotel. I was there in the corridor every day. I practiced exercises, barbells or something. I wore a pair of sweatpants and the bare chest. Muscles, I have to walk against the wall to see them all feel like bandits; especially Li Kui's head is so big, his eyes are so big, he has a tendon, and his eyes are like a fire. It is really scary. "

I don't know how Zhao Xiaorui would react when he heard these words; but Wang Siyi calmed down after getting familiar with them. Although these actors looked fierce, they were all good people.

On this day, Shen Long came to the scene to watch their practice. He focused on Zang Jinsheng, Zhou Yemang, Ding Haifeng, Zhao Xiaorui, and Xiu Qing who played Huarong, and Zhai Naishe who played Yang Zhi. The whole drama counted their martial arts most and most. If they play well, if they do not perform well, the quality of the play will be greatly reduced.

Xiu Qing was better. He was born in a family of Yu operas. When he was a child, he practiced some basic skills. In the future, he played Ouyang Ke in "The Legend of Eagle Shooting Heroes" and Murong Fu in "Dragons in Eight Divisions". The martial arts are also not bad.

The other few people had poor skills, so they worked very hard, but no one would say tired, and they all practiced in the sweat on the field. Among them, Ding Haifeng had the most teachers around him. In addition to Wu Jing, Yuan Baye He was also talking to him, but Wu Song wanted to fight drunk, so he had to practice this routine first.

Shen Long originally looked quietly on the side, and suddenly saw an actor who didn't need to practice martial arts was also nearby. He suddenly thought of a fun thing, so he greeted, "Haifeng, see you practice so much God, it looks a little bit like this, otherwise I will find someone to make a double stroke with you on the spot, let you experience the feeling of actual combat! "

Ding Haifeng will not refuse, naturally, several coaches are excited, Wu Jing came up first, a few snaps, Ding Haifeng lay down on the ground.

Then Liu Weihua came on the stage, and Ding Haifeng lay down on the ground again ~ ~ Then Meng Gengcheng came over, and Ding Haifeng fell for the third time.

"Aren't you bullying?" Shen Long pretended not to be happy, and pulled Ding Haifeng up and gave him a massage to relieve pain and fatigue. "Wu Song, who can only be beaten but can't fight back, is that still called Wu Song? Hai Feng, Let me find you an opponent that is easy to deal with, and you also feel what it is like to beat someone. "

Then Shen Long greeted, "Wenhua, you just let your younger brother, you two learn from each other." He found Song Wenhua, the player of Wu Dalang, originally he wanted Yu Huadong, who played the Tuxing Sun before. However, the image of Yu Huadong is really inappropriate.

Song Wenhua came over and stood in front of Ding Haifeng. Ding Haifeng was a little embarrassed to start. Wu Jing and Liu Weihua next to him stood there smilingly, ready to watch the excitement like Shen Long.

At the urging of Shen Long again, the two of them finally started, a few snaps, the short Song Wenhua still stood, and the tall Ding Haifeng fell again.

Ding Haifeng was lying on the ground and was about to cry without tears. "You said I couldn't beat Ruan Xiaoer, Shi Xiu and Shiqian. Why can't even Wu Dalang beat him! This is too embarrassing to Wu Erlang?"

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