All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 2065: Design

"Hahaha, Brother Wu, don't be depressed. Brother Song won the national martial arts championship, let alone you, even if we go up, we may not be able to please!" Wu Jing finally couldn't hold back, " Brother Song used to be a member of the Beijing Workers Martial Arts Team. He would be the champion of drunk fist, drunk stick, and single-handed sword. He won the championship of several competitions.

Shen Long did n’t speak with a smile. Wu Jing ’s words were actually exaggerated. The martial arts in the ordinary world were not as exaggerated as those in the martial arts world. After all, they had longer arms and longer legs and higher body weight. They might not be Song Wenhua ’s opponents. But if you really want to fight against each other, as long as you don't make any particularly big mistakes, you will win.

"Oh, you guys have been waiting to see the excitement!" Ding Haifeng was depressed and depressed, "I said Brother Song, why are you playing Wu Dalang, you went directly to play the bantam tiger king Ying!"

"I also said this to the director, but the director said that I was too stubborn to play Wang Ying's squint." Song Wenhua had a good character, and then he joke on his topic; don't look at people Parents are short, but others have the ability to practice martial arts to win the national championship. Acting can become a national first-class actor. It is good for the average person to reach one, and everyone can do anything.

"Brother Song, why don't you play Wang Ying's squinting taste? How can I sound like a curse!" Xu Jingyi, who plays Wang Ying, was dissatisfied.

This is also a gold supporting role. In addition to Wang Ying, he has also played many memorable supporting roles, such as the Peach Branch Immortal in the Six Immortals of Taogu in Xiaoaojianghu, and the big head of the ghost in the Xishan Cave in "The Condor Heroes" Ghost, but these are not his most memorable characters. His most famous character is the toad essence in "The Journey to the West".

When Niu Mowang and Zixia Fairy were about to get married, they asked who was against it, and then he stood up. Before the Niu Demon swelled, Zhou Xingchi jumped out and said the classic line, "Renjia is a woman with a talented appearance. You monster against it? "

"Old Song, I think you should bring a few students too. You are good at drunken punching, teach Haifeng more, and Jingyi also follow you. Naturally, the martial arts of the bantam tiger are different from others. At that time, you discuss with Xiangjiang's Wuzhi, and design some good-looking routines for him! "Such talents can't be wasted, so he has to do more work.

"Hole, brother, I will teach you later!" Song Wenhua stepped up to pull Ding Haifeng up. In the TV series, Wu Erlang took care of Wu Dalang, but in reality it became Wu Dalang to teach Wu Erlang. It is also a benefit to do this. Wu Erlang is Sincerely respecting his brother, Song Wenhua worked as a teacher for Ding Haifeng for a period of time, which helped to cultivate this emotion.

After getting up, Ding Haifeng glanced at Li Qiang, who played Ximen Qing. "My brother is so powerful. It takes me to deal with Ximen Qing. My brother just ran Ximen Qing away!" The scene suddenly burst into laughter.

After the episode, Liang Shan's heroes continued to exercise and martial arts, and Shen Long returned to the meeting room to discuss the character modeling of "Water Margin" with the modeling designer Dai Dunbang. The character modeling of this TV drama left a deep impression on many people. Everyone thinks that Lu Zhishen, Lin Chong and Wu Song are like the ones who came out of the paintings. This is the credit of Teacher Dai Dunbang.

Mr. Dai Dunbang is a famous Chinese painter. For many years he has devoted himself to creating group portraits of Chinese classical literature masterpieces. His main works include "Dai Dunbang Water Margin Leaf", "Water Margin Figure 108", "Dai Dunbang Water Margin Character Sheet", "Hundred Dreams of Red Mansions", "Dai Dunbang's new painting" Dream of Red Mansions "", "Red Mansions Story Comic Book", "Dai Dunbang's Painting Collection", "Dai Dunbang's Classical Literature Collection", "Dai Dunbang's Poetry and Love"

The color comics "Chen Sheng Wu Guang", "Forcing to Liangshan", "Dai Dunbang's Newly Painted Song of Long Sorrow" and other awards at home and abroad. He painted.

His figure painting is longer than the figure's appearance, good at dyeing, strong lines, full description, different expressions, and lifelike. The selection of "Water Margin" is based on his figure painting, holding Teacher Dai's "Dai Dunbang Water Margin Character Spectrum" 》 The audit, the actor who came to the audition matches the spirit of the figure on the picture, and then to test the acting skills, if it is not like, the acting skills are not good anymore, can the chosen character like this come out of the painting?

At the end of the TV series, the long scroll of the character slowly rolling along with the song "The big river flows east, the stars in the sky ~" was drawn by Mr. Dai Dunbang. The crew couldn't give much money, but Mr. Dai still worked hard. All the characters, because he really likes these.

Shen Long has already thought about it. Although the crew ca n’t give much money, they can make up for it from other places. When the time comes, the character card of the Water Margin in the snack bag will be shaped like Mr. Dai ’s character and give him a generous copyright royalty. To thank him for his efforts.

"I think, the character costumes of" Water Margin "~ ~ can not only look at the characters that do not conform to the history of Xuanhe in the Northern Song Dynasty, but also have to consider the personality and temperament of the characters to tailor them, and must be done The shape and temperament are consistent, so that the audience can see it before it is comfortable! "Teacher Dai said, pointing to the Wusong shape he just painted.

"With you there, I am assured of the characters in this drama. You are more demanding than yourself!" Shen Long looked at the paintings seriously, some of them were in the early days in Yanggu County, and some were brought in later. Those who wear hair hoops are all familiar with Wu Song's temperament, which is much more pleasing than that of Wu Song in the "New Water Margin" wearing a headscarf.

That Wu Song made Shen Long inexplicable. Are you Captain Cos Jack Sparrow? There is also Li Kui, who looks like two fools, completely unable to see the wildness and ferocity of the black whirlwind.

"" Water Margin "is a man's play, and it's still a river and lake show, so no matter the character shape, costume design or makeup, it must reflect a total of rough beauty. Liangshan heroes are real rash heroes, not brothers, they don't need to be so delicate. Magnificent; props should be lifelike, and it should give people the feeling that these things will not appear abrupt even if they are placed in the countryside, so that they are used by Liangshan heroes, rather than those used by Song Huizong, Cai Jing, Gao Yu ... "

After several months of training, the crew was finally ready to shoot. The first scene after turning on the camera was the big scene.

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